
The woman jumped from the telephone pole naked, and the insider revealed that it was a loan thunderstorm, and netizens were completely angry

author:Yu Tao
{"info":{"title":{"content":"女子裸体从电线杆跳下,知情人透露是贷款暴雷,网友们彻底怒了","en":"The woman jumped from the telephone pole naked, and the insider revealed that it was a loan thunderstorm, and netizens were completely angry"},"description":{"content":"近日,一起触目惊心的事件震惊了社会——一名女子裸体从电线杆跳下,不幸身亡。据知情人透露,这起悲剧可能与贷款暴雷有关。这一...","en":"Recently, a shocking incident shocked society - a woman jumped naked from a telephone pole and tragically died. According to people familiar with the matter, the tragedy may be related to the loan thunderstorm. This..."}},"items":[]}

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