
Efficient fat-burning "high leg lift", 10 minutes a day to lift the buttocks and slim the legs, and correct the hunchback

{"info":{"title":{"content":"高效燃脂的「高抬腿」,每天10分钟提臀瘦腿、矫正驼背","en":"Efficient fat-burning \"high leg lift\", 10 minutes a day to lift the buttocks and slim the legs, and correct the hunchback"},"description":{"content":"「高抬腿」是常见的暖身动作,通常做完就会感受到身体热起来了~抬腿跑也是有氧运动的一种,可以帮助我们快速燃烧脂肪,如果想运...","en":"\"High leg raising\" is a common warm-up action, usually after doing it, you will feel the body warm up~ Leg lifting and running is also a kind of aerobic exercise, which can help us burn fat quickly."}},"items":[]}