
A three-year-old baby has a fever and goes to massage and is pressed to "foam at the mouth"? Masseur: I don't have any special features

A three-year-old baby has a fever and goes to massage and is pressed to "foam at the mouth"? Masseur: I don't have any special features

The official website of Beijing Youth Daily

2024-05-17 17:35Posted on the official account of Beijing

Ms. Zhang of Jinhua reflected

My three-year-old son has a low-grade fever

Go to a mother and baby shop to do massage

I pressed it for about two minutes

The child's state is not right

Later, he foamed at the mouth

Directly unconscious

A three-year-old baby has a fever and goes to massage and is pressed to "foam at the mouth"? Masseur: I don't have any special features

Ms. Zhang: My child had a low-grade fever that day, and then they said that they could massage to reduce fever, cough and so on, so I thought that a low-grade fever was not a high fever, and I didn't want to go to the hospital, I wanted to recuperate at home.

Reporter: How old is the child?

Ms. Zhang: The child is more than three years old. There happened to be an experience card for me, and then I had never been exposed to pediatric massage massage, and then I said to try it.

A three-year-old baby has a fever and goes to massage and is pressed to "foam at the mouth"? Masseur: I don't have any special features
A three-year-old baby has a fever and goes to massage and is pressed to "foam at the mouth"? Masseur: I don't have any special features

On Li Yu East Road, Jindong District, Jinhua

There is a family of Zhixin mother and baby

Ms. Zhang introduced

The family had bought it before

Two experience cards of 39 pieces of nine

I heard that massage can reduce fever

April 30th

The old man went to the store with a child with a low-grade fever

A three-year-old baby has a fever and goes to massage and is pressed to "foam at the mouth"? Masseur: I don't have any special features

Ms. Zhang: He pressed for about three minutes, and then he fell unconscious, foaming at the mouth, and then his lips turned purple and black, and his grandmother was scared to death and shouted. They immediately pressed the child into the center, and after pressing the center, the child moved a little.

Ms. Zhang said

After she arrived at the scene

Call an ambulance right away

The diagnosis from the hospital is:

Acute upper respiratory tract infection, febrile seizures

The child's body temperature was 39.1 degrees Celsius at the time of admission

A three-year-old baby has a fever and goes to massage and is pressed to "foam at the mouth"? Masseur: I don't have any special features

After that, he spent 6 days in the hospital

At present, the child has recovered

Except for health insurance

They also spent more than three thousand dollars at their own expense

A three-year-old baby has a fever and goes to massage and is pressed to "foam at the mouth"? Masseur: I don't have any special features
A three-year-old baby has a fever and goes to massage and is pressed to "foam at the mouth"? Masseur: I don't have any special features

Zhixin Mother and Baby Jinhua Wanda Store Masseur: Break up Yin and Yang.

Ms. Zhang: It wasn't here at all.

The masseur of Zhixin Mother and Baby Jinhua Wanda Store: I made a stomach cleansing meridian.

A three-year-old baby has a fever and goes to massage and is pressed to "foam at the mouth"? Masseur: I don't have any special features

Ms. Zhang: Fingers are not like this at all.

Ms. Zhang's mother: It started with a thumbs up.

Reporter: Grandma, you said that this is not the case, where was it at that time?

Zhixin Mother and Baby Jinhua Wanda Store Masseur: Just two minutes.

Ms. Zhang's mother: I did it like this, I kept doing this, and then I pressed this position, and I saw that it was wrong, and my mouth came down.

A three-year-old baby has a fever and goes to massage and is pressed to "foam at the mouth"? Masseur: I don't have any special features

Reporter: Is it like what my grandmother said?

Zhixin Mother and Baby Jinhua Wanda Store Masseur: No, in just two minutes, we have an accurate time regulation for pediatric massage, two minutes, one acupuncture point is the least, two minutes you give me, like she pinched this acupuncture point, I can't do it. I also have a certificate, and I am also a professional senior technician. That is to say, whose baby comes to do the body, we use techniques to do it for him, whose baby can do convulsions at once, who can? Whether it's an adult or a baby, if I had that special function, I wouldn't be here.

A three-year-old baby has a fever and goes to massage and is pressed to "foam at the mouth"? Masseur: I don't have any special features

Zhixin Mother and Baby Jinhua Wanda Store Boss Wang: If the doctor reports that it is because of the two-minute technique, what is the problem with the child, then what responsibility should we bear and what responsibility should be borne When the child has a fever, there may be convulsions.

Ms. Zhang said

The attitude of the store after the incident

It made her and her mother very angry

A three-year-old baby has a fever and goes to massage and is pressed to "foam at the mouth"? Masseur: I don't have any special features

Ms. Zhang: Later, we said that we didn't say that we could reduce the fever, and you came in and asked us to massage it. I said that my child has no history of high fever and convulsions, and that he has never encountered such a thing before, and that my child is in good health. said that I wanted to thank her, and I was rescued by the middle of the people, and if I had a high fever and convulsions outside, and no one had saved her, it would be the other way around.

A three-year-old baby has a fever and goes to massage and is pressed to "foam at the mouth"? Masseur: I don't have any special features

Zhixin Mother and Baby Jinhua Wanda Store Boss Wang: I said I don't know if these two minutes of massage is useful for children, but when our pediatric massage therapist has a certain sense of rescue, he did this action, I think it is still correct, if you come in for a few minutes at night, in case the child sleeps in the car This happens, I say it will be dangerous.

Reporter: How do we publicize this pediatric massage?

Boss Wang: Health care.

Ms. Zhang: She's going to say it's health care now.

Boss Wang: Because the whole country is like this kind of health care.

Reporter: Is there anything like she said, propaganda can relieve fever and so on?

Boss Wang: Our technique can make children more comfortable through this fever reduction period, and it has the function of assisting in fever reduction.

Ms. Zhang: It can reduce fever and cough.

A three-year-old baby has a fever and goes to massage and is pressed to "foam at the mouth"? Masseur: I don't have any special features

Zhixin Mother and Baby Jinhua Wanda Store Masseur: I swear to God that I can reduce fever, I never said.

Ms. Zhang's mother: He said that the child was two months old, and he pressed it all at once.

Zhixin Mother and Baby Jinhua Wanda Store Masseur: This is what you say, I have never been to any occasion at any time, I have not said it, I will sue her and go through the legal process.

Zhixin Mother and Baby Jinhua Wanda Store Boss Wang: It's already gone.

Ms. Zhang's grandmother: I don't admit it all.

Masseur: I can't do this job, and no one can do it if it goes on like this.

A three-year-old baby has a fever and goes to massage and is pressed to "foam at the mouth"? Masseur: I don't have any special features

Ms. Zhang provided photographs

The photo was taken of the promotional board that was placed outside the store before

It has something like this:

Tuina techniques are applied to fever in our department

Respiratory and digestive system, cough, anorexia, etc

A three-year-old baby has a fever and goes to massage and is pressed to "foam at the mouth"? Masseur: I don't have any special features
A three-year-old baby has a fever and goes to massage and is pressed to "foam at the mouth"? Masseur: I don't have any special features

Zhixin Mother and Baby Jinhua Wanda Store Boss Wang: How to say it, when I first opened the store five years ago, people said how to let you promote, in fact, these two boards have already fallen off, and it has been a long time, just cover the ugliness underneath, this is our mistake, and the market supervision also told us that this thing will be punished. Your words are equivalent to that, although you have no intention, but this is already something, and we also accept this punishment and are going through this punishment procedure.

Reporter: So these two boards now?

Boss Wang: People told us to take it out.

Boss Wang said

The money for the experience card has been refunded

At the time of consultation at the police station

Ms. Zhang's family offered 100,000 yuan in compensation

Later, the content was also posted online

It affected the reputation of the store

A three-year-old baby has a fever and goes to massage and is pressed to "foam at the mouth"? Masseur: I don't have any special features

Ms. Zhang: The last time my grandmother said 100,000 yuan, it was because she said that she would thank her for saving us, so my grandmother said that I would ask you for 100,000 yuan, which is just an angry talk, right? Later, I told her that she wanted 30,000 yuan, she said no, a few thousand yuan, and then she had a very bad attitude.

Boss Wang: I've always had this attitude.

Ms. Zhang: If the attitude is better, we can all do it, where will this attitude be.

Boss Wang: As long as the department thinks that I am not compliant or illegal, I will accept the punishment.

A three-year-old baby has a fever and goes to massage and is pressed to "foam at the mouth"? Masseur: I don't have any special features

On the business license,

There is one in the business scope:

TCM Health Care Services (Non-Medical)

A three-year-old baby has a fever and goes to massage and is pressed to "foam at the mouth"? Masseur: I don't have any special features

Song Yuejun, head of the Jindong District Health Supervision Institute of Jinhua City: If you see any place for the purpose of treatment, it must require the license of the medical institution for the record, as well as the doctor's qualification certificate of the person concerned. Through the on-site inspection, and the records of the parties, as well as the records of the respondent, after the investigation, the current results cannot be judged whether he has illegally practiced medicine, in addition, I suggest that if you encounter a fever and cold in the future, you should still go to a regular medical institution for medical treatment.

Source: 1818 GoldenEye

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  • A three-year-old baby has a fever and goes to massage and is pressed to "foam at the mouth"? Masseur: I don't have any special features
  • A three-year-old baby has a fever and goes to massage and is pressed to "foam at the mouth"? Masseur: I don't have any special features
  • A three-year-old baby has a fever and goes to massage and is pressed to "foam at the mouth"? Masseur: I don't have any special features
  • A three-year-old baby has a fever and goes to massage and is pressed to "foam at the mouth"? Masseur: I don't have any special features
  • A three-year-old baby has a fever and goes to massage and is pressed to "foam at the mouth"? Masseur: I don't have any special features
  • A three-year-old baby has a fever and goes to massage and is pressed to "foam at the mouth"? Masseur: I don't have any special features
  • A three-year-old baby has a fever and goes to massage and is pressed to "foam at the mouth"? Masseur: I don't have any special features
  • A three-year-old baby has a fever and goes to massage and is pressed to "foam at the mouth"? Masseur: I don't have any special features
  • A three-year-old baby has a fever and goes to massage and is pressed to "foam at the mouth"? Masseur: I don't have any special features
  • A three-year-old baby has a fever and goes to massage and is pressed to "foam at the mouth"? Masseur: I don't have any special features
  • A three-year-old baby has a fever and goes to massage and is pressed to "foam at the mouth"? Masseur: I don't have any special features
  • A three-year-old baby has a fever and goes to massage and is pressed to "foam at the mouth"? Masseur: I don't have any special features
  • A three-year-old baby has a fever and goes to massage and is pressed to "foam at the mouth"? Masseur: I don't have any special features
  • A three-year-old baby has a fever and goes to massage and is pressed to "foam at the mouth"? Masseur: I don't have any special features
  • A three-year-old baby has a fever and goes to massage and is pressed to "foam at the mouth"? Masseur: I don't have any special features
  • A three-year-old baby has a fever and goes to massage and is pressed to "foam at the mouth"? Masseur: I don't have any special features
  • A three-year-old baby has a fever and goes to massage and is pressed to "foam at the mouth"? Masseur: I don't have any special features
  • A three-year-old baby has a fever and goes to massage and is pressed to "foam at the mouth"? Masseur: I don't have any special features
  • A three-year-old baby has a fever and goes to massage and is pressed to "foam at the mouth"? Masseur: I don't have any special features

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