
5-11 18:31, G18 Rongwu Expressway, G25 Changshen Expressway, G0211 Jinshi Expressway, S1 Jinji Expressway maintenance construction has ended, and traffic has returned to normal

author:Tianjin Expressway


2024-5-11 18:31,

G18 Rongwu Expressway to Rongcheng direction K699+200,

G25 Changshen Expressway to Changchun direction K1066+000,

G25 Changshen Expressway to Shenzhen direction K1070+000,

G0211 Jinshi Expressway to Tianjin direction K17+500 to K16 (between Dongtaizi Toll Station and Haijing Avenue Toll Station),

G0211 Jinshi Expressway to Tianjin direction K22+500 to K21+500 (between Dongtaizi Toll Station and Haijing Avenue Toll Station),



5-11 18:31, G18 Rongwu Expressway, G25 Changshen Expressway, G0211 Jinshi Expressway, S1 Jinji Expressway maintenance construction has ended, and traffic has returned to normal
5-11 18:31, G18 Rongwu Expressway, G25 Changshen Expressway, G0211 Jinshi Expressway, S1 Jinji Expressway maintenance construction has ended, and traffic has returned to normal
5-11 18:31, G18 Rongwu Expressway, G25 Changshen Expressway, G0211 Jinshi Expressway, S1 Jinji Expressway maintenance construction has ended, and traffic has returned to normal
5-11 18:31, G18 Rongwu Expressway, G25 Changshen Expressway, G0211 Jinshi Expressway, S1 Jinji Expressway maintenance construction has ended, and traffic has returned to normal

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