
Huatian Technology: On May 11, it accepted institutional research, and China International Capital Corporation participated in it

author:Securities Star

According to Securities Star News, on May 11, 2024, Huatian Technology (002185) announced that the company would accept institutional research on May 11, 2024, and Cheng Qiaosheng of China International Capital Corporation participated.

The details are as follows:

The main contents of the exchange are as follows:

Q: The company's current main production base and operation

A: The company's main production bases are Tianshui, Xi'an, Kunshan, Nanjing, Shaoguan and Unisem. Tianshui base is mainly based on lead frame products, which mainly involve drive circuits, power management, Bluetooth, MCU, NOR Flash, etc. The Xi'an base mainly focuses on substrates, QFN and DFN products, and the products mainly involve RF, MEMS, fingerprint products, automotive electronics, MCU, power management, etc. The Nanjing base focuses on the packaging and testing of integrated circuit products such as memory, RF, and MEMS, covering a full range of lead frames, substrates, and wafer levels. The Kunshan base is a package wafer-level product, and the main products include TSV, Bumping, WLCSP, Fan-Out, etc. The Shaoguan base is mainly based on lead frame packaging products, display devices and display module products. Unisem packaging products include leadframes, substrates and wafer-level products, mainly RF products. The company's new bases, Huatian Technology (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Huatian Integrated Circuit Co., Ltd., have entered the trial production stage.

The integrated circuit industry began to enter a downward adjustment cycle in 2022, and formed a trough in the first quarter of 2023, and since the second quarter of 2023, the market has gradually and slowly recovered. The revenue in the first quarter of 2024 was 3.106 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 38.72%.

Q: The future development trend of the industry

Answer: The global semiconductor industry has a certain cyclicality, and the business cycle is closely related to macroeconomic and downstream application demand, as well as its own capacity and inventory. In recent years, with the combined efforts of policy support, market demand and capital promotion, the scale of the semiconductor industry in mainland China has grown rapidly, and its proportion in the global market has continued to increase. With the upgrading of consumer electronics such as smart phones and tablets, as well as the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, the continuous expansion of application scenarios such as automotive electronics, security, and artificial intelligence will continue to drive the strong demand for integrated circuits.

In the mainland integrated circuit industry chain, the packaging and testing industry has become the most internationally competitive link in the mainland integrated circuit industry chain, and is expected to take the lead in realizing comprehensive domestic substitution.

With the improvement of the layout of domestic packaging and testing enterprises in the field of advanced packaging such as BG, FC, WLCSP, Bumping, TSV, SiP, FO and the continuous release of advanced packaging production capacity, as well as the continuous integration of mergers and acquisitions, domestic enterprises have the ability to undertake the transfer of global integrated circuit packaging business, and the market scale and market concentration are expected to be further improved.

Q: The implementation of the company's equity incentives

Answer: The company's equity incentive plan is the first time that the company has launched an equity incentive since its listing. After 20 years of development, the total number of employees has exceeded 20,000, and wages and salaries alone can no longer meet the company's development needs. The company hopes that through the implementation of the equity incentive plan, it will mobilize the enthusiasm of the incentive recipients, enhance the work enthusiasm of the incentive recipients, and stabilize the workforce.

The registration of the stock options granted for the first time in the company's equity incentive plan has been completed on January 30, 2024, with 231.38 million equity options granted for the first time, and 2,728 incentive objects granted for the first time, and the scope of incentive objects is the core technical personnel, core business personnel and other employees who have a direct impact on the company's operating performance and future development, excluding the company's directors, senior managers and supervisors of the company who are not allowed to be the incentive objects. Independent directors, shareholders or actual controllers who hold more than 5% of the company's shares individually or collectively, and their spouses, parents and children.

Q: In recent years, packaging and testing companies, including the company, have carried out mergers and acquisitions, will the company still carry out mergers and acquisitions?

A: In January 2019, the Company completed the acquisition of Unisem shares by way of tender offer and included Unisem in the scope of the merger. Currently, the company holds a 42.73% stake in Unisem. Subsequently, the company will actively look for mergers and acquisitions projects that are in line with the company's development strategy, continuously improve the company's packaging technology level through resource integration, optimize customer structure, increase market share, and promote the company's steady development.

Q: The increase in shareholdings by major shareholders

Answer: Tianshui Huatian Electronics Group Co., Ltd., the controlling shareholder of the company, plans to increase its holdings of the company's shares within six months from October 24, 2023, with an increase of not less than 120 million yuan, and as of April 23, 2024, Huatian Electronics Group has increased its holdings by a total of 162 million yuan, and Huatian Electronics Group's shareholding increase plan has been implemented.

Huatian Technology (002185) main business: integrated circuit packaging and testing business.

Huatian Technology's first quarter report of 2024 shows that the company's main revenue was 3.106 billion yuan, an increase of 38.72% year-on-year; the net profit attributable to the parent company was 57.034 million yuan, an increase of 153.62% year-on-year; deducted non-net profit of -76.8136 million yuan, an increase of 57.72% year-on-year; The debt ratio was 46.77%, the investment income was 55.8377 million yuan, the financial expenses were 32.7061 million yuan, and the gross profit margin was 8.52%.

A total of 4 institutions have rated the stock in the last 90 days, 2 have given a buy rating and 2 have an overweight rating.

Here's the detailed earnings forecast information:

Huatian Technology: On May 11, it accepted institutional research, and China International Capital Corporation participated in it

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