
Yutu-2 collected lunar soil, and after analysis, it was found that unlike the American lunar soil, the manned lunar landing was fake?

author:The erudite fourth brother


Yutu-2 collected lunar soil, and after analysis, it was found that unlike the American lunar soil, the manned lunar landing was fake?

The Moon is the closest celestial body to us, and it is also the most closely related to the Earth, it accompanies the Earth around the Sun, and is also affected by the Earth's gravitational pull, and is finally attracted to the Earth's orbit to orbit the Earth and become the Earth's satellite.

However, the encounter between the Earth and the Moon can be described as very tragic, and the Moon was attracted by the Earth's gravitational pull even after many "encounters" with the Earth.

After the baptism of time, the moon is still very strong, and it has become an excellent celestial body for people to stay with the earth.

However, one of the most puzzling aspects of the Moon is why it always faces only one side of the Earth.

Many people may think that this is related to the rotation of the moon, but after the establishment of the earth-moon system, the moon is also in a constant state, which is very strange to many people.

As the result of the mainland's lunar exploration program, Chang'e-4 landed on the far side of the moon for the first time, unveiling the veil of the mysterious back of the moon.

According to media reports, a large amount of the huge data uploaded back by Chang'e-4 is about the far side of the moon.

But what exactly is this information, and what is its significance?

The lunar soil collected during the manned lunar landing in the United States is also "significantly different" from China's future research, so many netizens speculated about it, and they "speculated" whether the American moon landing was fake?

1. Why does the Moon always only face the Earth?

Yutu-2 collected lunar soil, and after analysis, it was found that unlike the American lunar soil, the manned lunar landing was fake?

The results of the Earth-Moon age measurement show that the Moon and the Earth have been together for billions of years, so why is there always only one side facing the Earth?

Yutu-2 collected lunar soil, and after analysis, it was found that unlike the American lunar soil, the manned lunar landing was fake?

In fact, this is all due to the physical phenomenon on the earth - tidal forces, the earth's tidal forces on the moon form a "tidal lock" phenomenon.

The tidal force is a force that exchanges energy between celestial bodies, and in layman's terms, it is the tidal force of the earth that pulls the force to act on the moon, so that the moon is constantly consumed with energy, which affects its rotation, and finally makes the moon's rotation and revolution rate the same, and then the moon is "locked", and there is only one side facing the earth forever.

The phenomenon of "tidal locking" can also be seen between the Sun and Mercury, but because this phenomenon of "tidal locking" is contrary to the natural phenomenon of "yin and yang not showing circle", many people speculate that there is another sun, but this is not the real reason, it is all due to tidal locking.

2. Lift the veil on the back of the moon.

In 2019, Chang'e-4 successfully landed at the south pole of the moon, which has become innumerable in the eyes of modern people.

However, 50 years ago, the United States successfully launched the Apollo program, which was widely discussed by many scientists and astronauts, and the ultimate goal of this project was to bring humans into space and explore the mysteries of space through the eyes and hands of many people.

Yutu-2 collected lunar soil, and after analysis, it was found that unlike the American lunar soil, the manned lunar landing was fake?

In 1969, Neil Armstrong became the world's first man to "walk on the moon," and the United States succeeded in bringing astronauts into space.

Even today, when technology is particularly advanced, it is still considered the greatest feat ever created by mankind.

Since then, the Apollo astronauts have successfully pushed the space exploration project to a new peak, which also means that in the future space exploration project, people are no longer satisfied with just learning about the situation from the reports brought back by the astronauts, but to really take a look at it themselves.

Yutu-2 collected lunar soil, and after analysis, it was found that unlike the American lunar soil, the manned lunar landing was fake?

However, the United States has always been very reluctant to accept this, and the United States is the most conservative and unwilling to give consent to the "secondary pollution" caused by human beings, so at that time, not only people did not agree to this, but even scientists and experts also deeply regretted it.

However, inspired by this event, the Soviet Union also began its space race with the United States, which ended with the disappearance of Soviet spacecraft.

However, in 1975, the United States' "perfect match" - "Soyuz" and "Apollo" cooperated to take astronauts to the other side of "space" - the space station.

Yutu-2 collected lunar soil, and after analysis, it was found that unlike the American lunar soil, the manned lunar landing was fake?

However, this brought the end of the Apollo program of the United States, and also brought the United States to an end to the manned landing on the moon and the exploration of the moon.

But in 2003, the European Space Agency proposed a scientific program called "Energy and Environment" to the United States, which was named "Water Element Exploration", which was also the first time NASA conducted a deep exploration of the moon since 1972.

In 2010, the mainland successfully launched Chang'e-3 on the moon, and successfully made Chang'e-3 "tire rolling again" on the moon, finding a suitable place for subsequent exploration.

Yutu-2 collected lunar soil, and after analysis, it was found that unlike the American lunar soil, the manned lunar landing was fake?

3. The main research results of Chang'e-4.

Yutu-2 collected lunar soil, and after analysis, it was found that unlike the American lunar soil, the manned lunar landing was fake?

In the early morning of January 3, 2019, Chang'e-4 successfully landed with Yutu-2 in the center of the Antarctica-Aitken Basin, known as the "Von Kamenquera III Crater".

It is located on the edge of the moon's eternal day and eternal night regions, so this also opens up a new path for the "Chang'e-4" lunar exploration to brave the "extremely low temperature", and at the same time completes the "unprecedented" close-up "observation" for the study of the moon.

Not only Chang'e-4, but even previous probes that have successfully landed on the moon have not been to the "Von Kamenquera 3 Crater".

Yutu-2 collected lunar soil, and after analysis, it was found that unlike the American lunar soil, the manned lunar landing was fake?

The arrival of Chang'e-4 will not only bring new breakthroughs to the exploration of the moon, but also allow the far side of the moon to "gather" a large number of "future resources".

In the eyes of mainland scientists, building a base on the moon, collecting resources on it, and then transporting them back to Earth through logistics will greatly reduce the energy consumption on the earth, and at the same time allow the earth to lie there quietly and enjoy the beautiful life brought by the "natural environment".

Yutu-2 collected lunar soil, and after analysis, it was found that unlike the American lunar soil, the manned lunar landing was fake?

In fact, the arrival of Chang'e-4 can not only bring new breakthroughs to our lunar exploration, but also allow people to intuitively experience what kind of environment the moon has.

Chang'e-4 also carries a lot of payloads, the most dazzling of which are several of its "little friends" - Yutu-2 and "Around the Moon",

Yutu-2 is not only capable of exploring the nearby moon, but also exploring the mineral resources on the moon.

Yutu-2 collected lunar soil, and after analysis, it was found that unlike the American lunar soil, the manned lunar landing was fake?

After Chang'e-4 returned, it not only uploaded back a large amount of data, but also collected lunar soil to study the material composition of the moon and other aspects.

However, in 2020, Chinese scientists conducted a study on the soil collected by Chang'e-3 on the moon, and found that these soils are very rich, and these soils are divided into two types, one is "lunar soil" (glass beads) and the other is "lunar dust".

And among these elements is the "water" that is indispensable for "plants growing on the moon".

In December 2020, the journal Nature Astronomy published an article written by mainland scientists, based on the lunar samples collected by Chang'e-4, through research found that the mechanical properties of lunar soil are completely different from those collected during the Apollo mission.

3. Judge the "pressure-bearing capacity" on the moon.

The moon has an "endless treasure", but in our eyes, it is very fragile, and this treasure is also very "sensitive", and it will be "picked up" by the bad guys if you are not careful.

Therefore, human beings need to be "light-handed" when they explore the moon in the future, and obtain these resources.

There are many meteorites on the moon, and on the earth, we will "detect and test" these meteorites, and then judge the "pressure" of the lunar soil according to the "deformation and fracture".

Chinese scientists have used similar criteria to test geological samples from the moon, and based on the results, people have "verified" the "pressure-bearing capacity" of the lunar soil.

The final result was that the "pressure capacity" of these samples increased, which may be the result of "small meteorite merger".

After collecting these lunar geological samples, it is possible to extrapolate the geological changes on the moon, and at the same time, it is also possible to study the number of cosmic impacts on the moon, and evaluate the impact of subsequent lunar exploration on the impact and geological changes on the lunar surface.


The results of lunar exploration will vary depending on the landing and sampling sites, which will bring diversity to future lunar exploration, allowing people to further understand the mysteries and resources of the moon.

In addition, international cooperation is also very beneficial to the exploration of the moon, which helps to promote the exploration and development of the moon by human beings. The development of lunar resources may make major changes to the energy crisis and other issues on the earth, but in the development of lunar resources, it is also necessary to carefully formulate standards, and at the same time, it is also necessary to balance environmental protection and sustainable development.

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