
The 65-year-old man massaged 1 part every day for more than 10 years, and the doctor was amazed after the physical examination

author:Brother Qiao's health miscellaneous

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Uncle Zou is 65 years old this year, he has such a habit, that is, he insists on massaging the temples every day, and after persisting for more than 10 years, the doctor was amazed when he saw the results of the physical examination, saying that this can promote blood circulation and relax the body, so that the body will get better and better.

Uncle Zou is a retired courier, and before he retired, he rode his bicycle every day, rain or shine, through the streets of the city. This job gave him a good work of kung fu, but it also brought with it some chronic pain.

After retiring, he decided to pay more attention to his health and started a daily massage routine.

The 65-year-old man massaged 1 part every day for more than 10 years, and the doctor was amazed after the physical examination

"With this press every day, not only does my head not hurt anymore, but even my waist is much better!" Uncle Zou promotes his massage experience to his friends at the senior center in the community. His method is simple and effective, and every morning and evening, he spends five minutes gently massaging his temples.

The 65-year-old man massaged 1 part every day for more than 10 years, and the doctor was amazed after the physical examination

However, in addition to a simple massage, Uncle Zou is also very attentive to his diet and exercise. Uncle Zou pays special attention to this part of eating, he always picks those low-salt and low-oil vegetables, and especially likes to eat those high-fiber things, such as oats, vegetables and whatever, he said that eating this way not only makes the body feel relaxed, but also the appetite is much better. “

The doctor explained that massaging the temples can promote local blood circulation and help relieve tension and pain in the head. In the long run, this simple massage can also help reduce eye fatigue and may even help improve sleep quality.

The 65-year-old man massaged 1 part every day for more than 10 years, and the doctor was amazed after the physical examination

Uncle Zou's example is a very good proof. Through long-term self-massage and a healthy lifestyle, he has not only improved his own health, but also delayed the development of some chronic diseases. ”

In addition, the doctor also pointed out that Uncle Zou's lifestyle is extremely helpful in preventing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. A diet high in fiber not only helps with weight control, but also improves gut health and reduces the risk of certain types of cancer.

The 65-year-old man massaged 1 part every day for more than 10 years, and the doctor was amazed after the physical examination

The key is to persevere, many people start to do well, and after a long time, they slack off. Uncle Zou mentioned in the lecture that perseverance is one of the important factors for him to stay healthy.

Under his guidance, many elderly people in the community have also begun to imitate his approach, and together they have formed a "health club" to share their health tips on a regular basis and encourage each other to make progress together.

The doctor mentioned that although Uncle Zou's method is useful, everyone's situation is different, and it is best to consult a doctor before taking health measures.

The 65-year-old man massaged 1 part every day for more than 10 years, and the doctor was amazed after the physical examination

Now, many doctors and health experts have begun to recommend health management methods similar to Uncle Zou's. For example, some studies have shown that moderate physical activity and brain massage can be effective in improving cognitive function in older adults, especially for those with mild cognitive impairment, where this simple daily activity can significantly improve their memory and thinking skills.

"You see, if the elderly can stick to some simple activities every day like Uncle Zou, without being too strenuous and not too strenuous , they can greatly improve the quality of life. And it also helps them stay socially active and less lonely, which is great for mental health, you think. The doctor said.

The 65-year-old man massaged 1 part every day for more than 10 years, and the doctor was amazed after the physical examination

In addition, Uncle Zou's example has also inspired a burgeoning interest in traditional massage techniques in the medical community. Studies have shown that regular temple massage not only improves circulation, but may also help reduce the risk of high blood pressure. This is because massage can promote the outward dilation of blood vessels, which lowers blood pressure.

"In fact, we often ignore the simplest and most straightforward way of health management. It's like Uncle Zou's massage, it's simple, but it's effective. When the doctor looked at Uncle Zou's latest physical examination report, he nodded with satisfaction.

The 65-year-old man massaged 1 part every day for more than 10 years, and the doctor was amazed after the physical examination

Nowadays, more and more people are paying attention to this traditional and simple method of health management. In the community, Uncle Zou's practice has gradually been accepted and promoted, and has become a popular daily health habit.

Over time, not only has Uncle Zou's own physical condition improved significantly, but his practice has also inspired those around him, especially in his community, where many elderly people have begun to imitate him, finding that such habits not only improve their physical health, but also enrich their social activities.

The 65-year-old man massaged 1 part every day for more than 10 years, and the doctor was amazed after the physical examination

At a community health Q&A session, someone asked a question: "Doctor, I recently massaged my temples according to Uncle Zou's method, and I feel good, but I want to know, is there any other simple way to help improve my sleep and reduce headaches besides massaging my temples?" ”

The doctor said that in addition to the temple massage, you can also try the hot compress method. Using a hot water bottle to gently apply to the neck or shoulders before bed can help relax muscles and relieve fatigue throughout the day, which is a great help for improving sleep.

The 65-year-old man massaged 1 part every day for more than 10 years, and the doctor was amazed after the physical examination

As for headaches, drinking plenty of water and eating more fruits is also quite effective. Keep your body hydrated and eat fruits like apples and bananas to hydrate and add vitamins to your body. In this way, headaches can be greatly reduced.

The 65-year-old man massaged 1 part every day for more than 10 years, and the doctor was amazed after the physical examination

What do you think about massaging your temples every day? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

The 65-year-old man massaged 1 part every day for more than 10 years, and the doctor was amazed after the physical examination

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