
After an abortion, the endometrium is too thin? Biofeedback electrical stimulation can help restore health!

author:Lepu Yunzhi

"Doctor, after the abortion, the endometrium is too thin, how to increase the thickness of the endometrium?"

"Doctor, after the examination, I said that my thin endometrium will affect my pregnancy, what should I do?"


Regarding the trouble of thin endometrium, many female friends are experiencing!

The thickness of the endometrium is not exactly the same at different times of the menstrual cycle. After menstruation, the endometrium reaches 8mm-10mm, which is ideal, and if it is less than 7mm, it belongs to the thin endometrium.

Thin endometrium must be paid attention to and measures taken in time!

01. What factors can cause the endometrium to be too thin?

  • Endocrine disorders: Severe endocrine disorders can lead to hormonal imbalances in the body, resulting in periodic changes in the endometrium.
  • Abortion and curettage: Some patients have very little or no menstrual flow after the abortion surgery, which is a symptom of severe loss of the endometrium.
  • Aging: As we age, not only does the quality of the eggs decrease, but the lining of the uterus also becomes thinner.
  • Uterine development malformation: In clinical practice, hysterography of some patients finds that the uterus is not inverted pear-shaped, and even becomes elongated.
After an abortion, the endometrium is too thin? Biofeedback electrical stimulation can help restore health!

02. What is the impact of a thin endometrium?

If the embryo is compared to a seed, then the endometrium is the soil that nurtures the seed.

If the endometrium is too thin, it means that the soil is relatively poor, which will reduce the pregnancy rate, and due to the poor blood supply and nutrient supply after pregnancy, it will affect the implantation of the fertilized egg and the early development of the fetus, and increase the probability of threatened miscarriage.

In addition, if the endometrium is too thin, there will be low menstrual blood flow, and some may also develop polycystic ovary syndrome.

After an abortion, the endometrium is too thin? Biofeedback electrical stimulation can help restore health!

03. If you have the following symptoms, you should pay attention!

  • Menstrual irregularities: If the lining of the uterus is thinned, women may experience problems such as shortened menstrual cycles and decreased menstrual blood output.
  • Decreased libido: The secretion of estrogen in the body decreases, resulting in atrophy of the vaginal mucosa, decreased vaginal lubrication, etc., which affects libido.
  • Uterine adhesions: During menstruation, there may be a tingling pain in the lower abdomen and there may be blood clots in the menstrual blood.
  • Menopausal symptoms: Symptoms such as hot flashes, excessive sweating, irritability, and mood swings may also occur.
  • Dizziness and low back pain: often accompanied by various symptoms such as dizziness, tinnitus, backache, and abdominal pain.

04. How to effectively increase the thickness of the endometrium?

Hormone therapy: Estrogen and progesterone are the original powerhouses of endometrial growth. Experimental studies and clinical practice have shown that high-dose estrogen can promote endometrial repair and thickening, and combined with other adjuvant drugs, it can effectively promote endometrial growth.

Biofeedback electrical stimulation: Electrical stimulation therapy can effectively improve the contraction ability of pelvic floor muscles, increase blood circulation and nutrient supply, promote endometrial growth, improve pregnancy rate, and balance endocrine. It is a safe, non-invasive, simple, and cost-effective treatment that improves endometrial thickness and perfusion in patients with infertility due to thin endometrium.

After an abortion, the endometrium is too thin? Biofeedback electrical stimulation can help restore health!

Pay attention to diet: In life, you can eat more foods that contain estrogen and nourish blood, such as soybeans, black beans, ejiao, honey, walnuts, black sesame, fungus, etc., to stimulate the growth of the endometrium to a certain extent.

Fitness: Set aside at least 30 minutes a day to exercise, whether swimming, running, cycling, yoga or walking, to promote the circulation of qi and blood in the uterus and adjust the secretion of hormones.