
Favorites | Core Science Knowledge of Cancer Prevention and Treatment in China (2024) - Cancer Prevention

author:Journal of Clinical Hepatobiliary Diseases
Favorites | Core Science Knowledge of Cancer Prevention and Treatment in China (2024) - Cancer Prevention

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Cancer is a chronic disease with complex causes, but it can still be effectively prevented.

The development of cancer is a long-term, chronic, multi-stage process. It usually takes 10 to 20 years, or even longer, for normal cells to evolve into cancer cells and then form tumors that threaten human health.

The cause of cancer is very complex and still not fully understood, and cancer occurs when abnormal cells are produced rapidly and grow beyond their normal boundaries, or invade nearby sites and spread to other organs. It is generally believed that cancer is a disease of infinite cell proliferation caused by genetic mutations caused by multiple factors.

According to the World Health Organization, one-third of cancers can be prevented, one-third of cancers can be cured through early detection, and one-third of cancers can be used to prolong life, alleviate suffering and improve quality of life using existing medical measures.

International advanced experience shows that taking measures such as active prevention (such as health education, tobacco and alcohol control, early screening, etc.) and standardized treatment have a significant effect on reducing the incidence and mortality of cancer.


Cancer is not inherited, but some cancers occur in families.

Cancer is related to genetic factors, but cancer itself is not directly inherited. People with a family history of cancer do not necessarily get cancer, and susceptible people and high-cancer family members are not susceptible to any cancer, but the risk of cancer is higher than that of the general population.

It is not uncommon for a family to develop a type of cancer at the same time or successively, which is due to genetic factors, infectious factors, and may also be related to common bad lifestyle habits and specific living environment.

At present, the mechanism of cancer is not fully understood, and the etiology of many cancers is still unclear, and there are more than 30 kinds of cancers that have been proven to have obvious genetic predisposition. Relatively common: breast cancer, thyroid cancer, nasopharyngeal cancer, 5%~10% gastric cancer, 20%~30% colon cancer, lung cancer, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, etc. are closely related to heredity, and the patient's immediate family members should be highly vigilant. Maintaining a good lifestyle and regular health check-ups can help prevent cancer and detect it early.


Cancer itself is not contagious, but these cancer-causing microorganisms can be transmitted in the population due to cancer caused by microbial infection.

Cancer is not an infectious disease, and cancer itself is not directly transmitted, but some microorganisms that cause cancer are contagious, and people who are in regular contact with it may be infected.

Globally, 16.1% of cancers are associated with pathogenic pathogens, with infectious pathogens accounting for 6% of cancer deaths in developed countries and up to 22% in developing countries.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has identified 11 infectious pathogens/classes that can cause cancer to humans, including one bacterium, seven viruses, and three large parasites. Each infectious agent causes at least one or even several types of cancer. These sources of infection are:


(2) Seven viruses: human papillomavirus (HPV), hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpes virus (KSHV), human T-cell lymphotropic virus-1 (HTLV-1) and HIV.

(3) Three parasites: Schistosoma haematoidum, Clonorchis post-musk and Clonorchis sinensis.


Vaccination can prevent cancer, and proper vaccination can prevent many types of cancer.

Vaccines to prevent cancer are a major progress in global cancer prevention and control in recent years. Studies have shown that there are two vaccines that can significantly reduce the risk of related tumors and have a better preventive effect. Their principle is mainly to further prevent the development of tumors by preventing the high-risk factors that lead to tumorigenesis.

HBV (hepatitis B) vaccine: 90% of liver cancer patients in mainland China are associated with persistent hepatitis B infection, so it is recommended that people of appropriate age receive hepatitis B vaccine as early as possible. If you are already infected with hepatitis B, you need to be treated promptly, and your liver function and viral load should be checked regularly.

HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccine: This vaccination can prevent cervical cancer, vaginal cancer, anal cancer, penile cancer, vulvar cancer, laryngeal cancer, etc., which are related to HPV infection, especially cervical cancer, which is the most likely to occur in women. The HPV vaccine is divided into bivalent, quadrivalent and nine-valent, and the number of HPV subtypes targeted by different vaccines varies slightly, so it is recommended that women of appropriate age get vaccinated as soon as possible, while women over 40 years old or susceptible people should not only be vaccinated, but also need to be screened regularly.


Enhancing the body's immunity can effectively reduce the risk of cancer.

Immunity is a series of protective responses by the body to recognize and remove foreign antigenic substances such as microorganisms and self-denatured substances, and is an ability of the human body to resist infections, tumors and other diseases. Human immunity is closely related to the occurrence, development, metastasis and recurrence of tumors. Modern medicine has proven that the immune system of patients with malignant tumors is dysfunctional and cannot remove the mutated cells in the body, resulting in a large number of tumor cells.

Immunity is divided into two parts, one is innate immunity, that is, the immunity that the baby obtains from the mother, which is basically fixed, and the other is the acquired immunity, which is related to many factors, such as diet, exercise, sleep, etc., which can be changed.

Enhancing the body's immunity can effectively reduce the risk of cancer. Good lifestyle habits can help strengthen the body's immunity, such as: ensuring adequate sleep, eating a balanced diet, maintaining an optimistic attitude, maintaining a healthy weight, insisting on moderate exercise, quitting smoking and limiting alcohol, etc.


There is currently a lack of conclusive evidence on whether health supplements have anti-cancer effects.

Most of the so-called health care products are vitamins, minerals, animal and plant extracts, etc., and some ingredients have been studied (mainly in vitro experiments and animal experiments) to suggest that they may have anti-cancer effects, but anti-cancer ingredients do not mean that eating them can prevent cancer and fight cancer.

Experimental research is to extract a certain ingredient from this food, with a certain dose to experiment on animals, the effective dose in the experiment far exceeds the usual dose in the instructions for use, in addition to the large dose will increase the burden on the liver, kidneys and other organs, greatly increasing the side effects.

The conclusions of in vitro experiments or animal experiments cannot be directly applied to humans, and the drugs we use must go through phase I, II, and III human clinical studies before they are marketed before they can be approved by the state for marketing indications, while health care products are not drugs, and have not been confirmed by rigorous and standardized human trials to have a clear anti-cancer effect. Eating a reasonable and balanced diet and maintaining good eating habits is one of the core strategies for cancer prevention.


Regular exercise plays an important role in cancer prevention. Exercise can improve immunity, increase the body's anti-cancer substance synthesis, and improve poor eating habits.

Physical activity and poor eating habits are both effective ways to prevent cancer.

The World Health Organization's recommendation for minimum physical activity is to get at least 150-300 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous aerobic exercise per week for all adults, including those with chronic diseases or disabilities, for children and adolescents to exercise for an average of 60 minutes a day, and for older adults (65 years or older) to increase exercises that emphasize balance and coordination and strengthen muscles to prevent falls.

Cancer is a chronic inflammatory disease that is closely related to the immune system. Studies have found that exercise can enhance the body's anti-inflammatory effect and improve immunity by stimulating the release of anti-inflammatory cytokines and maintaining a healthy immune cell environment, which is beneficial for delaying the occurrence of cancer.

Regular exercise is more beneficial to the body's immune function than acute exercise and has a positive effect on delaying tumor growth. Regular physical activity can help prevent and treat cancer, and it has the significant advantages of low cost and no side effects, which is worthy of our vigorous development and promotion.


Adequate sleep promotes the normal functioning of various body functions and helps to improve the function of the immune system, thereby preventing the occurrence of cancer.

Studies have found that people with sleep disorders have a significantly higher risk of all cancers than people without sleep disorders. The findings also showed that all patients were confirmed to have a sleep disorder for at least two years prior to cancer diagnosis. As early as 2007, the World Health Organization positioned "shift work involving circadian rhythm disorders" as a category 2A carcinogenic factor.

There are two main reasons why sleep disorders increase the risk of cancer: first, lack of sleep at night will reduce the production of melatonin, melatonin has many effects, including controlling circadian rhythms and sleep cycles, scavenging free radicals, antioxidant and other effects, it is an important anti-aging and anti-tumor hormone, in addition to melatonin also has anti-estrogen effects, and a lack of melatonin may cause women with sleep disorders to be more susceptible to breast and ovarian cancer. Secondly, long-term severe chronic insomnia will lead to a decrease in the secretion of immune function substances in the body, reduce the body's immunity, and affect immune function. Therefore, getting enough sleep can help reduce the risk of cancer.


Obesity is a high risk factor for cancer, and through a reasonable diet, exercise, and good lifestyle habits, you can achieve your weight loss goals and reduce your cancer risk.

Obesity is strictly defined, and the Chinese Obesity Working Group (WGOC) defines overweight in Chinese adults as a body mass index (BMI) of ≥ 24.0 kg/m², and obesity as a BMI of ≥ 28.0 kg/m².

Obesity has been shown to be an independent risk factor for cancer and may increase the risk of developing cancer. Studies have found that at least a dozen types of cancer are associated with obesity, including breast cancer, liver cancer, colorectal cancer, stomach cancer, kidney cancer, pancreatic cancer, etc., and obesity leads to worse prognosis and survival.

The incidence of colorectal cancer among young people under the age of 45 is currently soaring, and overweight and obesity are among the most important factors. Obesity may contribute to the development and progression of cancer by promoting mechanisms such as the occurrence of inflammation and disrupting the overall balance of hormones in the body.

Obesity can also affect the quality of life of cancer patients, increase the risk of tumor recurrence, and affect tumor progression and prognosis. Long-term overweight and obesity, as well as overweight and obesity at a younger age, are more likely to increase the risk of cancer. By adopting a healthy lifestyle, such as a balanced diet and regular exercise, the incidence of obesity can be effectively reduced and the risk of cancer can be reduced.


Targeted cancer prevention physical examination can effectively prevent the occurrence of a variety of tumors.

According to the results of the World Health Organization, 1/3 of cancers can be prevented, 1/3 of cancers can be cured if detected early, and 1/3 of cancers can reduce suffering and prolong life.

Many malignant tumors do not have any symptoms in the early stage, and do not show symptoms until they progress to the compression of normal tissues and problems with body functions, which is often in the middle and late stages. Early detection, early diagnosis, and early intervention can be achieved through cancer prevention checkups, and the goal of reducing cancer incidence and mortality can be achieved.

Different from routine health checkups, routine checkups are health-centered physical checkups that understand the health status of the examinee, detect diseases and health risks at an early stage, and manage abnormal results found in the checkup.

Cancer prevention physical examination is based on cancer risk assessment, for common cancers to carry out standardized physical examination, in asymptomatic healthy people to screen out a certain high risk of cancer, precancerous lesions and early cancer, and scientific prevention, early diagnosis and early treatment. For people at high risk of cancer, cancer screening is very important.


A healthy diet is closely related to cancer prevention, and the risk of cancer can be reduced by changing poor dietary structures and habits.

Stay away from carcinogenic meals. Nitrite is found in pickled vegetables, which are synthesized with protein decomposition in the stomach to form carcinogens in the acidic environment of the gastrointestinal tract. Nitrosamines have a strong carcinogenic effect and can easily cause esophageal cancer, gastric cancer, etc. When food is pasted at high temperatures, it will affect the denaturation of amino acids, proteins and other substances to produce carcinogens such as benzopyrene and heterocyclic amines, and long-term intake of such substances will increase the risk of cancer. In addition, heterocyclic amines, which are carcinogens in grilled meats, are also found in smokes produced during barbecue, which can damage DNA and even cause cancer when accumulated in the body. Therefore, although the barbecue is delicious, it should also be eaten sparingly.

Eat more vegetables and fruits to maintain a balanced nutrition. Studies have shown that eating more foods rich in chemicals and vitamins can prevent cancer, and the American Institute for Cancer Research has found that excess body fat increases the risk of 12 types of cancer. Vegetables and fruits are relatively low in calories and nutritionally complete, and whole grains and legumes are rich in fiber, which not only helps to control weight and indirectly reduce the risk of cancer, but also maintains and improves the body's immunity. However, it is important to note that no single food can protect you from cancer alone, so you need to pay attention to the mutual nutritional combination of foods when eating.


Long-term mental stress can affect the immune system. Maintaining a good mood can reduce stress, help maintain stable hormone levels, and reduce the incidence of cancer.

Emotions play an extremely important role in the occurrence and development of tumor diseases. Mental stress can affect the occurrence and development of tumors by affecting the endocrine system, suppressing the immune system, and promoting chronic inflammatory stress in the body.

The endocrine system is reflected in the increase in cortisol levels, the suppression of the immune system is reflected in the decrease in the number and activity of immune cells throughout the body, and mental stress itself can lead to chronic inflammation in the body, which is a known risk factor for the development of many tumors.

In long-term clinical observation, it was found that the occurrence of thyroid cancer, gastric cancer, breast cancer and other cancers is more related to emotion. Being under high pressure and anxiety for a long time will disrupt the function of the gastrointestinal tract, cause indigestion or excessive gastric acid secretion, and even form gastroesophageal reflux, gastritis, gastric ulcers, stomach cramps, etc., which will easily induce the occurrence of gastric cancer in the long run. In addition, anxiety and depression caused by long-term stress can also easily lead to endocrine disorders, which can cause some hormone level disorders, leading to the occurrence of thyroid cancer and breast cancer.

Staying healthy and happy is one of the keys to cancer prevention. A happy mood contributes to the stability of the immune system and indirectly strengthens the body's ability to monitor and kill cancer cells. When we are in anxiety, depression and other bad emotions for a long time, we must learn to seek the help of a professional psychologist to eliminate the bad emotions in time.


For people at genetic risk, reasonable genetic counseling and regular physical examination can help reduce the impact of genetic causes on the quality of life.

Tumors are not hereditary, but they have a certain genetic predisposition.

Gene mutations play an important role in the development of tumors, with 5%-10% of cancers caused by germline mutations in genes. People with a family history of cancer have a relatively high chance of getting a tumor. If someone in the family suffers from the same or different types of cancer, it is necessary to do tumor genetic counseling as soon as possible, starting from personal history and family history, conduct a complete genealogical investigation and hereditary risk assessment of the whole family, and also conduct genetic testing to fundamentally eliminate hidden dangers.

Some tumors may not have obvious early symptoms, and when symptoms do appear, they often have serious complications or are in the middle and advanced stages of the disease. Therefore, for patients at high risk of cancer, it is also necessary to pay attention to regular physical examinations. Of all cancers, 30% are completely preventable and 40% can be cured through early detection, early detection and early treatment.

As the first person responsible for our own health, we must always pay attention to our own health status. Regular physical examinations can effectively detect the health status of the body, reduce the incidence of tumors, and improve the sense of well-being.


At present, many human cancers are caused by environmental factors, we should pay attention to environmental protection, strengthen the formulation and implementation of environmental protection laws and regulations, improve environmental protection awareness, and work together to reduce environmental pollution.

Environmental pollution is divided into natural pollutants and anthropogenic pollutants.

Natural source pollutants refer to pollutants produced by nature, such as pollutants emitted by volcanic eruptions, plant releases, etc. Anthropogenic pollutants refer to the pollutants emitted by human production and living activities, including fuel combustion, industrial emissions, transportation emissions, and agricultural activities.

Air pollution, automobile exhaust emissions, contaminated food and water, indoor environmental pollution, etc., are all risk factors for tumorigenesis. The emergence of cancer villages is a typical result of environmental pollution. The emergence of so-called cancer villages in rural areas is related to the pollution of the environment, including air, water and soil, while the incidence of cancer in urban populations, especially lung cancer, is significantly higher than that in rural areas, and is obviously related to more serious environmental pollution in cities.

Cancer can even be said to be an environmental pollution disease, so reducing environmental pollution is not only to protect the home we rely on, but also to protect our own lives. This aspect of the improvement from the above said that the government environmental management department to further strengthen the management of industrial waste emissions, from the implementation of the need to enhance the national awareness of environmental protection: smoking in public places, domestic waste classification and disposal, hazardous waste self-protection, etc. In short, everyone has a responsibility to protect the environment, protect the environment, benefit others and ourselves.


Genetic causes of tumors do not necessarily mean that cancer will occur. Genetic factors only increase an individual's risk of developing cancer, and whether or not it eventually develops into cancer is also affected by a variety of factors, such as environmental factors, lifestyle, etc.

While genetic factors play an important role in tumorigenesis, hereditary tumors do not necessarily mean that an individual will develop cancer. The key is prevention and proactive risk management at the individual level. The World Health Organization believes that 30%~50% of cancers can be prevented by eliminating or minimizing exposure to risk factors.

Chemical factors: nitrosamines, arsenic, cadmium, benzene, asbestos, vinyl chloride and aflatoxin, etc. Some detergents and disinfectants can also cause cancer when used improperly. It is estimated that 70%-90% of human cancers, excluding skin cancer, are caused by chemicals found in the environment and food. It can be seen that chemical factors are an important class of external carcinogenic factors.

Physical factors: mainly ionizing radiation, X-rays, long-term ultraviolet exposure, microwave and electromagnetic waves, long-term chronic stimulation and so on. These factors can easily lead to the occurrence of cancers such as leukemia and skin cancer.

Biological factors: Viruses are the main factors among biological carcinogenic factors, such as HBV, HCV, HPV, HIV, etc. In addition, parasites such as schistosomiasis and Clonorchis sinensis also have carcinogenic functions.

About one-third of cancer deaths are due to tobacco use, overweight/obesity, low dietary fibre intake, and physical inactivity. Therefore, lifestyle factors are the focus of cancer prevention.

For individuals who suppress genetic mutations that increase the risk of cancer, there are a number of risk management options that can be taken to prevent the development of cancer: surveillance: regular professional cancer screenings, preventive treatment: preventive surgery (mastectomy, oophorectomy) may be used in some cases to reduce the risk of cancer, lifestyle changes based on the above risk factors, and pharmacological prevention: certain drugs can reduce the risk of specific cancers.

It is true that genetic factors can increase an individual's risk of developing a particular type of cancer, but it is not an absolute fate. This risk can be mitigated to some extent through active risk management and lifestyle adjustments. Understanding one's family history and possible genetic risks is essential to developing an individualized prevention and monitoring plan.


PET-CT and genetic testing are not suitable for routine cancer screening.

Although PET-CT is a high-end examination method, this method has some limitations: (1) it is costly, (2) when it is used in the general population, there is a certain rate of misdiagnosis and missed diagnosis, resulting in cancer being missed, and benign lesions being misdiagnosed as cancer, resulting in overtreatment and increasing psychological burden, (3) it will be affected by food residues, intestinal peristalsis and other factors, so there are blind spots in the detection of lesions in hollow organs such as stomach and intestine.

Genetic testing has certain reference value for cancer prevention in some cases, but it is not suitable as a routine cancer prevention examination item, and has the following limitations:

(1) The cost is relatively high;

(2) genetic testing is mainly aimed at hereditary cancer risk assessment, such as detecting genetic mutations associated with certain family hereditary tumors, so the detection scope is limited;

(3) Due to the limitation of testing technology, there may be false negative results in genetic testing, which will lead to the misjudgment of patients' own cancer risk and delay the disease.

PET-CT and genetic testing are not suitable for routine cancer screening. When screening for cancer, it is necessary to choose the appropriate examination method according to the individual's age, occupation, lifestyle habits, family history and other factors, and follow the principle of simple to complex.


Tumor markers are inappropriate as routine cancer prevention physical examination items, elevated tumor markers do not necessarily mean cancer, and normal tumor markers do not mean that there is no cancer.

Tumor markers are a class of biomarkers related to tumor occurrence and development, which are mainly detected by blood sampling in clinical practice. Elevated tumor markers may be associated with the tumor, but they are not the sole basis for diagnosing cancer.

Elevated tumor markers are not necessarily cancerous. In addition to malignant tumors, some benign tumors, cysts, inflammation, kidney disease, tuberculosis, and even during pregnancy can cause certain tumor markers to be elevated. Therefore, elevated tumor markers alone do not confirm the diagnosis of cancer. Second, a normal tumor marker does not mean that there is no cancer.

Some people with cancer may have normal levels of tumor markers. In most cancers, tumor markers are normal in the early stages, some cancers can clearly see the presence of tumors in imaging examinations despite normal tumor markers, and even some cancers do not have abnormal tumor markers at all.

Tumor markers have a limited role in cancer prevention and cannot be used as the sole basis for judging cancer. Cancer prevention is more important than cure, and the probability of early detection of cancer can be improved through the development of good lifestyle habits, regular check-ups and targeted screening. When encountering abnormal tumor markers, there is no need to panic excessively, but it is also necessary to pay attention to it and seek medical attention in time to confirm it.


Cancer prevention and control is not only a matter for middle-aged and elderly people, but it is necessary to pay attention to cancer prevention as soon as possible.

Cancer is a disease that increases with age, but that doesn't mean young people don't need to be a concern. The incidence of many cancer types has also risen in young people.

There are several reasons why the incidence of cancer is increasing in young people year by year:

(1) Bad lifestyle habits: Long-term smoking, drinking and other bad lifestyle habits will increase the risk of cancer.

(2) Adverse dietary factors: Poor dietary habits such as pickled foods and high-fat diets may lead to cancer. Pickled foods contain a large amount of carcinogens such as nitrite, and long-term consumption will increase the risk of stomach cancer.

(3) Environmental pollution: Environmental pollution caused by economic development is an important reason for the increase in cancer incidence. Water pollution, air pollution, ionizing radiation pollution, etc., all increase the chance of human exposure to carcinogens, thereby increasing the risk of cancer.

(4) Genetic factors and gene mutations: Some young people may carry oncogenes, which are more likely to develop cancer under the influence of external factors.

(5) Lifestyle changes: With the development of the economy, people's lifestyles have changed, psychological pressure has increased, and irregular work and rest may also affect the immune system and increase the risk of cancer.

(6) Endocrine disorders: Endocrine disorders in young people may lead to cancer, such as breast cancer, prostate cancer, etc.

To reduce the incidence of cancer in young people, prevention and control are needed on multiple fronts. Promoting a healthy lifestyle, improving the living environment, paying attention to dietary hygiene, and maintaining a good mental state are all effective preventive measures. At the same time, strengthening cancer screening and early diagnosis can improve the cure rate and reduce cancer mortality.

Cancer prevention and control should cover all ages, not just middle-aged and elderly people.


Heavy alcohol consumption is a risk factor for many cancers, including cancers of the mouth, larynx, oropharynx, esophagus, liver, colorectal, and breast. The more alcohol you drink, the higher your risk of cancer.

Alcohol is a substance with a definite carcinogenic effect and is considered a first-class carcinogen. The carcinogenic mechanism of alcohol mainly includes the following aspects:

Alcohol is metabolized in the human body to produce acetaldehyde, which is a strong carcinogen. It can affect a cell's DNA through a variety of mechanisms, leading to genetic mutations that increase the risk of cancer.

Long-term alcohol consumption can cause a chronic inflammatory response, and the inflammatory environment contributes to the occurrence and progression of tumors.

Alcohol intake may cause epigenetic changes, especially abnormalities in DNA methylation. DNA methylation is an important mechanism for regulating gene expression, and aberrant DNA methylation may lead to dysregulation of gene expression, thereby increasing the risk of cancer.

Alcohol intake can affect hormone levels in the body, leading to an imbalance in hormone levels. For example, drinking alcohol may lead to elevated estrogen levels, which can increase the risk of breast cancer.

Alcohol intake can affect appetite and lead to inadequate nutrient intake, which in turn affects immune system function and makes the body unable to effectively fight off cancerous cells.


Emerging cancers caused by environmental risk factors account for nearly 20% of emerging cancers worldwide. Daily protection should be done as much as possible, such as wearing a mask when going out on hazy days, and wearing work clothes, gloves, protective glasses, professional masks, etc. when painting.

Environmental factors play an important role in the development of cancer. The mainland has been committed to tackling environmental pollution and reducing the impact of environmental risk factors on public health.

Protective measures in daily life are very necessary, and wearing a mask when going out on a hazy day can effectively reduce the damage of air pollution to the respiratory system.

When working in coatings, chemicals, mineral excavation and other industries, it is necessary to do a good job of personal protection and wear professional protective equipment, such as work clothes, gloves, protective glasses and masks, etc., to minimize the damage to the body caused by dangerous chemicals and dust particles in the occupational environment.

We should also pay attention to indoor air quality, avoid the use of inferior decoration materials and furniture, maintain indoor ventilation, reduce the harm of formaldehyde, benzene and other harmful gases to the human body, and at the same time, actively participate in physical exercise, enhance physical fitness, improve immunity, and resist the occurrence of cancer.

We need to prevent cancer through a variety of ways, pay attention to environmental pollution, strengthen personal protection, advocate a healthy lifestyle, protect the environment we live in, and work together to reduce the incidence of cancer. Reduce the incidence of cancer.


Long-term smoking and secondhand smoke can induce malignant mutations in genes, and the compounds and harmful substances in tobacco smoke will accelerate gene damage and prevent gene repair, thereby inducing cancer.

Smoking is one of the important factors that cause cancer. Studies have shown that smoking is closely related to the occurrence of a variety of cancers, such as lung cancer, stomach cancer, esophageal cancer, etc. When you smoke, the chemicals in tobacco enter the body and damage the DNA of cells, causing genetic mutations. These mutations can cause cells to become cancerous and gradually develop into cancer.

Long-term smoking also weakens the body's immune system, making it easier for cancer cells to escape immune surveillance, thereby accelerating the development of cancer. In addition, secondhand smoke is also harmful to health, causing damage to the body of non-smokers and increasing the risk of cancer. Long-term smoking or exposure to secondhand smoke increases the chance of genetic mutations as the body's cells are constantly attacked.

For the sake of your own health and the health of others, it is important to quit smoking as early as possible, and at the same time, to avoid exposure to secondhand smoke as much as possible. For health, stay away from tobacco. Quitting smoking is not only good for yourself, but also for those around you. Create a smoke-free environment to reduce the likelihood of cancer.


Avoid excessive sun exposure, as the sun's rays contain ultraviolet rays, which are one of the strongest mutagenic substances in the natural environment. Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays can cause damage to the genetics of the cells and lead to cell mutations.

Ultraviolet rays from the sun's rays are strong carcinogens, and prolonged exposure to them increases the risk of cell mutations. Ultraviolet rays can penetrate the top layer of the skin and directly damage the DNA of cells. This damage can lead to genetic mutations that allow normal cells to turn into cancer cells. Long-term exposure to ultraviolet rays may also suppress the body's immune system, making it unable to recognize and remove cancer cells in a timely manner, thereby increasing the risk of cancer.

Ultraviolet radiation can cause inflammation of the skin, while chronic inflammation has been linked to the onset and progression of certain cancers. While a single UV exposure may not directly cause cancer, long-term cumulative exposure may increase the likelihood of cancer. Moderate sunbathing can help the body synthesize vitamin D, which is important for bone health and calcium absorption. In addition, sunlight can also improve mood and strengthen immunity.

Excessive exposure to sunlight or sunbathing during periods when UV rays are strongest may pose a risk of cancer. Therefore, in order to reduce the risk, it is advisable to choose an appropriate time (such as morning or evening), control the exposure time, and use sunscreen to protect the skin, and when going out, use sunscreen, umbrellas and other protective measures. In addition, choosing the right clothing can also effectively block UV rays. At the same time, pay attention to how sensitive the individual is to sunlight, as well as whether there is a family history of skin cancer.

Source: Chinese Anti-Cancer Association

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