
On April 22, Queen Camilla attended a new event, in which Queen Camilla wore a blue military uniform and a red hat to steal the eye, but Camilla is older after all

author:Youngster Yule
{"info":{"title":{"content":"4月22日卡米拉王后出席了一个新活动,在这个新活动上,卡米拉王后身穿蓝色的军装搭配红色帽子非常抢镜,不过卡米拉毕竟年龄大","en":"On April 22, Queen Camilla attended a new event, in which Queen Camilla wore a blue military uniform and a red hat to steal the eye, but Camilla is older after all"},"description":{"content":"4月22日卡米拉王后出席了一个新活动,在这个新活动上,卡米拉王后身穿蓝色的军装搭配红色帽子非常抢镜,不过卡米拉毕竟年龄大...","en":"On April 22, Queen Camilla attended a new event, in this new event, Queen Camilla wore a blue military uniform with a red hat and was very eye-catching, but Camilla is old after all..."}},"items":[]}

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