
45 to 55 years old, enter the golden period of longevity, want to be healthy, remember "2 appropriate, 3 taboos and 4 diligence"

author:Dr. Li from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology talks about health

Uncle Li, he is exactly fifty years old this year, and he hardly has any exercise. Until one day, he suddenly felt chest tightness and shortness of breath and was rushed to the hospital. The doctor told him that it was the result of years of irregular life and lack of exercise.

This emergency made Uncle Li deeply aware that he decided to change his lifestyle, but he felt lost and helpless in the face of a flood of health information.

45 to 55 years old, enter the golden period of longevity, want to be healthy, remember "2 appropriate, 3 taboos and 4 diligence"

1. The scientific basis for the golden period of longevity

For many people, the age of 45 to 55 can be the peak of their careers, but it is also a time of significant health challenges. Data show that the incidence of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, diabetes, and osteoporosis has increased significantly in this age group.

Why is this age so critical? It is closely related to the physiological changes in the body. As we age, the body's metabolism slows down and organ function begins to deteriorate, making it more difficult for the body to cope with external health threats.

Scientific studies have shown that middle age is a critical period for the prevention of chronic diseases. For example, a long-term follow-up study found that adopting a healthy lifestyle, such as moderate exercise, a reasonable diet, and good sleep quality, can significantly reduce the incidence of chronic diseases in middle-aged and older adults. Therefore, it is important to understand and practice healthy behaviors that are appropriate for this age group.

45 to 55 years old, enter the golden period of longevity, want to be healthy, remember "2 appropriate, 3 taboos and 4 diligence"

2. "2 appropriate": health advice in daily life

1. It is advisable to bask in the sun and supplement vitamin D

Not only does sunlight boost your mood, but UV rays are an important way to help your body produce vitamin D. Vitamin D intake is especially critical for middle-aged people over the age of 45, as it is directly related to bone health and immune function.

Studies have shown that 20 to 30 minutes of sun exposure per day can effectively help the body maintain normal levels of vitamin D, thereby preventing osteoporosis and muscle dysfunction. Especially for office workers who work indoors for a long time, appropriate outdoor activities are even more important.

2. It is advisable to eat fruits and vegetables and supplement dietary fiber

Vegetables and fruits are rich in dietary fiber and vitamins, which are an important source of maintaining good health. According to studies, the daily intake of 500 grams of vegetables and about 300 grams of fruits can effectively reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and digestive diseases in middle-aged and elderly people.

The dietary fiber in vegetables and fruits can promote intestinal peristalsis, prevent constipation and colon cancer, and also help reduce blood cholesterol and protect heart health.

45 to 55 years old, enter the golden period of longevity, want to be healthy, remember "2 appropriate, 3 taboos and 4 diligence"

3. "3 taboos": bad habits to avoid

In today's fast-paced society, many middle-aged people often have to sacrifice sleep or even stay up all night due to work pressure. However, studies have confirmed that staying up late for a long time will cause a burden on the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular vessels, leading to endocrine disorders and increasing the risk of disease.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) reports that there has been an increase in cancer rates among nocturnal workers, which is related to circadian rhythm disruptions.

The reversal of day and night can interfere with the body's biological clock and affect the normal functioning of the metabolic system. Therefore, for middle-aged people between the ages of 45 and 55, it is essential to maintain a regular sleep schedule and ensure adequate sleep quality.

In addition, tobacco and alcohol intake have long been the enemy of health. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), both smoking and alcohol abuse are associated with the onset of several types of cancer.

Harmful substances such as nicotine and tar in tobacco can directly damage lung tissue, and long-term smoking can significantly increase the risk of lung cancer.

At the same time, alcohol can stimulate the digestive system, and long-term heavy drinking can lead to gastritis, stomach ulcers, and even stomach cancer. Therefore, quitting smoking and limiting alcohol is very important for middle-aged people who are entering the golden period of longevity.

Finally, the problem of sedentary life in the modern work environment cannot be ignored. A study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology states that sitting for long periods of time not only increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, but may also lead to a lower metabolism and lead to health problems such as obesity.

Therefore, middle-aged people should try to avoid sitting still for a long time, but should get up regularly and stretch their bodies properly.

45 to 55 years old, enter the golden period of longevity, want to be healthy, remember "2 appropriate, 3 taboos and 4 diligence"

Fourth, "4 diligence": positive attitude and habits of life

It is recommended that middle-aged people choose suitable sports programs for themselves, such as yoga, tai chi, jogging, etc., which can not only improve cardiopulmonary fitness, but also help control weight and prevent muscle loss. Exercising moderately can help strengthen your physique and make you more energetic.

In addition to exercising, drinking water frequently is also a part of maintaining health. Water is the source of life, and adequate water intake helps maintain the body's water and electrolyte balance and promote metabolism.

Especially for middle-aged people who may have high blood sugar or constipation problems, adequate water intake is very beneficial to regulate the physical state and promote digestive health.

Frequent check-ups are the key to early prevention and diagnosis of diseases. According to the "1+X" physical examination model, regular and comprehensive health examinations are carried out, and targeted examination items are selected according to their own conditions and family medical history, so that potential health hazards can be discovered in time, and early treatment and early recovery can be carried out. Medical experts believe that physical examination is an indispensable part of the health management of middle-aged and elderly people.

45 to 55 years old, enter the golden period of longevity, want to be healthy, remember "2 appropriate, 3 taboos and 4 diligence"

5. Integrate healthy habits to enjoy quality of life

Middle age is the golden period of life and a turning point for health. Scientific living habits and healthy behavior patterns are particularly important at this stage. The integration of "2 advisables, 3 taboos, and 4 diligence" healthy habits can not only effectively prevent and treat diseases, but also significantly improve the quality of life.

For example, a sensible diet can improve physical function and metabolic status, and proper sun exposure can help with bone health and mood.

At the same time, avoiding bad lifestyle habits, such as quitting smoking and limiting alcohol, and avoiding staying up late, can significantly reduce the risk of chronic diseases. With these simple but effective adjustments, middle-aged people can not only prevent a variety of diseases, but also achieve an all-round improvement in mental and physical strength.

In addition, the cultivation of positive life attitudes and habits, such as routine physical examinations and regular travel, not only enhances the love of life, but also provides scientific support for health management.

Regular check-ups help identify and treat potential health problems early, while travel and other leisure activities are an effective way to release stress and improve quality of life.

These active lifestyles can not only help middle-aged people maintain physical health, but also contribute to mental balance and emotional fulfillment.

45 to 55 years old, enter the golden period of longevity, want to be healthy, remember "2 appropriate, 3 taboos and 4 diligence"


The age of 45 to 55 should not only be seen as a wake-up call for life, but also as the best time to adjust and optimize your lifestyle. In this "golden period of longevity", through the implementation of "2 suitables, 3 taboos and 4 diligences", everyone can enhance their physique, improve their quality of life, and enjoy the dual benefits of health and longevity.

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