
Coughing and leaking urine from running are the two types of women who are most likely to suffer from pelvic floor problems

author:The official micro-course of the big doctor
{"info":{"title":{"content":"咳嗽、跑步发生漏尿?这两类女性最容易患上盆底问题","en":"Coughing and leaking urine from running are the two types of women who are most likely to suffer from pelvic floor problems"},"description":{"content":"女性朋友们,您是否关注过自己的盆底健康?咳嗽、跑步发生漏尿,都是因为盆底肌,这组神秘的肌肉群,承载着腹部和盆腔脏器的重量...","en":"Female friends, have you ever paid attention to your pelvic floor health? Coughing and running urine leakage are all because of the pelvic floor muscles, a mysterious group of muscles that carry the weight of the abdomen and pelvic organs..."}},"items":[]}