
Large base VS small base, the difference in weight loss methods is spicy ~~~ How big! Choose the right method to be effective!

author:Chengdu High-tech

May 11 is World Obesity Day.

It is said that "fat" comes from the mouth, and it is easy to grow meat if you eat more, and many people eat less every day in order to make themselves lose weight faster, so that the nutritional intake is insufficient, and the desired weight loss effect cannot be achieved! For people who are losing weight, scientific and reasonable nutrition planning is the top priority!

Search for ways to lose weight on the Internet, you can find: 16+8 weight loss, Harvard weight loss, fasting weight loss, Bigu weight loss, etc., it is recommended that you find a method that suits you in order to stick to it for a longer time, so let's find out which method is more suitable for you.

1. Keep your mouth shut – two or three things about energy

Obesity is caused by the intake of more energy than the consumption of energy, and the excess energy will be stored in the body in the form of fat. Therefore, if you want to lose weight, you must control the amount of food you eat and increase the amount of activity to ensure that your daily energy intake is less than your energy expenditure. So how do you know how much energy you're getting and how much you're consuming each day? We need to understand two concepts first.

1.1 基础代谢(basal metabolism,BM)

It refers to the minimum energy requirement required by all organs of the human body to sustain life, that is, the basic energy consumption of the human body every day.

It is calculated as follows:

Female basal metabolic rate = 661 + 9.6 * weight (kg) + 1.72 * height (cm) - 4.7 * age

Male basal metabolic rate = 67 + 13.73 * weight (kg) + 5 * height (cm) - 6.9 * age

Taking Xiaomei, a woman with an age of 20 years old, a height of 160cm and a weight of 55 kg, as an example, her basal metabolism is 661 + 9.6 * 55 + 1.72 * 160-4.7 * 20 = 1370.2 kcal. Exercise, work and other activities are added to the basal metabolism of additional energy expenditure, generally do not exercise adult women daily activity energy consumption of about 400 kcal, so we conclude that Xiaomei consumes about 1770 kcal a day. If Xiaomei's total energy intake on a day is about 1500 kcal, she can lose weight the next day, which is the calorie gap in the weight loss population, and it is recommended that weight loss people maintain a calorie deficit of about 1/3 of the total energy consumption.

1.2 Food calories

The calories mentioned above are the total calories of the food we eat every day, and some people who have difficulty losing weight will always say that they "will gain weight if they drink cold water", which is not scientifically valid, because the food calories of water are zero, and the following figure lists the calories of common foods (per 100 grams) for reference.

Large base VS small base, the difference in weight loss methods is spicy ~~~ How big! Choose the right method to be effective!
Large base VS small base, the difference in weight loss methods is spicy ~~~ How big! Choose the right method to be effective!

Different processing methods can also change the calories of food, for example, a boiled egg can have a calorie of 80 kcal, but if it is a fried egg, the calories can reach 120 kcal. Therefore, processing methods such as steaming, boiling, stewing, and stir-frying with less oil are more suitable for people who are losing weight, while foods made by processing methods such as frying, frying, and barbecuing with heavy oil are best eaten less. This does not mean that we have lost the opportunity to enjoy food, on the contrary, there are many recipes for making fat loss meals on the Internet, so you can choose the one that best suits your taste.

2. Step out of your legs – about the choice of exercise

2.1 Large-base weight loss, diet control is the mainstay, supplemented by low-intensity exercise

In the summer of 22, Liu Genghong brought the craze of national happy aerobics, and many weight loss people enthusiastically followed Coach Liu to dance shuttlecock exercises, and then some friends found that their knees hurt day by day, which has a certain relationship with the way of force and weight base. In fact, friends with a large weight base are not suitable for this kind of high-intensity aerobic exercise at the beginning, and the joints of the lower limbs will be under great pressure during exercise.

Friends with a large number of bases should not blindly carry out high-intensity repetitive running and jumping exercises, pay attention to protect their knee joints, and it is best to give priority to adjusting the diet structure, supplemented by low- and medium-intensity exercise. You can choose to walk slowly, step in place, table tennis, low-intensity aerobics, etc., 3 to 5 times a week, for 30 to 60 minutes each time. Step by step, give the body time to self-adapt and repair in the process, otherwise the weight loss will not be successful, and the body will not be able to gain more than it gains. Also pay attention to warm up before exercising, and don't forget to stretch and relax after exercising.

2.2 Lose weight on a small basis Stabilize your mindset Keep exercising

Friends with small numbers may encounter the most headache in the process of losing weight is the "plateau period", that is, the loss is relatively slow, the metabolism is relatively low, and every pound lost is very difficult. This is actually because your body has reached a relatively stable state, at this time you must first adjust your mentality, do not rush to use extreme measures such as fasting, carbon cut-off, crazy exercise for two or three hours, etc., you must know that the big meal you ate in your stomach yesterday did not turn into fat so quickly, and at this time the weight gain is mainly caused by food residues that have not been discharged and body edema after ingesting high oil and salt.

There is nothing that you can't eat for small base weight loss, you can eat whatever you want, the main thing is to control your intake, don't fight against your appetite, people will not meet their desires more and more. For example, if you want to eat high-calorie food at noon, and then endure it until the evening, and finally can't help but order a bunch of late-night snacks to eat, is it more cost-effective? Therefore, don't be too restrained by small base weight loss, feel that you can't eat anything, and the amount is the key. You can use the 16+8 diet to ensure the intake of the three major nutrients at each meal, chew slowly, and put down the chopsticks when you are full for 7 minutes at each meal.

In addition to fat loss, small base weight loss also needs to be shaped, exercise can choose 3-4 times a week moderate-intensity aerobic exercise: including skipping rope, swimming, stairs, badminton and other fat loss, with 2-3 times a week of high-intensity anaerobic exercise: dumbbells, crunches, push-ups, boxing, weight training, HIIT training and other shaping.

If you are a novice exerciser, it is recommended to do long-term aerobic activity for one to two months to accumulate exercise foundation and cardiopulmonary capacity. Because continuous high-intensity training not only puts too much stress on the joints and carries a higher risk of injury, but it is also difficult to keep going because of the fatigue.

The most important part of sports is never to choose a sport and force yourself to do it, but it should be that you like the sport and can stick to it in order to achieve the ultimate goal.

3. Make it a habit The secret to weight maintenance

There is no fat person who eats in one bite, and there is no way to lose 10 kilograms in a month or even a week. Healthy weight loss is important to adhere to: regular exercise is one of the important factors to maintain good health, diet control is an important part of weight loss, it is recommended to eat as little as possible with fat and calorie foods, and choose more protein, vegetables, fruits and other low-calorie foods to ensure a balanced diet and reduce calorie intake.

In addition, staying up late, irregular sleep, and lack of sleep will lead to endocrine disorders in the body, affecting the speed of burning energy, and people who work for a long time without sufficient rest may be in a state of low physical strength for a long time, and the relative weight loss effect shown by the body will also be greatly reduced.

If you want to lose weight scientifically, you need to pay attention to maintaining healthy eating habits, ensuring sleep quality and exercising properly to achieve a good posture and ensure overall health.

Finally, I wish you all the best in a healthy and energetic body!

Source: Health Sichuan official WeChat