
Spring propaganda "non-stop" traffic safety "police" accompanied

author:Yellow River News Network Luliang Channel

In order to build a strong line of defense for road traffic safety in spring

The Lvliang traffic police approached the masses in an all-round and multi-form manner

Carry out high-frequency traffic safety publicity activities

Always advise and instruct diligently

Make every effort to enhance the public's awareness of traffic safety

Lan County Traffic Police| Spring is in full bloom, sending traffic safety knowledge to the campus

Recently, the police of the Lanxian County Traffic Police Brigade walked into the New Thinking Primary School to carry out spring traffic safety publicity and campus rule of law education and publicity activities, and sent safety prevention knowledge to every teacher and student. The police used easy-to-understand, vivid and interesting language, combined with the travel mode of primary and secondary school students in the jurisdiction to and from school, explained to teachers, students and parents in simple terms the traffic safety knowledge that should be paid attention to when walking and picking up children to and from school. Motorcycles should wear safety helmets and other good traffic safety habits, consciously resist all kinds of traffic violations, and resolutely do not take agricultural vehicles, overcrowded vans, scrapped cars, electric two- and three-wheeled motorcycles, and effectively improve travel safety awareness and self-protection capabilities.

Spring propaganda "non-stop" traffic safety "police" accompanied

Subsequently, the police of the urban squadron led the students to learn the traffic command gestures, in accordance with the steps of the first easy and then the difficult, starting from the basic movements, step by step, explaining the essentials of the command gestures, through the on-site teaching of traffic command gestures, hand drill competition, and effectively improve the students' traffic safety awareness from the ideology and action.

Xingxian traffic police walked into Weifen Park to carry out spring traffic safety publicity activities

In order to improve the traffic safety awareness of the masses and effectively prevent and reduce the occurrence of road traffic accidents, recently, the Xingxian County traffic police went deep into the small park of Weifen in Xingxian County to carry out spring traffic safety publicity activities, popularize traffic safety knowledge to the masses, and pass on the concept of safe and civilized travel.

During the activity, the propaganda police patiently explained to the masses the harmfulness of various traffic violations such as not wearing safety helmets, not wearing seat belts, overspeeding, drunk driving, and driving without a license or license through typical cases around them. Passengers wear safety helmets to improve traffic safety awareness and emergency response capabilities of traffic participants.

It is safe to go to the rural areas to catch up with the big gatherings

At present, in the season of spring ploughing and preparation, in order to do a good job in the publicity of road traffic safety in rural areas, on April 20, the Gaoyang Squadron of the Xiaoyi Traffic Police Brigade and the People's Auxiliary Police of the Propaganda and Education Section went deep into Linshui Village in the jurisdiction to carry out the "Beautiful Countryside Tour" traffic safety propaganda activity on the rural market day, and "talked" about safety with the villagers, and built a solid sense of safety prevention among the rural people.

Spring propaganda "non-stop" traffic safety "police" accompanied
Spring propaganda "non-stop" traffic safety "police" accompanied

At the scene of the event, the people's auxiliary police distributed promotional materials, handbags, police pendants and other gifts to the vendors and the masses, and combined with the typical traffic accident cases that occurred in the jurisdiction, elaborated on the harm and consequences of various traffic violations such as drunk driving, riding motorcycles, electric vehicles without wearing safety helmets, illegal carrying of agricultural tricycles, driving without a license, and taking overcrowded vehicles, etc., to educate and guide everyone to abandon bad traffic habits, deeply learn the tragic lessons brought by the accident, and do not forget to tell everyone to keep in mind the "one helmet and one belt" The importance of consciously abiding by traffic laws, abandoning bad traffic habits, staying away from traffic violations, and achieving safe and civilized travel.

Jiaocheng Traffic Police: Stand on the "Guardian Post" and guard the safe road

Recently, the traffic police brigade of the Jiaocheng County Public Security Bureau took the special rectification action of highway traffic safety in spring as the starting point, paid close attention to the changes in the traffic flow around the main road sections and campuses in the jurisdiction, further refined the work measures, scientifically analyzed and judged the flexible service mode, and normalized the adjustment of the "student protection posts" at the gates of primary and secondary schools and surrounding roads in the jurisdiction, so as to protect the safety of students.

Spring propaganda "non-stop" traffic safety "police" accompanied
Spring propaganda "non-stop" traffic safety "police" accompanied

During the peak hours when students go to school and leave school, the brigade scientifically deploys police forces, arrives at their posts in advance, guides passing vehicles to slow down, directs vehicles to pick up and drop off students, and escorts students to pass safely. At the same time, the people's auxiliary police on duty also make every effort to do a good job in the publicity and popularization of traffic safety knowledge, and use the gap between the orderly passage of the command vehicles to explain the knowledge of safe travel and traffic safety laws and regulations to students and parents, and persuade the majority of traffic participants to keep in mind the "one helmet and one belt", be a good civilized "driver", consciously resist bad traffic habits, and work together to maintain good road traffic order around the school.

Source: Shanxi Luliang Traffic Police

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