
The U.S. military is helping, the Philippines is clamoring to get rid of Chinese diplomats, the South China Sea hybrid war has begun, and the People's Liberation Army has entered the field

author:Wu Xuelan

Due to the release of evidence by the Chinese side, the Philippine government tore its face and clamored to get rid of the Chinese diplomats, and the US military was not willing to be lonely and made a special trip to the South China Sea to help the Philippines.

A few days ago, Philippine National Security Adviser Arnold publicly clamored for the expulsion of Chinese diplomats, what happened that the Philippine side wanted to behave so disrespectfully?

The U.S. military is helping, the Philippines is clamoring to get rid of Chinese diplomats, the South China Sea hybrid war has begun, and the People's Liberation Army has entered the field

Not long ago, the Chinese side revealed that China and the Philippines reached an agreement on the "new model" of Ren'ai Jiao in a 12-minute phone call at the beginning of this year, which includes that the Philippines must inform the Chinese side two days in advance of the supply of the tank landing ship "Sierra Madre" that illegally "beached" on Ren'ai Jiao, and can only follow the "1+1" model, that is, one coast guard ship and one civilian ship, and can only supply materials or other humanitarian materials for the life of the warship crew, and cannot deliver reinforcement equipment for the warship. Communication with the Chinese side must be maintained during the supply period.

It is not difficult to see that this framework is the result of China and the Philippines taking a step back, and China can uphold humanitarianism and allow the Philippine side to resupply warships, but the Philippine side's supply operations must also be reported in advance, and it must not reinforce warships or trespass on Ren'ai Jiao. If both sides do the same, although the dispute caused by the illegal "beaching" of warships at Ren'ai Jiao will not be resolved, it should still be possible to ease the current grim situation in the South China Sea.

However, the problem is that the Philippines' subsequent attempts to forcibly break into Ren'ai Jiao are clearly completely contrary to this framework, and China's untrustworthy behavior towards the Philippine side for several months has only been to drive away and warn the Philippine side, and the Philippine side has not said anything about the agreement that has been reached. It was not long ago that the Chinese side finally had enough of it and told the truth. Unexpectedly, the Philippine government's high-level officials from defense to foreign affairs departments have flatly denied that an agreement has been reached, and in the end, the Chinese side has no choice, so the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines released part of the call records a few days ago.

The U.S. military is helping, the Philippines is clamoring to get rid of Chinese diplomats, the South China Sea hybrid war has begun, and the People's Liberation Army has entered the field

From the moment the Chinese side released the call record, the truth about the Philippine side's unbelief in its words was made public, and based on common sense, the Philippine side should immediately rein in its actions and admit its mistakes. However, the Philippine side is probably angry and threatens to drive out the Chinese diplomats. However, the more angry the Philippine side becomes, the more it proves that what China says is true and that the Philippines has violated its commitments to China. Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian bluntly said that the Philippine side has just proved that they are weak-minded.

Overall, at present, China has completely torn off the pretense of the Philippines and bankrupted the Philippines' lie of pretending to be a "victim" in the South China Sea, and Sister Lan told everyone that it is not only the Philippines that is angry about this, but also the United States. For the United States, as an extraterritorial country, the Philippines is a stepping stone for them to get into the South China Sea, and without the Philippines disrupting the South China Sea, the United States cannot interfere in the situation in the South China Sea as an ally. Therefore, seeing that the Philippines was in a deep predicament, the US military immediately dispatched to help.

The U.S. military is helping, the Philippines is clamoring to get rid of Chinese diplomats, the South China Sea hybrid war has begun, and the People's Liberation Army has entered the field

On the same day that the Philippines threatened to expel Chinese diplomats, the USS Halsey, a guided missile destroyer that had previously intruded into the Taiwan Strait, intruded into China's territorial waters in the Xisha Paracels for the first time in two days. A hybrid war that straddles diplomacy and geopolitics is unfolding in the South China Sea.

However, the United States and the Philippines want to fight a hybrid war, and China will not be afraid, Lin Jian's response shows that the Philippine threat is unlikely to be effective against China, and as for the US warship, the PLA has already come to the scene to respond. Following the previous operations in the Taiwan Strait by the Eastern Theater, this time in the South China Sea, the Southern Theater also organized naval and air forces to follow, supervise, warn, and drive away the US ships. In the face of the PLA, the US military does not want to undermine stability in the South China Sea.

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