
Try Chinese medicine acupressure, heart panic and heart attack are no longer worried

author:Li Xu Yao, Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Mr. Zhang, a 50-year-old company manager, was shocked by the results of a recent medical check-up due to chronic work pressure and neglect of his own health—plaque in his arteries and abnormal oil buildup in his liver. This finding is not only a grim warning to his personal health, but also a general reminder to all those who neglect their daily health managers. Today, let's explore the meaning behind these findings and how to respond to these health warnings through acupressure, a traditional wisdom of Chinese medicine.

Try Chinese medicine acupressure, heart panic and heart attack are no longer worried

Interpreting the results of the physical examination: prevention is better than prevention

Arterial plaque: an invisible threat

Arterial plaque, medically known as atherosclerosis, is formed by the accumulation of fat, cholesterol, and other substances on the walls of blood vessels. This accumulation can gradually clog blood vessels, restricting blood flow and increasing the risk of heart disease, stroke, and even heart attack. Increasing age, unhealthy eating habits, and lack of exercise are the main triggers. Correct understanding of the hazards of arterial plaque and early recognition are the key to preventing cardiovascular diseases.

Try Chinese medicine acupressure, heart panic and heart attack are no longer worried

Fatty liver: a problem beyond weight

Fatty liver, where the liver accumulates excess fat, is often associated with obesity, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia. This condition not only affects liver function, but can also further evolve into hepatitis and even cirrhosis. Identifying and treating fatty liver is not only about reducing the burden on the liver, but also an important step in maintaining overall health.

Try Chinese medicine acupressure, heart panic and heart attack are no longer worried

The basics of acupressure in Chinese medicine: the art of touch healing

Traditional Chinese medicine acupressure is a treatment method that regulates the body's qi, blood and internal organ functions by pressing on specific points on the body. This technique originated from ancient Chinese medical theories, which advocated the prevention and treatment of diseases by harmonizing the qi and blood in the body.

The scientific basis of massage

In recent years, modern medical research has also begun to focus on the effects of acupressure. Studies have shown that proper acupressure stimulation can boost blood circulation, boost immune system function, and even help relieve stress and anxiety. For example, the "Hegu Point" can be used to relieve headaches and anxiety, while the "Taichong Acupoint" can help regulate liver function.

Learn the essentials of massage

Proper massage techniques are essential for therapeutic results. Each acupressure point has a specific position and type of massage, including the intensity, frequency, and duration of the massage. For example, acupuncture points related to arterial plaque should be gently massaged to avoid overstimulation, while acupuncture points related to fatty liver can be appropriately increased to promote blood circulation in the liver.

Try Chinese medicine acupressure, heart panic and heart attack are no longer worried

Battle Plaque Strategy: TCM acupressure techniques for arterial plaques

Arterial plaque is formed due to the accumulation of fat, cholesterol, calcium, and other substances in the blood on the walls of blood vessels, and can lead to cardiovascular disease over time. Traditional Chinese medicine regulates qi and blood through acupressure, which can effectively prevent and improve the formation of arterial plaque, thereby protecting heart health.

Try Chinese medicine acupressure, heart panic and heart attack are no longer worried

Acupuncture point selection and operation method

Hegu point: Located on the horizontal stripe of the wrist, when the depression between the bones of the thumb and index finger. This acupoint has the effect of regulating heart function and blood vessel elasticity. The massage method is: press this acupoint with the thumb of the other hand, gradually increase the force until there is a feeling of soreness, hold for 30 seconds and then relax, repeat 3-5 times a day.

Plum Blossom Needle: Although it is not a specific acupuncture point, Plum Blossom Needle is a multi-needle light stroke method used to stimulate a large area of the body surface and promote blood circulation. Suitable for the chest and back, it stimulates cardiopulmonary function and blood circulation. Gently pat the chest area and back for 10 minutes each time, 3 times a week.

Try Chinese medicine acupressure, heart panic and heart attack are no longer worried

Neiguan acupoint: Located on the midline of the forearm and two inches up the horizontal stripe of the wrist, it helps to adjust the heart rhythm and reduce the burden on the heart. The massage method is to gently press the acupoint with the index and middle fingers for 1-2 minutes, twice a day.

Massage of these acupuncture points can help reduce the viscosity of the blood in the arteries, improve blood quality, and thus reduce plaque formation.

Liver cleansing strategy: a TCM acupressure strategy for fatty liver

Fatty liver is an abnormal accumulation of fat in the liver that can be caused by poor diet, lack of exercise, or metabolic problems. Traditional Chinese medicine can improve the metabolic function of the liver through acupressure and help reduce the symptoms of fatty liver.

Acupuncture point selection and operation method

Zusanli acupoint: Located on the outside of the calf, when the lower edge of the kneecap is the depression of the four horizontal fingers downward. This acupoint can promote the detoxification function of the liver and blood circulation. The massage method is as follows: press the acupressure points with your thumb for 30 seconds and then relax, 3-5 times a day.

Taichong acupoint: Located on the dorsum of the foot, when the anterior depression between the first and second metatarsals. This acupoint is especially suitable for regulating liver function and reducing liver fat accumulation. Gently press the acupoint with your thumb for 1-2 minutes at a time, twice a day.

Try Chinese medicine acupressure, heart panic and heart attack are no longer worried

Dantian acupoint: Located in the abdomen, about two inches below the navel. This acupoint helps to enhance the function of the internal organs and improve metabolism. The massage method is to gently massage the acupoints for 5 minutes each time, once a day.

Through regular acupressure massage, the function of the liver can be activated, the metabolism of fat can be accelerated, and the condition of fatty liver can be improved.

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