
Camila is so angry that she doesn't care about her image? Harry and Meghan's "separate royal family" foreign media have praised it?

author:Ma Tuan tells stories
Camila is so angry that she doesn't care about her image? Harry and Meghan's "separate royal family" foreign media have praised it?

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Text: Ma Tuan tells a story

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Recently, the British royal family has once again become the focus of public attention. It is reported that Princess Camilla was so angry because of Prince Harry and Princess Meghan's plan to "set up another royal family" that she disregarded her image, but strangely, foreign media praised this incident. What's going on here? Next, let's take a closer look at the ins and outs of this incident.

Camila is so angry that she doesn't care about her image? Harry and Meghan's "separate royal family" foreign media have praised it?

1. Harry and Meghan's plan to "set up another royal family".

Prince Harry and Princess Meghan have been in the spotlight since announcing their retirement from the British royal family. The two of them wanted to live a freer life, so they decided to give up their status and status as members of the royal family and live on their own. This decision is unprecedented in the history of the British royal family and has attracted widespread attention and discussion.

Camila is so angry that she doesn't care about her image? Harry and Meghan's "separate royal family" foreign media have praised it?

Harry and Meghan's plan to "create another royal family" is not just a simple exit, they also hope to use their influence to create a new, more accessible and modern image of the royal family. To this end, they actively participate in public welfare undertakings, pay attention to social issues, and hope to change the world through their own efforts.

Camila is so angry that she doesn't care about her image? Harry and Meghan's "separate royal family" foreign media have praised it?

Second, Princess Camilla's reaction

However, this plan has sparked discontent and controversy within the British royal family. Especially Princess Camilla, she was very angry at Harry and Meghan's behavior. As a member of the British royal family, Camilla has always followed the traditions and rules of the royal family, and it is naturally difficult to accept Harry and Meghan's rebellious behavior.

Camila is so angry that she doesn't care about her image? Harry and Meghan's "separate royal family" foreign media have praised it?

According to reports, Princess Camilla was so angry that she was furious after learning about Harry and Meghan's plan to "set up another royal family". She sees such behaviour as a blatant challenge to royal traditions and rules, and an insult to the royal family as a whole. She strongly opposes the plan and hopes that Harry and Meghan will return to the royal family and continue to fulfill their royal duties.

Camila is so angry that she doesn't care about her image? Harry and Meghan's "separate royal family" foreign media have praised it?

3. Praise from foreign media

However, despite Princess Camilla's strong opposition to this, foreign media have praised Harry and Meghan's plan to "set up another royal family". They see this plan as a challenge and innovation to the traditional royal family, and an important step to promote the modernization and accessibility of the royal family.

Camila is so angry that she doesn't care about her image? Harry and Meghan's "separate royal family" foreign media have praised it?

Foreign media believe that Harry and Meghan's behavior has broken the shackles and limitations of the royal family, allowing them to express their views and emotions more freely. Through their efforts and influence, they promote the development of social welfare undertakings, pay attention to the rights and interests of vulnerable groups, and show the responsibility and responsibility of royal family members.

Camila is so angry that she doesn't care about her image? Harry and Meghan's "separate royal family" foreign media have praised it?

In addition, foreign media also believe that Harry and Meghan's "separate royal family" plan will help enhance the image and reputation of the royal family. The traditional royal family often gives people a sense of being high and out of reach, but Harry and Meghan's behavior brings the royal family closer to the people, allowing the public to feel the lives and emotions of the royal family members more realistically.

Camila is so angry that she doesn't care about her image? Harry and Meghan's "separate royal family" foreign media have praised it?

IV. Conclusions

In general, although Harry and Meghan's plan to "set up another royal family" has caused dissatisfaction and controversy within the British royal family, it has been widely praised by foreign media. This event not only reflects the contradictions and disagreements within the royal family, but also shows the challenges and opportunities of the royal family in modern society.

Camila is so angry that she doesn't care about her image? Harry and Meghan's "separate royal family" foreign media have praised it?

For Harry and Meghan, they have brought a new image and reputation to the royal family through their efforts and influence. For the entire royal family, this incident also reminds them to pay more attention to the needs and expectations of the people, and promote the modernization and pro-people process of the royal family.

Camila is so angry that she doesn't care about her image? Harry and Meghan's "separate royal family" foreign media have praised it?

Of course, we should also be aware that each country and culture has its own unique royal traditions and rules. For the British royal family, how to balance tradition and modernity, and maintain the dignity and people-friendly image of the royal family will be a long-term and arduous task. It is hoped that they can learn the lessons of this incident, continuously improve and perfect their image and responsibilities, and make greater contributions to the country and the people.

Camila is so angry that she doesn't care about her image? Harry and Meghan's "separate royal family" foreign media have praised it?

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Camila is so angry that she doesn't care about her image? Harry and Meghan's "separate royal family" foreign media have praised it?

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