
Energy morning news丨Approved by the National Development and Reform Commission!

author:China Energy News
Energy morning news丨Approved by the National Development and Reform Commission!
Energy morning news丨Approved by the National Development and Reform Commission!

News Spotlight

◐Four departments: Promote the integration of new energy vehicles into the new power system. According to the website of the National Development and Reform Commission on May 20, the National Development and Reform Commission, the National Data Bureau, the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Natural Resources issued the "Guiding Opinions on Deepening the Development of Smart Cities and Promoting the Digital Transformation of the Whole City", which pointed out that it is necessary to accelerate the digital transformation and intelligent operation of public facilities such as urban buildings, roads and bridges, gardens and green spaces, underground pipe galleries, water conservancy and water affairs, gas heating, and environmental sanitation, and coordinate the deployment of ubiquitous and resilient urban intelligent perception terminals. Promote the deep coupling of integrated energy services with energy-using scenarios such as smart communities, smart parks, and smart buildings, and use digital technology to improve the green and low-carbon benefits of integrated energy services. Promote the integration of new energy vehicles into the new power system, and promote the coordinated development of urban intelligent infrastructure and intelligent networked vehicles. 【More details】

◐Ministry of Water Resources: In the first four months, the country completed 302.6 billion yuan of water conservancy investment. According to a CCTV News report on May 19, it was learned from the Ministry of Water Resources that more than half of the country's 1 trillion yuan additional national bonds were used for the construction of flood control and drainage and other related water conservancy facilities, focusing on supporting the restoration of local water damage projects and the construction of irrigation areas. At present, 5,870 water conservancy projects have been implemented with additional treasury bonds. Since the beginning of this year, the Ministry of Water Resources, together with relevant departments and localities, has made concerted efforts to actively promote the construction of water conservancy infrastructure, and the construction of the national water network has been accelerated in an all-round way. From January to April, the country completed 302.6 billion yuan of water conservancy investment, an increase of 2.9 percent over the same period last year.

Domestic news

◐Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: Four advantages constitute the competitiveness of the mainland's new energy vehicle industry. According to a report by Xinhua News Agency on May 20, He Hailin, deputy director of the Operation Monitoring and Coordination Bureau of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said on the "China Economic Roundtable" large-scale all-media interview program that the competitiveness of the mainland's new energy vehicle industry is mainly reflected in the technology and brand advantages accumulated by continuous innovation, the industrial chain advantages formed by improving supporting capabilities, the industrial scale advantages created by the super large market, and the advantages of rich human resources and factors.

◐ The mainland has built 200 national measurement benchmarks. According to a CCTV News report on May 20, it was learned from the main event of World Metrology Day in China that up to now, the mainland has built 200 national measurement benchmarks and more than 67,000 social public measurement standards, and has obtained 1,869 internationally recognized calibration and measurement capabilities, ranking among the top in the world. Metering provides strong support for major projects such as high-speed railways, large aircraft, ultra-high voltage power transmission and transformation, and important livelihood guarantees. In the next step, the State Administration for Market Regulation will deploy research on precision measurement technology in the fields of life and health, artificial intelligence, biotechnology, new materials, new energy, advanced manufacturing, new generation information technology, deep sea, deep earth, air and space, and strive to achieve major breakthroughs in forward-looking basic research and leading original achievements.

◐The feasibility study report of the Zhaotai Reservoir Expansion Project was approved by the National Development and Reform Commission. According to a report by Henan Daily on May 20, on May 19, it was learned from the Henan Provincial Development and Reform Commission that recently, the feasibility study report of the Zhaotai Reservoir Expansion Project in Henan Province was approved by the National Development and Reform Commission, marking the addition of a large (1) reservoir in Henan Province and a new breakthrough in the construction of Henan's modern water network. The Zhaotai Reservoir Expansion Project is a major water conservancy project included in the national "14th Five-Year Plan" for water security, and it is also a large-scale water conservancy project supported by the issuance of additional trillion yuan of treasury bonds. According to the approval, the Zhaotai Reservoir Expansion Project is located in Lushan County, Pingdingshan City, and is expanded into a large (1) reservoir on the basis of the existing Zhaotai Reservoir dam. The project tasks are mainly flood control and irrigation, combined with water supply, and comprehensive utilization such as power generation.

◐Ningxia: Afterburner to build a national new energy comprehensive demonstration zone. On May 20, Zhang Yupu, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and chairman of the autonomous region, said at a press conference held by the State Council Information Office that Ningxia will adhere to the construction of the Yellow River Basin ecological protection and high-quality development pilot zone as the traction, strengthen the construction of a national new energy comprehensive demonstration zone, a modern coal chemical industry demonstration zone and an agricultural green development pilot zone, and strive to build the world wine capital and China's computing capital.

◐Shenzhen: Carry out quality and safety rectification actions for electric bicycles and accessories. According to a report by Shenzhen News Network on May 20, on May 19, it was learned from the Shenzhen Municipal Administration for Market Regulation that the bureau carried out a 100-day campaign to rectify the quality and safety of electric bicycles and their accessories in the city, focusing on cracking down on the production and sale of electric bicycles that do not meet national standards and illegally reassemble and install electric bicycles. Since the launch of the special action this year, the Municipal Market Supervision Bureau has dispatched a total of 4,254 law enforcement officers, inspected 8 production units, 3,563 sales stores, found 726 problem electric bicycles and accessories, issued 169 rectification notices, filed 201 cases, and punished many businesses.

◐The new energy intelligent cruise ship "Heyue" made its maiden voyage. According to a report by Hubei Daily on May 20, on May 18, the Yichang Three Gorges Visitor Center Passenger Terminal, the first new energy intelligent cruise ship "Heyue" equipped with an autonomous driving system in the Yangtze River inland river, made its maiden voyage. The cruise ship can technically realize autonomous entry and exit, autonomous navigation, and autonomous passage through the gate, and the "golden waterway" of the Yangtze River may realize intelligent driving in the future. The "Heyue" cruise ship adopts the hybrid power of "power battery + fuel + solar photovoltaic", which can realize "electricity when there is light, and storage when there is electricity", and mainly runs tourist routes such as "two dams and one gorge", "Yangtze River night tour" and "Three Gorges ship lift".

International News

◐The Luassim Hydropower Project in Angola was completed by a Chinese enterprise. According to CCTV News reported on May 20, a few days ago, the inauguration ceremony of the Luassim Hydropower Station project in Angola, which was undertaken by Chinese enterprises, was held. On the same day, the Minister of Energy and Water of Angola, João Borges, personally pressed the main button for the operation of the generator set, which marked the official start of generating electricity at the Luachim hydropower plant. Borges said that the Luassim hydropower station, built by Chinese enterprises, is an important project in Angola to promote the country's energy transition, which will help improve local people's livelihood, increase employment, and promote the development of agriculture, animal husbandry and mining in Angola.

◐ Russian Deputy Prime Minister: We will continue to expand the fleet of icebreakers on the Northern Sea Route. According to CCTV News, on May 20, local time, Russian First Deputy Prime Minister Manturov said that Russia will continue to expand the icebreaker fleet on the Northern Sea Route. The Baltic Shipyard has built three modern nuclear-powered icebreakers, the Arctic, the Siberian and the Ural, and the largest nuclear-powered icebreaker in the world, Russia, is expected to be built and join the Northern Sea Route Fleet in 2030.

Corporate News

◐Shanghai Electric won the largest single all-vanadium flow energy storage order under construction in Jiangsu. According to the WeChat public account of Shanghai Electric on May 20, recently, Shanghai Electric Energy Storage won the bid for the 10 MW/20 MWh all-vanadium flow energy storage system of Jiangsu Guanyun 200 MW/400 MWh EPC EPC general contracting energy storage project. This order is the largest single all-vanadium flow energy storage order under construction in Jiangsu.


Editor-in-charge丨Li Huiying

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