
If the body is "hollowed out" by alcohol, if it accounts for one, the doctor recommends that you quit drinking as soon as possible!

author:Xiao Xu Health Science Popularization
If the body is "hollowed out" by alcohol, if it accounts for one, the doctor recommends that you quit drinking as soon as possible!

Xiao Ming is a busy white-collar worker with a lot of work pressure and frequent socializing. He likes to relax by drinking with friends in his spare time, and over time, he has become somewhat dependent on alcohol.

However, Xiao Ming has recently started to feel physically exhausted and has shown some abnormal signs, such as loss of appetite, weight loss, indigestion, etc. He realized that these symptoms might be related to his frequent drinking, so he decided to see a doctor named Dr. Lee.

Xiao Ming sat in the consultation room, anxiously awaiting Dr. Li's diagnosis. Dr. Lee is a seasoned medical practitioner with a focus on health and alcohol-related issues. He carefully asked about Xiao Ming's medical history and underwent a series of physical examinations and laboratory tests.

If the body is "hollowed out" by alcohol, if it accounts for one, the doctor recommends that you quit drinking as soon as possible!

Dr. Li observed Xiao Ming's test results and then talked to him seriously. He said: "Xiao Ming, based on your symptoms and test results, I suspect that you have an alcohol-related illness, which may be alcoholic hepatitis or fatty liver disease. These conditions are often associated with long-term excessive alcohol consumption, which causes serious damage to your liver. ”

Xiao Ming was shocked and worried when he heard this, and he asked, "Doctor, am I really that serious? What should I do?"

Dr. Li replied seriously, "Xiao Ming, your situation needs to be taken seriously. If measures are not taken in time, alcoholic hepatitis and fatty liver can further develop into cirrhosis and even liver cancer. I strongly recommend that you quit drinking as early as possible and avoid any alcohol intake. ”

When Xiao Ming heard Dr. Li's advice, he felt deeply worried and confused. He used to think that drinking alcohol was a good way to decompress, but he didn't expect it to pose such a big threat to his health. He decided to take this problem seriously and actively cooperate with the doctor's treatment advice.

If the body is "hollowed out" by alcohol, if it accounts for one, the doctor recommends that you quit drinking as soon as possible!

In the months that followed, Xiao Ming resolutely quit drinking and followed Dr. Lee's guidance for treatment and lifestyle changes. He began to focus on a nutritionally balanced diet, increasing foods that are good for the liver while reducing the intake of high fat and sugar. He also stepped up his workouts, improved his lifestyle habits, maintained a healthy weight, and got a good night's sleep.

After a period of hard work, Xiao Ming's physical condition gradually improved. His liver function improved and his symptoms gradually lessened. This good news strengthened his determination to quit alcohol and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

In fact, alcohol is a toxic substance, and long-term excessive drinking can cause serious damage to various systems of the body. Alcoholic hepatitis and fatty liver are common diseases that can lead to complications such as cirrhosis and liver cancer in severe cases.

Here are some of the signs and symptoms that long-term alcohol consumption can lead to hepatitis:

If the body is "hollowed out" by alcohol, if it accounts for one, the doctor recommends that you quit drinking as soon as possible!

1. Discomfort in the liver area: People with alcoholic hepatitis may experience discomfort or pain in the liver area. This pain is usually located in the upper right side of the abdomen and may be bloating, dull, or dull.

2. Hepatomegaly: Long-term alcohol consumption can lead to an enlarged liver, which may feel bloated or pressing in the upper right part of the abdomen.

3. Digestive problems: Long-term alcohol consumption may cause digestive problems, such as loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or constipation.

4. Tiredness and weakness: Alcohol damage to the liver can lead to energy deficits and malnutrition, leaving patients feeling tired, weak, and powerless.

If the body is "hollowed out" by alcohol, if it accounts for one, the doctor recommends that you quit drinking as soon as possible!

5. Jaundice: Alcoholic hepatitis may cause jaundice, which is manifested as a yellow appearance on the skin and the whites of the eyes.

6. Blood clotting problems: Long-term alcohol consumption can negatively affect the coagulation function of the liver, leading to blood clotting problems, such as easy bleeding or congestion.

7. Ascites: In the case of severe impairment of liver function, ascites may develop, which is manifested as a significant distension of the abdomen.

When faced with signs that the body is being "hollowed out" by alcohol, doctors recommend that it is crucial to quit alcohol as soon as possible. Abstaining from alcohol stops further harm to the body and provides a chance for the body to recover.

If the body is "hollowed out" by alcohol, if it accounts for one, the doctor recommends that you quit drinking as soon as possible!

However, abstinence from alcohol is a challenge that requires a comprehensive approach to treatment and support. Doctors, families and society all play an important role in this process, working together to help patients get rid of alcohol and return to a healthy life.

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