
V-neck | ZTE Miao Wei: Computing power has become an important engine for new quality productivity



CCTV Beijing, May 11 (Reporter Huang Angjin) "Computing power is no longer a concept of technical dimensions, but has risen to a higher level of economy, national strength, etc." Computing power is also the core productivity of the digital era, and it is the foundation for all walks of life to go digital. Miao Wei, senior vice president of ZTE, said.

With the continuous improvement of the construction of computing power facilities and the continuous expansion of computing power in mainland China, computing power has become an important engine to promote high-quality economic and social development, and it is also an important foundation for scientific and technological innovation and high-quality industrial development. What are the aspects of the impact of computing power on production and life? What trends will be presented in the future development of computing power? In the process of accelerating the cultivation of new quality productivity, how will the computing power industry be empowered?

Focusing on the above issues, a reporter from CCTV recently conducted an exclusive interview with Miao Wei.

V-neck | ZTE Miao Wei: Computing power has become an important engine for new quality productivity

(Miao Wei, senior vice president of ZTE.) Photo provided by the interviewee/CCTV (issued by the Central Broadcasting Network)

Accelerating the construction of computing power will stimulate the innovation vitality of data elements

At present, the total scale of computing power in mainland China ranks second in the world, with an average annual growth rate of nearly 30% in the past five years. In addition, according to the calculation of the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, every 1 yuan invested in computing power will drive GDP growth of 3 to 4 yuan.

"The existing scale of computing power in mainland China is the result of the continuous improvement of infrastructure, the accelerated emergence of integrated applications, and the continuous expansion of the industrial chain. The computing power industry is constantly moving towards high-quality development. Miao Wei pointed out that "accelerating the construction of computing power will effectively stimulate the innovation vitality of data elements, accelerate the process of industrial digitization and digital industrialization, give birth to new technologies, new industries, new formats and new models, and realize the amplification, superposition and multiplication of economic development efficiency." ”

Miao Wei further said that at present, computing power supports the development of many important industries. The first is the artificial intelligence industry, the development of AI relies on mathematical models and algorithms that imitate the human brain, and the development of computing power is crucial to promote the development of the artificial intelligence industry. With the increasing number of large model parameters and training data, the demand for computing power continues to grow, and computing power has become one of the decisive factors in the development process of the artificial intelligence industry. The second is the cloud computing and big data industry, as well as the related industries of digital transformation.

Computing infrastructure is an important part of the new information infrastructure.

In October last year, the "Action Plan for the High-quality Development of Computing Infrastructure" issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other six departments put forward quantitative indicators for development by 2025 from four aspects: computing power, carrying capacity, storage capacity and application empowerment.

Miao Wei said: "The hardware facilities involved in computing power mainly include central processing units (CPUs), graphics processing units (GPUs), accelerator cards and servers. The hardware facilities involved in the carrying capacity include network equipment, communication equipment, storage device interfaces, data centers and other infrastructure. Storage-related devices include hard disk drives, solid state drives, memory, storage servers, backup and recovery devices, and more. ”

"The hardware involved in computing power, carrying capacity, and storage power can only form efficient computing power with efficient cooperation, and the value of computing power is ultimately reflected through application empowerment." Miao Wei pointed out that the development speed of computing power directly affects the speed of development of various industries.

In addition, in the process of achieving the "dual carbon" goal, accelerating the development of green computing power has become an industry consensus. The "2023 China Green Computing Power Development Research Report" released by the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology proposes that green computing power, that is, the green and low-carbon pursuit of computing power, is an important goal for the high-quality development of computing power.

Miao Wei pointed out that the implementation of the measures is divided into different dimensions of the government side, the enterprise side and the industry side. At the government level, it is an effective measure to formulate green computing power evaluation standards to ensure that the development of computing power is in line with the principles of green and low-carbon. At the enterprise level, we will invest in the research and development of high-efficiency and energy-saving chips, reduce the energy consumption of computing equipment, and use renewable energy and energy-efficient equipment to reduce the energy consumption of data centers, such as using renewable energy such as solar energy and wind energy to achieve low-carbon operation; In terms of industry, establish a collaborative mechanism for the green computing industry chain to promote resource sharing in all links.

According to reports, the green data center built by ZTE in Ningxia adopts advanced liquid cooling technology and efficient energy management system, which has achieved a significant reduction in energy consumption. According to statistics, the PUE (energy efficiency) value of this data center is less than 1.3, which is far lower than the industry average. A full range of intelligent computing center solutions, wind-liquid hybrid adjustment, power consumption is even as low as 1.1 than PUE.

The construction of computing power is evolving from general computing to intelligent computing

Talking about the application of computing power and the effectiveness of industry empowerment, Miao Wei pointed out that the current mainland computing power industry has begun to take shape, and is accelerating the expansion and deepening of government affairs, industry, transportation, medical and other fields, so as to promote the integration of the Internet, big data, artificial intelligence and the real economy, and continue to empower thousands of industries.

"For example, in artificial intelligence and machine learning, computing power can support complex and large numbers of algorithms to enable accurate predictions and decisions. These technologies are being applied to self-driving cars, intelligent voice assistants, facial recognition systems, and more. In the healthcare industry, improved computing power has made medical imaging analyses such as MRI and CT scans more accurate, helping to detect diseases early. Through big data analysis, it is possible to better understand the epidemic trends and treatments of diseases. In the energy industry, computing power is used to optimize resource allocation, improve energy efficiency, and develop sustainable energy solutions. Through data analysis, energy demand can be predicted more accurately, resulting in less waste. Miao Wei gave an example.

Miao Wei said, "In the future, with the continuous improvement of computing power, the development of computing power will profoundly affect our lives and become more intelligent and convenient." Fields such as smart home, autonomous driving, and smart healthcare will be further developed to make our daily lives easier. He said that the development of computing power will promote the digital transformation and intelligent upgrading of various industries. Whether it is manufacturing, service or agriculture, they will all benefit from the increase in computing power.

Miao Wei also pointed out that with the explosion of artificial intelligence large model technology, the construction of computing power is evolving from general computing to intelligent computing. Intelligent computing power will be mainly used for large model training and large model-based applications, and intelligent computing power will usher in a substantial increase in the future.

Research shows that the mainland's computing power industry has maintained rapid growth, of which artificial intelligence computing power has accounted for more than 25% of the entire computing power structure. According to IDC's forecast, by 2027, the scale of intelligent computing power in mainland China is expected to exceed 1117EFLOPS, and the compound annual growth rate of China's intelligent computing power scale will be as high as 33.9%.

According to Miao Wei, ZTE launched a new generation of intelligent computing solutions, aiming to share its latest innovations in end-to-end intelligent computing infrastructure and large model empowerment with the industry. This solution, with high-performance computing, storage, and networking as the core, builds an efficient and reliable computing platform, which will provide more efficient and intelligent computing support for all walks of life and facilitate digital transformation. ZTE also emphasizes the important role of large models in intelligent applications, and uses the "1+N+X" strategy to improve R&D efficiency internally and help the digital and intelligent transformation of the industry externally. At present, ZTE has strong R&D reserves in software tuning and model adaptation, and has carried out ecological adaptation with operators and many partners in the industry, and has the ability to build a fully decoupled intelligent computing ecosystem, and can cooperate with more industry partners in the AI-enabled industry to improve the performance and effect of AI industry applications.

Computing power has become an important engine to promote the development of new quality productivity

This year's government work report proposes to build digital infrastructure in advance, accelerate the formation of a national integrated computing system, and cultivate a computing industry ecology. So, what are the key points that need to be broken through to build a national integrated computing power network, which is worth thinking about systematically.

Miao Wei said: "We believe that the formation of a national integrated computing power system should have two most significant characteristics: one is how to use new technologies to reduce the unit cost of computing power so that enterprises can 'afford' computing power, and the other is how to build a positive AI cloud native ecosystem, so that industry applications and different intelligent computing architectures can be decoupled to a certain extent, so that enterprises can 'use computing power well'." The realization of these two key requirements focuses on the integration of computing power into a 'network', the sharing of computing hardware resources through high-speed network connection, and the reduction of unit computing power costs, and the generalization and standardization of computing power expression through the unified service of the network. Through the ultra-high-speed wide area network, a virtual unified intelligent computing center is established. ”

Miao Wei introduced that at present, ZTE has comprehensively deployed new technologies such as general computing, intelligent computing, and large models, and has the ability to provide full-stack solutions including hardware infrastructure, software platforms, large model capabilities, and industry AI application adaptation.

V-neck | ZTE Miao Wei: Computing power has become an important engine for new quality productivity

(ZTE Computing Power Hub.) Figure courtesy of CFP)

Miao Wei believes that to break through the blockage of the construction of the national integrated computing network, it is first necessary to promote the formulation of standardized specifications for the national integrated computing system. "It is recommended that the relevant national standards organizations take the lead in formulating unified technical specifications, requiring all 'Eastern Data and Western Computing' nodes, local governments and computing service enterprises to follow the unified specifications for construction or upgrading in the process of computing power construction, promote interoperability and compatibility between different service providers, and realize cross-regional, cross-service provider and cross-technical architecture of computing power scheduling and use. Secondly, it is necessary to further strengthen the construction of carrying capacity and storage capacity, including improving the quality of computing power, network access capacity, transmission efficiency and storage capacity, etc., to further reduce the cost of data transmission and storage. ”

When talking about how the computing industry will be empowered in the process of accelerating the cultivation of new quality productivity, Miao Wei said that computing power, as an important engine of new quality productivity, will promote the development of new quality productivity from multiple dimensions. "For example, the research and development of new energy vehicles, new materials, and innovative drugs in strategic emerging industries, and the creation of new growth engines such as low-altitude economy, all need the support of computing power."

Miao Wei believes that computing power will improve the efficiency and quality of scientific and technological innovation. By leveraging computing technologies such as high-performance computing and big data analytics, researchers can process and analyze large amounts of data more efficiently, accelerate the scientific research process, and improve the quality and efficiency of innovative results.

At the same time, computing power will promote the digital transformation and intelligent upgrading of industries. By using computing power technologies such as cloud computing and edge computing, enterprises can realize intelligent management of the production process and improve production efficiency and quality. Computing power will also promote the development of emerging industries and inject new impetus into economic and social development.

In addition, computing power will also improve the intelligence level of social management and public services. By using computing technology, governments and social organizations can handle social affairs more efficiently and improve the quality and efficiency of public services. For example, in the fields of traffic management, urban management, and public safety, computing technology can help realize intelligent monitoring and early warning, and improve the level of refinement of social governance.

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