
As soon as you turn around, you're on your own

author:Min Min 791203

Recently, I like to read Song Ci, Ouyang Xiu, Su Shi, Qin Guan, Li Qingzhao, Liu Yong, Li Yu's words are all tireless to read, today I read Ouyang Xiu's "Sheng Cha Zi · New Year's Eve": Last year' New Year's Eve, the flower market lights like day. The moon is on the willow tip, and the person is about after dusk. On New Year's Eve this year, the moon and lights are still there. Not seeing last year's people, tears wet spring shirt sleeves. Last year's Lantern Night, the flower market is like day, the lights are brilliant, the flower market, the colored lights, bright as day; the bright moon, the willow branches, the lovers who meet, the two are happy, this year things are not human, the shape is only a single shadow, leaving a period of acacia. Reading this poem reminds me of:

《Title Capital City Nanzhuang》

Last year, in this door, the faces of people were peach blossoms.

People don't know where to go, and peach blossoms are still smiling in the spring breeze.

Last spring, the face of the sweetheart corresponded to the bright peach blossoms. Revisiting the old place today, the girl did not know where to go, only the scorching peach blossoms, messy in the wind!

Over the years, even if we see each other again, will we be cold and miserable? But once some fates are missed, they will always be separated, but in their hearts they can bless the one who is in their hearts! Our life is not the same, once we miss it, even if we regret it, we can only sigh in our hearts and leave regrets!

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