
Voyager 1 has been flying for 50 years and is about 23.3 billion kilometers above the earth, but why can it still communicate with the Earth?

author:Goshawk Encyclopedia
Voyager 1 has been flying for 50 years and is about 23.3 billion kilometers above the earth, but why can it still communicate with the Earth?


Mankind's exploration of the unknown universe has never stopped, and the mission of Voyager 1 is one of the most representative chapters in this quest. This space probe has become our pioneer to the vast interstellar, carrying the greetings of mankind and persistently moving towards the unknown deep space. Since its successful launch in 1977, Voyager 1 has embarked on its interstellar travel, and to date, it has been the farthest message carrier from Earth.

The high-precision gyroscope equipped on the probe ensures that it can accurately navigate in the open universe; And powerful radio communication allows it to cross the edge of the solar system and communicate with us on Earth steadily. However, what is even more striking is its deep space network system, which allows Voyager 1 to use the planets in the solar system as relay stations for signals, greatly enhancing the reliability and stability of signal transmission.

Voyager 1 has been flying for 50 years and is about 23.3 billion kilometers above the earth, but why can it still communicate with the Earth?

1. The trajectory and mission of Voyager 1

In 1977, humans sent a probe, Voyager 1. The mission was very clear, to explore the two giant planets of Jupiter and Saturn, and in this mission, Voyager 1 achieved amazing results. As it approached Jupiter, it sent back a huge amount of data, including satellite images of Jupiter, which brought a revolutionary breakthrough in human understanding of the giant gas planet.

Voyager 1 then approached Saturn, also making an in-depth exploration of the ringed planet, returning a wealth of information about Saturn's rings and its moons, once again surprising astronomers. All of these achievements were achieved without advanced computer assistance, relying almost entirely on mechanical timers and logic devices to execute commands.

Voyager 1 has been flying for 50 years and is about 23.3 billion kilometers above the earth, but why can it still communicate with the Earth?

Source: NASA Voyager Mission webpage

Having accomplished these great missions, Voyager 1 didn't stop there. It continued to drift through the solar system along a predetermined trajectory, exploring until 2011, when it reached the border of the solar system and began to enter the so-called interstellar space. Voyager 1 has been in space for more than 40 years and is more than 22 billion kilometers away from Earth.

2. Technological means to maintain contact with the planet

Even when flying in the far reaches of space, Voyager 1 is still able to maintain a stable connection with Earth, thanks to those cutting-edge technological means. The probe's high-precision gyroscope ensures that it is positioned accurately, allowing it to navigate even during long cosmic journeys. At the same time, the parabolic antenna is the core device for transmitting and receiving information, and this huge antenna is like a huge ear in space, capturing faint signals from the earth.

Voyager 1 has been flying for 50 years and is about 23.3 billion kilometers above the earth, but why can it still communicate with the Earth?

Source: Official NASA materials and Traveler Program Introduction

And, using high-frequency radio signals, Voyager 1 can send huge amounts of information back to Earth. It is worth mentioning that the deep space network system, operated by NASA, has played a major role. This network system is spread across the globe and consists of three sets of antennas in California in the United States, Madrid in Spain and Canberra in Australia, ensuring that no matter where Voyager 1 is in the solar system, the signals it sends can be received by the Earth without any blind spots.

3. Application of nuclear isotope batteries

If you want to explore the vast universe, you can't do without a stable power supply, and Voyager 1 relies on its humble nuclear isotope battery. This battery is different from what we use in our daily lives, and it uses the principle of electricity generated by the decay of radioactive isotopes, so it can provide long-term stable energy in distant space where there is no sunlight. Speaking of which, you may be wondering, how long can such a battery last?

According to NASA, the energy provided by these batteries for Voyager 1 is expected to run out in 2025. By that time, if the battery really runs out of power, then Voyager 1 will no longer be able to communicate with Earth, thus ending its mission. This may sound a bit frustrating, but if you think about it from another angle, a battery that has been in use from 1977 to 2025, almost 50 years old, the technology itself is quite amazing.

Voyager 1 has been flying for 50 years and is about 23.3 billion kilometers above the earth, but why can it still communicate with the Earth?

The application of this nuclear isotope battery is not limited to travel, and even after the battery runs out in 2025, Voyager 1 will not completely lose its value. While it will no longer be able to transmit data back to Earth, some other equipment may continue to work for some time, such as certain scientific experiment devices. More importantly, it will continue to fly into the depths of interstellar space as a messenger of human civilization, carrying gold records containing human voices and images.

The gold record is an interesting idea that records various natural sounds from the earth, such as birdsong, thunder, as well as music and greetings from different countries. This record is in the hope that if other civilizations discover Voyager One in the future, they will be able to learn about our planet and our civilization through these records.

Voyager 1 has been flying for 50 years and is about 23.3 billion kilometers above the earth, but why can it still communicate with the Earth?

In addition, the voyage of Voyager 1 itself represents a brilliant achievement of human technology. Its journey has revealed much about the solar system and inspired us to continue exploring the unknown universe. Not only that, but data on the conditions at the edge of the solar system and the nature of interstellar space are of inestimable value for future space research.

Fourth, the concern of information records

Some scientists are concerned that sending information about the Earth's location to the depths of the universe could pose a potential risk to the Earth. In the event of an unfriendly alien civilization, the Earth could be exposed to unpredictable dangers. This concern is not unfounded, as the real world is not like in the movies, and the alien visitors are always curious and friendly.

Still, this concern is considered by many to be too conservative. After all, the universe is vast, and even if we send location information, the probability that a real civilization will be able to receive and track us is very low. What's more, to date, we haven't found any concrete evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations.

Voyager 1 has been flying for 50 years and is about 23.3 billion kilometers above the earth, but why can it still communicate with the Earth?

Therefore, the gold record on Voyager One is more of a hope for the future and a friendly greeting to the unknown. With this record, we hope to show the entire universe the diversity, culture and desire for peace of humanity.

Voyager 1 has been flying for 50 years and is about 23.3 billion kilometers above the earth, but why can it still communicate with the Earth?

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