
【Cohesion of "new" cohesion and walking with one heart】The Municipal New Federation carried out the public welfare activity of "donating blood and spreading love".

author:Lingwu Rong Media Center

A drop of blood, condensing the power of sincerity; A love carries the hope of life. In order to guide the city's new social strata to actively contribute to the society and transmit positive energy, on the morning of May 16, the United Front Work Department of the Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal New Social Strata Friendship Association, and the Li Fang Committee of the CPPCC organized more than 30 new social strata in the city to carry out the public welfare activity of "Gathering New Strength and Building a New Era of Dreams" - "Donating Blood and Spreading Love" in the blood donation vehicle of Lingzhou Square, and practice the original intention and mission of the New Union to take responsibility, dedicate to public welfare and serve the society with practical actions.

【Cohesion of "new" cohesion and walking with one heart】The Municipal New Federation carried out the public welfare activity of "donating blood and spreading love".

The event received positive responses and participation from people from new social classes, and everyone "held hands for love and dedicated their blood" to convey love and strength. In the activity, everyone's face was filled with a warm smile, and their hearts were full of awe and cherishment of life, everyone lined up in an orderly manner to register for blood donation, and undergo health checks. They said that they felt honored and proud to participate in such public welfare activities and contribute to the society.

【Cohesion of "new" cohesion and walking with one heart】The Municipal New Federation carried out the public welfare activity of "donating blood and spreading love".
【Cohesion of "new" cohesion and walking with one heart】The Municipal New Federation carried out the public welfare activity of "donating blood and spreading love".
【Cohesion of "new" cohesion and walking with one heart】The Municipal New Federation carried out the public welfare activity of "donating blood and spreading love".

On the same day, a total of 26 people from the new social class completed unpaid blood donations, with a total of 10,100 milliliters of blood donated. The Ningxia Blood Center presented a plaque with the inscription "Unpaid blood donation begins in the heart, fraternity and virtue are practiced" to the Municipal New Federation, and expressed gratitude to the New Union for actively organizing and mobilizing members to participate in the public welfare act of unpaid blood donation; The Municipal New Federation also presented the medical staff and volunteers of the blood donation vehicle with crochet bouquets made by the "Miracle" handicraft workshop for the disabled to express their gratitude.

【Cohesion of "new" cohesion and walking with one heart】The Municipal New Federation carried out the public welfare activity of "donating blood and spreading love".
【Cohesion of "new" cohesion and walking with one heart】The Municipal New Federation carried out the public welfare activity of "donating blood and spreading love".

In the next step, the Municipal New Federation will continue to organize more volunteers to participate in various social welfare activities, show a "new" style, transmit positive energy, and achieve "new" actions.

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