
The new trend of weight loss in spring, the battle of morning running and night running, which side do you choose? |

author:99 Health Net

Running, as a popular aerobic exercise, is ubiquitous in the daily life of the general public. Most people are accustomed to exercising at two extremes of the day: morning and evening. So, which is better for your health, morning or night?

This question has been controversial for a long time, but there has never been a clear answer...

The new trend of weight loss in spring, the battle of morning running and night running, which side do you choose? |


Benefits of a morning run

Personal Biological Clock

Know your body clock, and if you're an "early bird," a morning jog might be a better fit for you. If you're feeling more energetic at night, then a night run may be a better option.

Lifestyle habits

Consider daily routines, including work, family, and other activities. Choose a time of time in your schedule that is least likely to be distracted.

Physical condition

Pay attention to your physical state and reactions. Some people may find that running in the morning helps increase their metabolic rate throughout the day, while others may find that running in the evening helps them reduce stress even more.

Safety considerations

There may be lower traffic in the morning, but for some people, it may be easier to relax by running in the evening as the day's activities are over. At the same time, visibility is low at night, so you need to pay attention to safety.

climate and environment

Consider the climate and environment of your area. Some people may be better suited to running in the morning to avoid the heat and humidity, while others may prefer cooler temperatures in the evening.

Workout goals

If your goal is to lose weight, running at night may help burn more calories, as the glucose accumulated throughout the day is used off as energy during exercise. If you're looking to improve your fitness or take part in a race, a morning run may help you get used to the morning conditions.

The new trend of weight loss in spring, the battle of morning running and night running, which side do you choose? |


What are the benefits of running at night

As a popular form of recreational exercise, night running has many benefits, not only to promote health, but also to enrich people's social lives. Here are some of the main benefits of running at night:

Improves cardiovascular health

Night running strengthens heart function, improves cardiorespiratory endurance, and helps prevent cardiovascular disease.

Enhance physical fitness

Regular night running can strengthen the body's immunity and resistance, making people more resistant to diseases.

Boosts metabolism

Night running can speed up the metabolism and help the body burn excess calories, which has a positive effect on weight loss and weight control.

Relieves stress

Night running releases endorphins from the body, which are natural "soothing" agents that can help reduce stress and improve mood.

Improve sleep quality

A moderate amount of night running can help improve sleep quality and make it easier for a person to fall into a deep sleep state.

Strengthens muscles and bones

Night running is a type of exercise that is beneficial for strengthening muscles and bones, and can prevent bone diseases such as osteoporosis.

The new trend of weight loss in spring, the battle of morning running and night running, which side do you choose? |


How according to the individual's physique

Choose between a morning run or a night run

The choice of morning or night running depends on the individual's physique, lifestyle habits, working hours, and preferences. Here are some considerations to help you make a choice based on your situation:

Biological clock and personal habits

If you're someone who has a lot of energy in the morning, a morning jog might be more suitable for you. A morning jog can help you wake up your body and increase your metabolic rate for the day.

If you're feeling more energetic at night, then a night run might be more suitable for you. A night run can help you relax and prepare for sleep.

Work and scheduling

If you have a fixed working schedule, you can choose to run in the morning or at night on weekends or rest days.

If you have flexible working hours, you can choose a running time based on the peak time of day.

Health and physical condition

If you have certain health conditions, such as insomnia or high blood pressure, you may need to consult your doctor to determine the best time to run.

If you feel most comfortable and powerful at a particular time, this time may be the best time to go for a run.

Safety considerations

When running at night, make sure to choose a safe environment, try to avoid areas with heavy traffic, and make sure you can be seen by those around you to reduce safety risks.

When running in the morning, pay attention to the weather and light conditions, especially before sunrise, as poor light may affect running safety.

Personal preference

Some people may prefer the tranquility and fresh air of the morning, while others may prefer the coolness and tranquility of the evening.

Consider what kind of vibe you like and what kind of time makes you more motivated to go for a run.

In conclusion, the choice between morning and night runs should be based on your personal circumstances and lifestyle. It's important to find a time of exercise that you can continue and enjoy to ensure long-term adherence and maximum health benefits.

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