
8 billion canals are dug by themselves, and neighboring countries become island countries! The "most lacking morality" country in history was exposed


In the desert, the canal is a miracle that brings life and vitality to the arid land. Saudi Arabia, a tycoon country known for its oil wealth, is using its deep pockets to write the legend of the canal in the desert - the Salva Canal.

8 billion canals are dug by themselves, and neighboring countries become island countries! The "most lacking morality" country in history was exposed

Desire in the desertIn the vast desert, the scarcity of water is particularly prominent. Saudi Arabia is located on the Arabian Peninsula and is controlled by the subtropical high pressure zone and the trade wind belt all year round, forming a large area of tropical desert climate. Faced with the problem of water shortage in the country, Saudi Arabia has taken a series of measures, including direct purchases and construction of pipelines. However, none of these approaches can meet its long-term needs. So, they decided to build a canal, the Salva Canal.

8 billion canals are dug by themselves, and neighboring countries become island countries! The "most lacking morality" country in history was exposed

Challenges of Canal ConstructionThe construction of the Salva Canal faces many challenges. First of all, the geological conditions in the desert area are complex, and the construction is difficult. Secondly, the construction of the canal requires a large amount of water resources, which is undoubtedly a huge challenge for Saudi Arabia, which is already short of water. In addition, the construction of the canal will also have an impact on the ecological environment of neighboring countries, causing a series of environmental problems.

8 billion canals are dug by themselves, and neighboring countries become island countries! The "most lacking morality" country in history was exposed

Economic and Strategic ImpactDespite the many challenges, the construction of the El Wa Canal has important economic and strategic implications for Saudi Arabia. First of all, the construction of the canal will help improve the water situation in Saudi Arabia and promote the development of domestic agriculture and industry. Secondly, the canal will strengthen Saudi Arabia's maritime communication links with other countries and improve its position in international trade. In addition, the construction of the canal will also help improve Saudi Arabia's defense capability and ensure national security.

8 billion canals are dug by themselves, and neighboring countries become island countries! The "most lacking morality" country in history was exposed

However, the construction of the Salva Canal has adversely affected neighboring Qatar. Qatar is a country surrounded by the sea on three sides, and the construction of the Salva Canal will cut off Qatar from the land, making it an "island country" surrounded by the sea on all sides. This has had a huge impact on Qatar's territorial integrity and tourism. Despite Qatar's dissatisfaction, Saudi Arabia has chosen a site for construction that falls within its territory, and Qatar is unable to take effective countermeasures.

8 billion canals are dug by themselves, and neighboring countries become island countries! The "most lacking morality" country in history was exposed

Future DevelopmentIn the future development, Saudi Arabia needs to weigh the pros and cons of the canal construction and maintain good relations with neighboring countries to achieve regional peace and stability. At the same time, Saudi Arabia should also pay more attention to environmental protection to ensure that the impact of the canal construction on the ecological environment is minimized.

8 billion canals are dug by themselves, and neighboring countries become island countries! The "most lacking morality" country in history was exposed

ConclusionThe construction of the Salva Canal will undoubtedly bring huge economic and strategic benefits to Saudi Arabia. However, this plan also provoked a territorial dispute with neighboring Qatar, adversely affecting Qatar's national interests. In the future, Saudi Arabia needs to weigh the pros and cons of the canal construction and maintain good relations with neighboring countries to achieve peace and stability in the region. At the same time, Saudi Arabia should also pay more attention to environmental protection to ensure that the impact of the canal construction on the ecological environment is minimized.

8 billion canals are dug by themselves, and neighboring countries become island countries! The "most lacking morality" country in history was exposed
8 billion canals are dug by themselves, and neighboring countries become island countries! The "most lacking morality" country in history was exposed
8 billion canals are dug by themselves, and neighboring countries become island countries! The "most lacking morality" country in history was exposed
8 billion canals are dug by themselves, and neighboring countries become island countries! The "most lacking morality" country in history was exposed
8 billion canals are dug by themselves, and neighboring countries become island countries! The "most lacking morality" country in history was exposed
8 billion canals are dug by themselves, and neighboring countries become island countries! The "most lacking morality" country in history was exposed
8 billion canals are dug by themselves, and neighboring countries become island countries! The "most lacking morality" country in history was exposed
8 billion canals are dug by themselves, and neighboring countries become island countries! The "most lacking morality" country in history was exposed
8 billion canals are dug by themselves, and neighboring countries become island countries! The "most lacking morality" country in history was exposed
8 billion canals are dug by themselves, and neighboring countries become island countries! The "most lacking morality" country in history was exposed
8 billion canals are dug by themselves, and neighboring countries become island countries! The "most lacking morality" country in history was exposed
8 billion canals are dug by themselves, and neighboring countries become island countries! The "most lacking morality" country in history was exposed
8 billion canals are dug by themselves, and neighboring countries become island countries! The "most lacking morality" country in history was exposed

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