
Do you want to "line" or die? Man steals and demolishes community wires, Chengyang police find out "black hand"

author:Han News
Do you want to "line" or die? Man steals and demolishes community wires, Chengyang police find out "black hand"

Peninsula All Media Reporter Wang Hongzhi Correspondent Lin Ningning

The community was happy to be demolished, but before the house was moved, the electricity was cut off, and it turned out that someone wanted to take advantage of the chaos and steal the power supply line of the community.

Do you want to "line" or die? Man steals and demolishes community wires, Chengyang police find out "black hand"

On the afternoon of May 6, the Hongdao Police Station of the Coastal Police Detachment of the Qingdao Municipal Public Security Bureau received reports from the masses one after another, and the power supply lines on the street were "ripped off" by the people. After contacting the community, the demolition company and the power supply department, the police found that this was not a coordinated demolition at all, so what was the problem? The police found something strange from the large number of surveillance: at about 11 a.m. on May 6, the power supply box located at the head of the village frequently sparked, but due to the distance, some of the monitoring caused by the community demolition was not "powerful", and the specific situation could not be quickly restored. The police continued to expand the scope of the search, and before the abnormal time period, they found a picture of a man in camouflage uniform getting out of the car. At 11:23 a.m., on the road outside the village, the camouflage uniform reappeared, and at this time the pace began to stagger because of the large woven bag on the shoulder. After research and judgment, the identity of the suspect was determined, and on the afternoon of May 7, the police arrested him in a community on Keyuanwei Road.

Do you want to "line" or die? Man steals and demolishes community wires, Chengyang police find out "black hand"

After confessing, the suspect had worked near Hongdao and knew that the community was being demolished, and he didn't find a job on the day of the crime, so he had the idea of picking up some cheap. After taking the subway and taking a taxi, I walked around the village, either the house was locked, or it was demolished to only the wall, and I had to take the road fee empty-handed, and I had to pay the road fee, and I stared at the power supply line, and I was also bold, so I opened the meter box and worked live, and ripped off the wire of a large woven bag before and after, and went back to peel off the skin and sell the scrap. At present, the suspect has been detained by the Chengyang police in accordance with the law.

Do you want to "line" or die? Man steals and demolishes community wires, Chengyang police find out "black hand"

Chengyang police reminded that the community that has entered the transformation stage, the residents are busy moving, the community is moving and demolishing, the flow of people and logistics is surging rapidly, and the loss of things happens from time to time.

Here, I would also like to advise those with ulterior motives that before the house is moved, all the property belongs to the owner, and the right to dispose of the house after completing the formalities belongs to the demolition company, and some people pry the door, drill the window, and move things on the grounds of scavenging, all of which are illegal occupation of other people's property, and will be investigated for legal responsibility according to law.

Source: Peninsula Metropolis Daily, Peninsula News client

Editor: Xiang Yanhong

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