
Thought it was love? No, it's loneliness, but "Vague Time" lets you see what loneliness should look like

author:The squire said movie

In 2016, a Korean movie called "Blurry Time" was released, but how can the time be blurred? The lonely human heart will be.

The movie tells the story of several friends in order to watch the engineering team blow up the tunnel, disappeared together, but only the only girl Xiulin returned safely, a few days later, the police found the body of one of the children in an abandoned playground, Cheng Min appeared in front of Xiulin as an adult, where did Cheng Min's years go?

Thought it was love? No, it's loneliness, but "Vague Time" lets you see what loneliness should look like

It is said that this is a story based on a true case.

In 1991, five elementary school students from Daegu Metropolitan City, South Korea, climbed Wolong Mountain near their home and disappeared together.

11 years later, the bones of 5 people were found in the middle of Wolong Mountain, and the deaths of 5 people are still mysterious. ”

In "Vague Time", the kidnapping of Xiulin and the killing of the people in Asahi is also a mystery.

Thought it was love? No, it's loneliness, but "Vague Time" lets you see what loneliness should look like

The story begins on a small island.

Thought it was love? No, it's loneliness, but "Vague Time" lets you see what loneliness should look like

After the death of her mother, Xiulin and her stepfather came to a small island. Some of them are out of place, she knows Cheng Min, and with the help of Cheng Min, she also has her own small group and love.

Xiaodao is digging the tunnel, Xiulin, Cheng Min, and Xiao Fatzi have agreed to watch the engineering team blow up the tunnel together in Asahi and Tai-sik, the waiting time is always long and boring, inadvertently, the four people found that there is a deep tree hole in the mountain, and the adventurous friend decided to go down to see.

Thought it was love? No, it's loneliness, but "Vague Time" lets you see what loneliness should look like

Under the deep tree hole is a lake, the lake emits a golden glow, Tai Zhi dived into the water and found that there was an egg under the water, it was the light emitted by this egg that attracted them, he took the egg up, did not expect that the egg would no longer glow after leaving the water, the four people left the tree hole, Xiulin found that the hairpin left by her mother may have been left behind by the lake under the tree hole, so she returned to the tree hole alone to find the hairpin.

Unexpectedly, when she was about to climb up, the explosives exploded, and in fear, she quickly climbed out of the tree hole, not expecting that Cheng Min, who was supposed to be waiting for her at the edge of the tree, was gone, and only the shell of the egg was left, shattered into pieces waiting for her.

Thought it was love? No, it's loneliness, but "Vague Time" lets you see what loneliness should look like

Yamashita's adults had already begun to search around for the disappearance of the children, until Xiulin was found, and it wasn't long before Jae-asahi's body was also found in an abandoned playground.

Xiulin felt a little fortunate for a while, fortunately, the body found was not Cheng Min, fortunately, Cheng Min may still be alive.

Xiulin, who was alone at home, suddenly noticed some unusual movements, and she was attracted to walk step by step to the back mountain, where a strange person appeared, calling her name, saying that he was Cheng Min, but it was obviously an adult!

Thought it was love? No, it's loneliness, but "Vague Time" lets you see what loneliness should look like

Frightened, Xiulin ran wildly and escaped from the back mountain. After she tells the police what happened, the police begin to search for HouShan and take the strange man as a suspect in kidnapping Sung Min and Tae-sik.

The police searched Houshan and did not find the strange person, only a notebook, Xiulin saw the unique text on it, and immediately realized that the person who said that he was Cheng Min, may be true.

This kind of writing was created by her and Cheng Min, and only the two of them could understand it. She looked through the notebook to know what Cheng Min had gone through.

Thought it was love? No, it's loneliness, but "Vague Time" lets you see what loneliness should look like

After she returns to the tree cave, Sung Min and Jae-wook and Tae-sik discover that the egg will move, and the three of them simply break the egg. After the egg was broken, something strange happened.

The three of them waited for a long time for Xiulin not to come out of the tree hole, and When Cheng Min returned to the tree cave, she found that Xiulin was motionless, and even the water droplets were still in the air.

The three returned to the city and found that everything had stopped, and time seemed to stop at the moment when the egg was broken.

People maintained the movement of that moment, and the water, the trees, the flowers, the birds, and even the air seemed to be still.

Thought it was love? No, it's loneliness, but "Vague Time" lets you see what loneliness should look like

At first, the three people who found this vision found it fresh and interesting, they could eat and drink unscrupulously, play and play, no one restrained, no one disciplined, free and happy. It wasn't until the little fat man had an asthma attack in Asahi and there was no medicine to cure it, that Both Sung Min and Tae-sik went to discover something new and interesting, and after Asahi died alone, it made the two feel that it seemed that the time that was still was not so interesting.

Thought it was love? No, it's loneliness, but "Vague Time" lets you see what loneliness should look like

There was no sunrise and sunset, no sound, no images, no living creatures, the sea was motionless, and the whole island seemed dead. Only the two of them accompanied each other, spent a fresh and interesting period, loneliness began to slowly hit the two, in order not to make time seem long, the two chose to learn new things to waste time, Cheng Min also began to learn to carve, carved out the appearance of Tai Zhi, but also carved a whole wall of Xiulin, writing a diary to record everything that happened to him.

Thought it was love? No, it's loneliness, but "Vague Time" lets you see what loneliness should look like

However, loneliness eventually engulfs Tae-sik, who chooses to leave the world of only two people by suicide.

Cheng Min looked at what Tae-chi had left behind, this world that left him alone, there was no sound, there was no way to see his appearance in the mirror, there was no object to speak to, the world was quiet as if it was dead, and in the end he also chose death.

However, the accident happened the moment he jumped into the sea, and the fish in the sea moved.

Yes, the moment he chose to die, the world came alive.

Cheng Min, who woke up again at the beach, found that the living world was so terrible, the sound was very noisy, the people were very strange, and after spending fifteen years alone, the normal world made him unable to adapt, and he could only hide in the log cabin in the back mountain.

Thought it was love? No, it's loneliness, but "Vague Time" lets you see what loneliness should look like

When Xiulin came to him, he was in the midst of the fear brought to him by the thunderstorm, and Xiulin's arrival gave him great comfort.

The two finally recognized each other, and Xiulin quickly accepted everything that happened to Cheng Min, and she also hoped that Cheng Min would merge with the world as soon as possible. Help him buy new clothes, cut his hair, and find a way to introduce him to people who know them, but it is not easy, no one will believe that a complete stranger-looking person will be a child who was still around the day before, let alone a child who was identified as missing.

Thought it was love? No, it's loneliness, but "Vague Time" lets you see what loneliness should look like

Xiulin takes Cheng Min to the orphanage where he lived when he was a child, but the director who originally loved him looked at him like a monster. Xiulin's stepfather also found a photo of her and Cheng Min in Xiulin's mobile phone, afraid that his daughter would be hurt by the kidnappers, he came to the hut where Cheng Min was sheltered, he did not expect that the daughter actually called out to the adult man Cheng Min, the stepfather suspected that the daughter was deceived, the police suspected that Xiulin was delusional, and finally locked the kidnapped suspect into Cheng Min.

Thought it was love? No, it's loneliness, but "Vague Time" lets you see what loneliness should look like

Cheng Min became a suspect in the city's search, was hunted around, in a hurry, the two escaped separately, before separating, Xiulin told Cheng Min that they agreed to meet in front of the tree cave. Xiulin was then taken back to the police station for questioning, and Cheng Min successfully escaped.

The police's inquiry was fruitless, Xiulin escaped again, came to the tree cave, and got another egg left in the tree hole, she thought that as long as she showed this egg to the police, and then smashed it in front of them, time would stop, she and the police would live in that world where time was still, but Cheng Min knew how lonely that world was, and he didn't want Xiulin to experience all that.

Thought it was love? No, it's loneliness, but "Vague Time" lets you see what loneliness should look like

When they fled, they were eventually chased by the police to the edge of the cliff, and Xiulin accidentally fell to protect Cheng Min. When she opened her eyes again, she and the police who rescued her were lying safely on the beach, Cheng Min had long disappeared, she knew that Cheng Min had once again stopped time in order to save her, and she, as the only survivor of the kidnapping case, relayed all this, written by the writer into a book, and she also left a letter on the book in the unique words of the two of them, a letter that belonged only to the two of them.

Thought it was love? No, it's loneliness, but "Vague Time" lets you see what loneliness should look like

The police who survived with her finally believed what she said, but there was no way to convince everyone that her home was thrown into garbage and smashed bottles by angry people, and the walls were full of filthy words, and the police, in order to protect her, taught her to put all the blame on Cheng Min.

Thought it was love? No, it's loneliness, but "Vague Time" lets you see what loneliness should look like

After she finally returned to a dull life, the familiar and unfamiliar figure on the side of the platform was not Cheng Min? On the steamship, the two finally met again, Cheng Min, who had two white sideburns, and Xiulin, who was not yet an adult.

Thought it was love? No, it's loneliness, but "Vague Time" lets you see what loneliness should look like

Is this still love? It seems to be, and it seems not.

Thought it was love? No, it's loneliness, but "Vague Time" lets you see what loneliness should look like

Maybe it's a story about love, two little unsuspecting, feeling sorry for each other, and accompanying each other.

Maybe it's a story about loneliness, the first fifteen years, the little friends died one after another, leaving him alone.

Thought it was love? No, it's loneliness, but "Vague Time" lets you see what loneliness should look like

Maybe this is a story about guardianship, Xiulin chooses to have a confrontation with everyone in order to protect Chengmin, and Chengmin chooses another lonely fifteen years in order to protect Xiulin.

Maybe it's a story about waiting, and only with concern in your heart can you live alone for many years in a world that has died.

Thought it was love? No, it's loneliness, but "Vague Time" lets you see what loneliness should look like

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