
Follow-up: The boy was suspected of stealing money, tied up with a telephone pole and whipped him, the insider broke the news, and the beater was detained

author:Show Classroom


Recently, a case of lynching of left-behind children has attracted widespread attention from all walks of life, a boy was suspected of stealing money by villagers, and then lynched by villagers, tied to a telephone pole and whipped in public, while the villagers who watched the excitement also applauded, this scene is really shocking.

I believe everyone is very indignant and angry about such lynching, as adults, how should we face and deal with such problems correctly? And whether the child should be lynched, or what is the problem in the family education that will cause the child to steal? These questions are what we need to think about urgently, so let's take a look at what this lynching case is all about.

Follow-up: The boy was suspected of stealing money, tied up with a telephone pole and whipped him, the insider broke the news, and the beater was detained
Follow-up: The boy was suspected of stealing money, tied up with a telephone pole and whipped him, the insider broke the news, and the beater was detained

1. Review of events

Follow-up: The boy was suspected of stealing money, tied up with a telephone pole and whipped him, the insider broke the news, and the beater was detained

Recently, a 13-year-old boy who was suspected of stealing money by villagers who was suspected of stealing money from a 13-year-old boy in Lilou Village, Nanzhai Township, Neihuang County, Henan Province, was still in junior high school.

It is understood that the boy was suspected of stealing 650 yuan from the villagers at that time, and in the concept of the local villagers, stealing is a very serious matter, so once someone steals, they are often punished in various ways, and this time, it is the boy's turn to become the target of public criticism.

After a "trial" by the villagers, the boy was finally tied to a telephone pole, and next to the boy, there was an old man and a middle-aged woman, who were the boy's relatives, and the old man was the boy's own grandmother.

And in the stunned eyes of everyone, the boy's relatives actually picked up the whip and whipped the boy continuously, and this scene was also taken by the onlookers A lot of photos and videos were taken, and then uploaded to the Internet.

Follow-up: The boy was suspected of stealing money, tied up with a telephone pole and whipped him, the insider broke the news, and the beater was detained

2. Controversy over lynching cases

When these photos and videos were uploaded to the Internet, they quickly caused heated discussions, and the vast majority of netizens were very indignant and angry, they believed that the boy should not be lynched like this regardless of whether he really stole the money or not, not to mention that the boy was still so young.

Among the local villagers, they have completely different views on such lynching, they feel that since the child has stolen money, he should be punished, and lynching is just one of them, and such a thing should be stopped in time, rather than blindly conniving and shielding.

And among the boy's relatives, there are also people who stand on the side of the boy, they feel that the boy is only 13 years old, he is still a child, even if he really made a mistake, he should be given a chance to change, instead of blindly scolding and punishing him, not to mention, the boy did not steal money.

Follow-up: The boy was suspected of stealing money, tied up with a telephone pole and whipped him, the insider broke the news, and the beater was detained

3. The Problem Behind the Lynching

Whether in the family or in society, stealing is a very serious matter, and lynching is an extreme way to deal with it, which often brings great physical and mental harm to the victim, and will also aggravate the rebellious psychology of the offender, leading them to a road of no return.

This case of lynching is related to domestic violence, the concept of the rule of law, the protection of left-behind children and other issues, it has sounded the alarm for us, making us realize that in today's society, there are still big problems in family education and social education, and there are still some people who still have a certain deviation from the concept of law and the rule of law.

How should we correctly understand such a problem? First of all, there should be conclusive evidence on whether the child stole money, rather than suspicion and speculation, otherwise, lynching will only make things more complicated and cause great harm to innocent people.

Secondly, whether in the family or in society, we should learn to look at problems with a rational and tolerant eye, and give them appropriate punishment for those who make mistakes, but more importantly, we should give them the opportunity to make amends, so that they can realize their mistakes and become new people.

Finally, we hope that the society can strengthen the care and protection mechanism for left-behind children, they are the weak group of society, but also the hope of the family and society, we should work together to give them a healthy and happy growth environment, so that they can stay away from crime, away from lynching, and also hope that the law can be more perfect, protect the legitimate rights and interests of everyone, so that we can all live in a fair and just society.

Follow-up: The boy was suspected of stealing money, tied up with a telephone pole and whipped him, the insider broke the news, and the beater was detained


Everyone has their own life and situation, and we can't fully understand and appreciate others, but as an adult, we should learn to feel and understand others with our hearts, and give others help and encouragement, which is a manifestation of maturity and rationality.

I hope that in the future life, no matter what kind of problems we encounter, we can face them with a rational and tolerant attitude, and I believe that with the joint efforts of everyone, our society will become better and better.

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