
There are 206 bones in the human body, but the Chinese generally only have 204, where did the other two go?

author:Kaigen Sentiment Company
There are 206 bones in the human body, but the Chinese generally only have 204, where did the other two go?

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Bones, a familiar and somewhat mysterious existence, play an irreplaceable role in living organisms. It silently carries all our actions and carefully guards our precious internal organs, however, have you ever wondered what kind of exquisite structure lies under this seemingly ordinary body exoskeleton?

Allow me to lead you to unravel the mystery of the human skeleton!

The first thing that comes to mind is that, in terms of material, bones are undoubtedly an extremely hard tissue, which is like an impregnable castle and constitutes our strong backbone.

Despite this, it is shocking that inside the human skeleton, there is a deeper mystery.

There are 206 bones in the human body, but the Chinese generally only have 204, where did the other two go?

The scientists' findings have revealed that in addition to the hard bone we know, there is also a relatively low-density cartilage structure. For example, weight-bearing areas such as the thigh bone are mainly made up of hard bone, while the pinna is a typical cartilage structure.

It is these different forms of bone components that together form the complex skeletal system of the human body.

And when we dig deeper into the interior of these bones, we will discover a breathtaking and wonderful world – bone marrow. Bone marrow is like an orderly collection of miniature bone fragments, but in reality, it is made up of countless stem cells with powerful differentiation and regeneration capabilities.

These miraculous stem cells can quickly generate new cells when the human body is traumatized, and can be called the most precious source of life for the human body.

There are 206 bones in the human body, but the Chinese generally only have 204, where did the other two go?

Further research found that bone marrow can also be subdivided into two main categories: red bone marrow, which is responsible for the production of blood cells, and yellow bone marrow, which is dominated by fat. Red bone marrow is like a lifesaver for people with anemia, producing nearly 200 billion red blood cells every day.

Yellow bone marrow, on the other hand, is mainly responsible for the production of bone cells, which are sometimes converted into fat or cartilage. It can be seen that the mysteries contained in the human skeleton are far beyond our imagination.

In this "universe" of the human body, bones play an irreplaceable key role. It is not only a solid foundation that supports us to walk, but also a natural barrier to maintain the safety of internal organs.

On the road to exploring the mysteries of the human body, bone is undoubtedly an important field worthy of our in-depth study. Together, with curiosity and awe, let's continue to unravel the wonders of the human skeleton.

There are 206 bones in the human body, but the Chinese generally only have 204, where did the other two go?

So, how many bones are there in the human body? This seemingly simple question has sparked widespread controversy and speculation. According to medical textbooks, there are a total of 206 bones in the human body.

However, the reality is that there are so many Asians living around us that there are only 204 bones in number!

The first scholar to give a plausible explanation suggested that the reason behind this unique phenomenon may be closely related to the region's long-standing agricultural civilization. In contrast, Europe is more densely populated and people do not need to travel long distances as often in their daily lives.

However, Asians live in a vast territory and often have to climb mountains, so the small phalanges of the feet gradually degenerate.

There are 206 bones in the human body, but the Chinese generally only have 204, where did the other two go?

Other experts, however, offer diametrically opposed views. They firmly believe that the disappearance of the two small phalanges is actually due to the significant geographical differences between the two continents.

Europeans are tall and need stronger bones to support their balance, while Asians are relatively short and only need two small phalanges for stability.

In the face of these different interpretations, the scientific researchers carried out in-depth and detailed discussions and analysis. They point out that too many joints are not good for your health, but rather increase the risk of bone damage.

From this point of view, the lack of two small phalanges in Asians can reduce the likelihood of foot injuries, which is of great significance in primitive societies.

There are 206 bones in the human body, but the Chinese generally only have 204, where did the other two go?

It's no secret that when newborns first come into the world, they have as many as 305 bones in their bodies, but over time, that number gradually decreases to around 217 or 218.

After rigorous research, scientists have revealed that this phenomenon is not a mysterious thing, but a normal law of natural growth and development of the human body.

As babies grow, the bones of each part of the body gradually merge together to form a more complete bone structure. For example, the tailbone, which was originally made up of four or five bones, becomes a single piece when it reaches adulthood.

It's like a huge "bone assembly factory", where the small bones are assembled into larger bones in an orderly manner during the baby's development.

There are 206 bones in the human body, but the Chinese generally only have 204, where did the other two go?

From this point of view, the decrease in the number of bones in the human body is not some kind of absence or loss, but a logical evolutionary result.

After in-depth analysis, experts and scholars gave such a possible explanation: the excessive number of joints in the human body makes joints more susceptible to damage, and after the baptism of a long history, it has been transformed into the phenomenon that the number of bones we see now is gradually decreasing, which is common in many Asian countries, including the mainland.

This is not an isolated case, as the evolution of carbon-based life has seen a trend towards a decreasing number of bones across the globe.

However, the truth is far from so straightforward. After rigorous scientific research, scientists have revealed that the lack of two small phalanges in Asians is not because they are lagging behind others on the road of evolution, but because they are the result of the wisdom of nature.

There are 206 bones in the human body, but the Chinese generally only have 204, where did the other two go?

During the long years of farming, the people of Asia had to travel relatively long distances over the mountains frequently. In contrast, the European region is more densely populated, and people have a relatively small range of activities in their daily lives, eliminating the need for long treks.

This very different way of life has shaped the adaptability of the bone structure of the two regions.

For Asians, having three small phalanges increases the risk of foot injuries. The two small phalanges can not only meet the basic needs of the body, but also better adapt to various complex and changeable terrain, greatly reducing the possibility of injury.

This undoubtedly had an extremely important survival advantage in primitive societies.

There are 206 bones in the human body, but the Chinese generally only have 204, where did the other two go?

Some experts have suggested that this "absence" is not a disadvantage, but an inevitable result of natural selection. In the long-term farming life, Asians need to trek through mountains and rivers frequently, and too many joints are easy to increase the risk of foot injuries.

The two small phalanges are just the right fit for this lifestyle, and have been preserved in the evolutionary process.

However, we must recognize that this phenomenon is not unique to Asians alone. In fact, not all Asians have only 204 bones, and there are still a small percentage of people who maintain the complete structure of 206 bones.

Similarly, in Europe, there is a significant percentage of people who have only 204 bones, which proves that we cannot look at this difference in a blanket manner.

There are 206 bones in the human body, but the Chinese generally only have 204, where did the other two go?

What is more interesting is that while changes in the number of bones in the human body are a natural evolutionary occurrence, we are also facing more serious bone health problems.

Diseases such as osteoporosis and arthritis have been deeply plaguing the general public, and not only that, but they have also brought great suffering to patients, seriously affecting their daily life and quality of life.

These are the key issues that we should focus on and focus on, rather than just looking at small changes in bone density.

In the face of these serious bone health problems, many experts and scholars in the medical field have proposed a series of effective prevention and treatment strategies. Although there is no cure for these diseases, we still have the ability to significantly reduce the pain of patients and improve their quality of life through scientific and rational drug treatment and conservative treatment.

There are 206 bones in the human body, but the Chinese generally only have 204, where did the other two go?

In addition, active lifestyle adjustments, such as proper physical exercise, maintaining a balanced intake of nutrition, etc., can also reduce the risk of disease to a large extent and escort our physical health!

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