
After having a child, what is the biggest change in your life?

author:The big white is warm and cold

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After having a child, what is the biggest change in your life?

There is such a hot topic, what is the biggest change in your life after having children?

Since I had a baby, there has been no self in the world. From the beginning of pregnancy, it is the beginning of self-disappearance.

I learned to live within my means, to be strong, to be patient, to manage my emotions, and to be forward-looking.

After having a child, what is the biggest change in your life?
After having a child, what is the biggest change in your life?
After having a child, what is the biggest change in your life?

But often such food is not as good as the food with rich ingredients, and my mother-in-law often says that the food I give to my children is bland and tasteless. I often secretly add ingredients to my children's food when I am not at home, which makes me very helpless. But my habit of reading the ingredient list has had some impact on the child. Now when the little cypress tree chooses snacks, will it be healthy by my mother's snack?

After having a child, what is the biggest change in your life?
After having a child, what is the biggest change in your life?

I used to like to stay up late to watch dramas, and I like to stay up late to play games, but now I have to stay up late.

In the past, I could drag it when I was not feeling well, but now I am very concerned about my body, and when I feel inappropriate, I rush to the hospital.

I cherish myself more than before because I know that I have to take care of not only myself but also my children!

I prefer to wear comfortable clothes before becoming a mother, and high, thin and blibli heels are my favorite. After becoming a mom, heelless and comfortable shoes are my favorite.

After having a child, what is the biggest change in your life?
After having a child, what is the biggest change in your life?

The most contact is the group of people, Bao Ma will communicate with them when encountering big and small things, Bao Ma personally Amway her baby is using good things, word of mouth is better than CCTV advertising in prime time!

Everything is child-centered!

Before, what was delicious, easy to use, and easy to wear was self-centered, and after having a baby, the priority was in the baby, and the old mother's material desires and pursuits became indifferent.

After having a child, what is the biggest change in your life?
After having a child, what is the biggest change in your life?
After having a child, what is the biggest change in your life?
After having a child, what is the biggest change in your life?

Taste the taste of the stomach!

Especially when I just returned to work after giving birth, I began to miss the baby as soon as I went to work, looking forward to getting off work early, and giving an hour of breastfeeding leave every day was not enough!

Simplify the complex, pursue comfort and simplicity!

When I don't have a baby, I often buy myself clothes, and the new fashion shoes, hats, bags, bags and accessories are at the forefront of the trend. After having a baby, everything is simple, high heels are replaced by sneakers, it is convenient to hold a baby! Tight skirt is replaced by jeans, walking freely! Lv is replaced by a canvas bag, which is wear-resistant and resistant!

I know how to cherish and give!

After having a child, I learned the truth of "living in the present and cherishing the present". I don't like to be juicy in everything, I don't want to get anything anymore, I don't waste my energy for people and things that are not worthy. Everything in my heart is child-oriented, even if I sacrifice some of my own interests, I try my best to let the baby enjoy better living conditions.

Buy only the right ones, don't buy the expensive ones!

In the past, when I was single, I chose expensive shopping, and I felt that price determines quality, and there are too many places to spend money after having children. All kinds of careful calculations, only buy useful ones, and no longer blindly chase big names.

After having a child, what is the biggest change in your life?

After having a child, I became no time of my own, no time to go out with friends to chat and play, all my time was spent with the child, after having a child I will not do nails, even if it is an environmentally friendly material, I began to care about maternal and infant products, I understand the nutritional difference between the baby's various milk powder brands, understand that intimate clothing must be Class A, and the child's food must be more bubbles to remove residual pesticides and so on. Too much, too much.

It is said that a woman's life is complete only when she becomes a mother, and giving birth to a child is like a watershed, separating the first half of a woman's life from the second half of her life.

After having a child, time, sleep, and freedom will all change because of having a child. When the child is young, use the time when the child sleeps to arrange his own things, and the time is like a race. After the child goes to primary school, he has to get up early to cook for the child and pick up the child to and from school; after the child goes to junior high school, in addition to getting up early to cook, he will accompany the child to study at night, and the sleep time is even less. You can enjoy your life when you don't have children, and you will think about your children when you go out to play when you have children, so you have less freedom.

After having a child, what is the biggest change in your life?
After having a child, what is the biggest change in your life?

After having a child, not only have to take care of the child's health and growth, but also deal with various things in the family, the great new role of the mother, in family life, workplace work and society, become strong and independent

Before having a baby, my teammates and I were both "Moonlight Q", and after we got married, we basically didn't eat at home, and we solved it in the unit on weekdays, and on weekends, we all went out to eat. Buy, buy, eat, eat, play.. ...... It is the norm of our married life, and there is no sense of "saving money" at all. After having a baby, we began to feel the power of "four-legged gold-swallowing beast A", so we began to "cut down on food and clothing" and pay attention to "open source and reduce expenditure." Especially after having two treasures, the cost is double, but the two of us spend more generously on the baby, and we are picking and searching for ourselves.

After having a child, what is the biggest change in your life?

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