
Surveying and Mapping Bulletin | Guo Ruirong: BIM-oriented indoor topology-raster hierarchical path planning method

author:Journal of Surveying and Mapping
Surveying and Mapping Bulletin | Guo Ruirong: BIM-oriented indoor topology-raster hierarchical path planning method

The content of this article comes from the "Surveying and Mapping Bulletin" No. 3 of 2024, drawing review number: GS Jing (2024) No. 0499

BIM-oriented indoor topology-raster hierarchical path planning method

Guo Ruirong1,2, Li Chaokui1, Li Hao3, Chen Jun4

1. National and Local Joint Engineering Laboratory of Geospatial Information Technology, Hunan University of Science and Technology, Xiangtan 411201, Hunan, China; 2. School of Earth Sciences and Spatial Information Engineering, Hunan University of Science and Technology, Xiangtan 411201, Hunan, China; 3. Xiangtan Jinhao Software Development Co., Ltd., Xiangtan 411100, China; 4. Hunan Xingtian Electronic Technology Co., Ltd., Changsha, Hunan 410006

Funds: National Natural Science Foundation of China (42171418); Hunan Provincial Natural Resources Science and Technology Program(20230122CH); Hunan Geospatial Information Engineering Technology Research Center Open Project (HNG12023005); Key Laboratory of Urban Land Resources Monitoring and Simulation, Ministry of Natural Resources(KF-2023-08-09)

Keywords: BIM, semantic information, path planning, Dijkstra algorithm, improved A* algorithm

Surveying and Mapping Bulletin | Guo Ruirong: BIM-oriented indoor topology-raster hierarchical path planning method
Surveying and Mapping Bulletin | Guo Ruirong: BIM-oriented indoor topology-raster hierarchical path planning method

Citation format: Guo Ruirong, Li Chaokui, Li Hao, et al. Indoor topology-raster hierarchical path planning method for BIM[J]. Bulletin of Surveying and Mapping, 2024(3): 81-87.doi: 10.13474/j.cnki.11-2246.2024.0314

Abstract:In order to solve the problems of large search space, low efficiency and poor obstacle avoidance security of traditional path planning methods in complex and large scene environments, this paper proposes a BIM-based indoor topology-raster hierarchical path planning method. Firstly, a BIM model of complex indoor environment was established, the semantics, geometry and associated information of structures, obstacles and passages in the model were extracted, and the basic navigation map was obtained through raster abstract mapping. Then, the refinement algorithm is used to generate an offline prior road network between each sub-region in the topology layer, and the optimal path is selected by the Dijkstra algorithm, and based on the self-improved A]* algorithm, the optimal path of the raster layer is quickly and efficiently searched, and a complete global optimal path is constructed by combining the local optimal paths of the topological layer and the raster layer. Finally, compared with the standard A* algorithm and ant colony algorithm, the proposed method not only reduces the path search space, but also ensures the security of the optimal path while ensuring the computational efficiency, and comprehensively verifies the superiority of the proposed path planning method.

About author:GUO Ruirong (1998—), female, master student, research direction is 3D GIS technology and its application. E-mail:[email protected] Corresponding author: Li Chaokui, E-mail:[email protected]

First instance: Yang Ruifang review: Song Qifan

Final Judge: Jin Jun


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