
A number of door-to-door massage apps have been exposed to pornography, and "uniform beauties" still have overnight projects?

author:Xiao Ye said things


In recent years, with the acceleration of the pace of life and the increase of work pressure, door-to-door massage services have gradually become the daily choice of some urban white-collar workers and office workers. However, in recent days, there have been a lot of negative news about door-to-door massage, and some door-to-door massage apps have been exposed to the problem of providing erotic services, and technicians have "hinted" through the clock service, which has aroused widespread attention and heated discussions from all walks of life. In addition, there are some cases of door-to-door massage advertisements in the elevators of some communities, involving 24-hour door-to-door service, technician training and other issues, which have aroused the doubts and disgust of many owners. The emergence of these chaos not only damages the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, but also seriously affects the image and development of the entire industry. What is the reason for the frequent chaos of door-to-door massage? And how to effectively solve and avoid these problems? This article will analyze and discuss from multiple perspectives, reveal the deep reasons behind the chaos of home massage, and put forward corresponding suggestions and thoughts.

A number of door-to-door massage apps have been exposed to pornography, and "uniform beauties" still have overnight projects?

1. Door-to-door massage apps frequently appear in the chaos of pornographic services

A number of door-to-door massage apps have been exposed to pornography, and "uniform beauties" still have overnight projects?

Recently, some door-to-door massage apps have been exposed to the problem of providing pornographic services, and some unscrupulous businesses have "hinted" through false advertisements and "bell services" to induce consumers to carry out illegal transactions, which has brought great distress and harassment to the life and work of the general public. It is understood that a number of door-to-door massage apps in Fuzhou and other places have been exposed to the problem of providing erotic services, and some technicians will use various excuses to "hint" in the process of providing massage services, and once consumers express their acceptance, they will take the initiative to provide sexual services, and require consumers to pay high "clock fees" and "overnight fees".

A number of door-to-door massage apps have been exposed to pornography, and "uniform beauties" still have overnight projects?

In fact, behind these so-called "bell services", there are often serious illegal acts and suspicions of prostitution, which is a kind of blatant extortion and illegal profit-making behavior, which seriously damages the legitimate rights and interests of consumers and seriously affects the image and reputation of the entire industry. It is likely that there are serious loopholes in their internal management and poor supervision, which will lead to technicians "flirting" and "hooking" with consumers at will, thus violating the law and bringing irreparable losses to both the company and consumers.

A number of door-to-door massage apps have been exposed to pornography, and "uniform beauties" still have overnight projects?

How should we view and deal with such problems? First of all, consumers must keep a clear head when receiving any door-to-door massage advertisements or services, do not believe in false propaganda such as "24-hour door-to-door" and "special services", and do not "add bells" or "overnight" at will, once they find that the technician provides pornographic services, they should call 12358 and other reporting numbers in time to report, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of themselves and others. Secondly, the relevant law enforcement authorities should also intensify the crackdown on such illegal acts, severely punish and deal with companies and technicians suspected of providing sexual services, and also strengthen the daily supervision and random inspection of the industry to ensure that it operates legally and compliantly, and prevent the recurrence of similar problems.

A number of door-to-door massage apps have been exposed to pornography, and "uniform beauties" still have overnight projects?
A number of door-to-door massage apps have been exposed to pornography, and "uniform beauties" still have overnight projects?

Second, the appearance of door-to-door massage advertisements in the elevator of the community caused controversy

A number of door-to-door massage apps have been exposed to pornography, and "uniform beauties" still have overnight projects?

In addition to the chaos of pornographic services in the door-to-door massage APP, in recent times, the appearance of door-to-door massage advertisements in the elevators of some communities has also caused a lot of controversy and heated discussions, some owners have different views on this, believing that there are certain safety hazards and social impacts, and some owners have expectations for this, hoping to get some help and relief through door-to-door massage services.

In fact, the appearance of door-to-door massage advertisements in the elevator of the community is not just a temporary coincidence and accident, but is likely to involve the "placement" and "promotion" of advertising companies and related platforms, and whether these advertising contents are legal and compliant, whether there is false publicity and illegal suspicion, also need to be paid enough attention and attention. From another point of view, some door-to-door massage advertisements also contain information about recruiting technicians, and these so-called "technician training" are likely to be just a "front", and their real purpose is to provide sexual services and illegal transactions, which will bring great harm and negative impact to consumers and society.

In the face of such a situation, how should we look at and deal with it rationally? First of all, advertising companies should conduct a stricter review of their advertising content, not blindly for the sake of profit and blind placement and promotion, but to have a sense of social responsibility and legal awareness, to ensure that their advertising content is legal and compliant, healthy and upward, and cannot involve illegal acts such as pornographic services, otherwise once investigated, it will face serious legal responsibility and public opinion pressure.

Secondly, when consumers come into contact with any door-to-door massage advertisement, they must maintain sufficient vigilance and discernment, do not blindly believe in their so-called "24-hour door-to-door" and "special services", nor do they disclose personal privacy and address at will, and choose a formal and legal door-to-door massage platform to ensure that its technicians have undergone strict background checks and training, and have clear service qualifications and licenses, which can give consumers real health massage services, rather than bringing trouble and risks.

A number of door-to-door massage apps have been exposed to pornography, and "uniform beauties" still have overnight projects?

3. How to effectively avoid the occurrence of door-to-door massage chaos

In view of the current situation of frequent door-to-door massage chaos, how should we effectively avoid and solve these problems? First of all, door-to-door massage apps and advertising platforms should strengthen self-discipline and management, strictly review the advertising content and services involved, and once it is found that there are advertisements with erotic services and illegal acts, they should be immediately removed from the shelves and dealt with, and at the same time, they should also cooperate with relevant departments to investigate and collect evidence, and investigate the legal responsibility of those responsible.

Secondly, consumers must be vigilant when choosing door-to-door massage services, do not covet the convenience and stimulation of the moment, and ignore the careful choice of the platform and technicians, to obtain relevant information through formal channels, conduct multi-party comparison and screening, choose a door-to-door massage platform with a reputation and reputation, and can also ensure that the selected technicians are strictly subject to background review and training, and can give themselves real health massage services through the platform's real-time positioning and evaluation system.

In addition, the relevant departments should also strengthen the supervision and guidance of the industry, establish a sound industry standards and service specifications, conduct regular training and assessment of technicians, and also strengthen the publicity and guidance of consumers, so that they have enough right to know and participation, can rationally look at and choose door-to-door massage services, and also encourage consumers to actively report and feedback, and play a certain role in helping and supervising the discovery and handling of industry chaos.

A number of door-to-door massage apps have been exposed to pornography, and "uniform beauties" still have overnight projects?


In general, as a special consumer behavior, the emergence of door-to-door massage service often involves the conflict of interests and concepts of many parties, and requires the joint participation and efforts of the whole society to effectively avoid and solve these problems. It is hoped that through the introduction and analysis of this article, we can have a deeper understanding and understanding of the chaos of door-to-door massage, and also arouse everyone's attention to consumer safety and industry supervision, so as to form a good public opinion atmosphere and social consensus, and work together for the legitimate rights and interests of consumers and the healthy development of the industry.

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