
Teach you to make stir-fried squid, which is spicy and crispy, and the taste is great

author:Simple cuisine of aridine

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Teach you to make stir-fried squid, which is spicy and crispy, and the taste is great

So-called: "Relying on the mountains to eat the mountains, relying on the sea to eat the sea" Near the seaside, the easiest thing to eat is seafood, which is not only fresh and guaranteed, but also inexpensive. So, what I want to share with you today is delicious squid.

When it comes to fried squid, the easiest thing that comes to mind is not the name of the dish, but another unpleasant meaning: dismissal. I don't know when everyone began to be influenced by Cantonese, accepted the Cantonese word, and replaced "fired" with "fired". If Xin encounters this situation, this self-deprecating alternative can also avoid embarrassment very well.

Teach you to make stir-fried squid, which is spicy and crispy, and the taste is great

The topic is far away, and today I want to talk about the real fried squid. When I was a child, I lived in inland cities, and for seafood such as squid, I still mainly used dry goods. After coming to the seaside city, there are more seafood, but I am not very good at cooking, often just steamed.

Although the steamed taste is also good, it is still too dull for a person with a heavy taste. Later, through constantly asking the locals for advice, occasionally communicating with chef friends, coupled with their own continuous attempts and explorations, finally made some dishes with different flavors, today first share a squid recipe for you, and will continue to share other seafood methods in the future, friends who have the same heavy taste as me, remember to pay attention to me!

Teach you to make stir-fried squid, which is spicy and crispy, and the taste is great

【Stir-fried spicy squid】

Ingredients required: Squid, garlic moss, garlic, ginger, green onion, peppercorns, dried peppers, hot pot base, soy sauce, salt, chicken essence

The production process is as follows:

1. Prepare some squid, tear off the skin of the squid first, and then wash it with water. There is a trick to remove the skin of the squid, put the squid in the refrigerator and freeze for 2 hours, and then thaw it naturally, so that the skin is easier to tear off.

Teach you to make stir-fried squid, which is spicy and crispy, and the taste is great

2. Squid is the most suitable for cutting knives, tilt the knife body 45 degrees, gently cut out about 5 mm strips on the squid, but be careful not to cut it, leave about 1/2. After all the twill is cut, turn the squid in a different direction and continue to cut the same twill with a 45-degree slash. Finally, cut vertically into 2-3 cm wide pieces.

Teach you to make stir-fried squid, which is spicy and crispy, and the taste is great

3. Prepare some garlic, ginger, green onion, dried chili peppers and chop them all into small pieces. Prepare a small handful of peppercorns and a hot pot base.

Teach you to make stir-fried squid, which is spicy and crispy, and the taste is great

4. Prepare some garlic moss, wash it and cut it into suitable small pieces, then sprinkle with a pinch of salt and marinate the garlic moss slightly.

Teach you to make stir-fried squid, which is spicy and crispy, and the taste is great

5. Bring water to a boil in a pot and add some chopped green onion and ginger slices. After the water boils, pour in the cut squid, quickly blanch, see the squid into rolls, quickly fish out, control the water drainage.

Teach you to make stir-fried squid, which is spicy and crispy, and the taste is great

6. Pour the right amount of cooking oil into the pot, then add the prepared seasoning and sauté until fragrant. Don't worry, you have to open a small fire and fry slowly, otherwise there will be a bitter taste.

Teach you to make stir-fried squid, which is spicy and crispy, and the taste is great

7. After the seasoning is stir-fried, first add the marinated garlic moss, then add the blanched squid roll, stir-fry quickly over high heat.

Teach you to make stir-fried squid, which is spicy and crispy, and the taste is great

8. Add some soy sauce, then add a little salt and chicken essence, and stir-fry quickly. The squid must be fried quickly, otherwise it will lose its crisp and tender taste.

Teach you to make stir-fried squid, which is spicy and crispy, and the taste is great

9. Turn off the heat and put the squid out of the plate.

Teach you to make stir-fried squid, which is spicy and crispy, and the taste is great

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