
Thirty years at a time, how are you guys from each other?

author:Thrift is a treasure

I remember that in September 1991, we walked into our alma mater "Xiamen Jimei Light Industry School", and forty-three students from all over the world integrated into a new collective "papermaking machinery 9115" class, where we lived and studied together for four years. In the blink of an eye, thirty years have passed, the ancients said that thirty years is one life, Tao Yuanming Shiyun "A different dynasty, this phrase is really true." "Many bits and pieces of the recent past often come to mind, so the essay is written to remember.

The most memorable thing is probably the camping incident at the Sakatou Reservoir! At that time, we were young and vigorous, a group of sixteen or seventeen-year-old children, not long after the end of military training, one weekend, our class organized a picnic and camping in the Bantou Reservoir. Most of the students are away from their parents' hometown for the first time, studying in a different place, and it should be rare to have this kind of activity where dozens of peers camp together, at least for the first time. When I was in junior high school, the teacher occasionally organized spring and autumn tours and would not spend the night, and there was a parental discipline at home, this time the activities organized by ourselves made us feel like an adult, and our songs and laughter were left next to the mountain water.

Unexpectedly, when I returned to school, I received the school's thunderous anger and several meetings to criticize, when the young us thought we could make our own decisions, the school class managed us, and why should we take care of the weekend holidays. At the meeting, I loudly protested with The head of the student section, Teacher Chen, and there was a great momentum of not being free and preferring to die. As young as we were, we disobeyed the school's punishment for the first time we organized our own activities. Now think about it at that time, we were really young and vigorous, thinking about it carefully, most of us at that time were sixteen or seventeen years old, I was born in November, almost turned fifteen years old, we were all underage children, the social experience was very simple, and more than forty people in a class did not return at night, which caused a lot of trouble for the management of the school. We should be thankful that there were no accidents in this camping activity, but who can take responsibility for any accident, such as a forest fire caused by a fire in the wild, or an accident in which a classmate drowned in a reservoir? Who can afford such a responsibility? No wonder the school leaders were furious. Young people have never considered the problem from this point of view! Teacher Wang, our first class teacher, not long after the beginning of the school, our young and vigorous children have created a big trouble for you, which should bring you a lot of pressure! Thank you for your tolerance, not to direct the pressure to our self-assertive class committees. I still want to say to you here: "Teacher Wang, I'm sorry! "It's late sorry!

I miss our eternal squad leader Huang Jianxiong, but unfortunately, your untimely death has left us forever separated. Your enthusiasm for righteousness, your fierceness and perseverance will always be missed for me. I remember when I first reported to the school, you arrived earlier than me, and as soon as I arrived at the dormitory to settle down, you took me to the neighborhood to buy daily necessities and turn on the water in the canteen. My father later told me that seeing me and you working side by side, he was much more at ease with my future life, because the first time I left home, I could quickly make friends. Your enthusiasm not only allowed me to quickly integrate into the new group, but also made parents feel relieved.

Yingfei you are a child who grew up in the county, and my rural baby's insight is still different, I and you learned Go, in junior high school also came into contact with Go, just barely understand the rules of life and death, not to treat Go as a backgammon, even "Zhengzi" do not understand, play chess with you I only know the layout, what "Chinese flow", "cosmic flow", etc., but also know the "fixed trend", will go to the library to borrow books to learn, play score. I also learned stamp collecting with you, I used to hear that people in the city played stamp collecting, we would sneak to the village mailroom, take advantage of the fact that no one was there to tear off the stamps on the envelope, but did not understand the mystery of stamps? Worth collecting? After listening to your introduction, I learned about the concepts of special tickets, "small sheets", "single sheets", "square links"... It turns out that stamps have so many mysteries, but unfortunately these hobbies have not persisted.

Shunjian at the same table, we also have a common hobby, together to read the American text on the "Reader" that you subscribe to, together with the radio to listen to the Xiamen Guangdong Music Station at 10 o'clock in the evening prose recitation program, we mechanical major boys, love literature students or relatively few, literature is one of the few long-term maintenance of the hobby is still the same, may maintain a lifetime, now you are also a local quite famous Yanglan expert, do you still read poetry?

Zhonglian and we learned calligraphy together and tried to write ancient poems together, but I didn't last long, but you waved endlessly, and after graduation, you returned to Liuzhou, Guangxi province to join the local book association and became a well-known calligrapher. However, it was only in these two years that I picked up the brush again, adjusted my mentality, and let me calm down after the tense work.

The brothers who rented martial arts novels together in the rent bookstore, the partners who went to the video hall to enjoy Hong Kong and Taiwan films together, the brothers who drank beer and Kan Dashan in the small fried shop in front of the school, the brothers and sisters who wrestled together in the Xinglin Roller Skating Rink, and the girls who handed notes for the first and only time, in the blink of an eye, thirty years have passed, and the brothers and sisters of the "paper machine 9115" on each side of the sky, I want to ask: "Are you all okay?" ”

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