
The national table tennis men's singles Olympic candidates are confirmed, Ma Long missed the singles, and the two compete for substitutes, who will participate in the Olympics

author:Dream of the wine market
{"info":{"title":{"content":"国乒男单奥运人选确定,马龙无缘单打,2人竞争替补,奥运谁参赛","en":"The national table tennis men's singles Olympic candidates are confirmed, Ma Long missed the singles, and the two compete for substitutes, who will participate in the Olympics"},"description":{"content":"在即将到来的奥运会上,乒乓球迷们将见证一个重大而意外的变化:马龙,这位乒乓球界的巨星,将不会以单打选手的身份出现在奥运赛...","en":"Table tennis fans will witness a major and unexpected change at the upcoming Olympic Games: Ma Long, the superstar of table tennis, will not appear at the Olympics as a singles player..."}},"items":[]}