
After living with my mother for half a year after retiring, I found that the scary thing was not the generation gap, but the compulsion to listen to my mother

author:Pigskin Bully

After I retired, I lived under the same roof with my mother, and I thought it would be a warm time. But it didn't come to pass, and within a few days, the difference in concepts between our mother and son was like an undercurrent, which gradually stirred up waves until it turned into a fierce dispute. At that time, it was as if the home had become a battlefield, and the smoke of gunpowder was filled with breathlessness.

After living with my mother for half a year after retiring, I found that the scary thing was not the generation gap, but the compulsion to listen to my mother

Li Hong, whose name is well-known in the company, is always busy with various meetings and reports before his retirement. Now, he can finally unload his burden and return to his hometown to spend his old age with his mother, Zhang Shufen, who is over eighty years old. At the beginning, the warmth of relying on his mother made his heart full of happiness.

After living with my mother for half a year after retiring, I found that the scary thing was not the generation gap, but the compulsion to listen to my mother

"Honghong, it's been a long time! the house is cleaned up, just waiting for you to come back and enjoy the blessings." As soon as Zhang Shufen saw her son, the wrinkles on her face were stretched, and her eyes were full of love.

After living with my mother for half a year after retiring, I found that the scary thing was not the generation gap, but the compulsion to listen to my mother

Li Hong smiled and quipped: "Mom, your house is so well cleaned up, I'm embarrassed to live." ”

After living with my mother for half a year after retiring, I found that the scary thing was not the generation gap, but the compulsion to listen to my mother

"Oh, you kid, what are you polite to your mother. Zhang Shufen said angrily, "You can rest at home with peace of mind, and your mother will make you something to eat." ”

After living with my mother for half a year after retiring, I found that the scary thing was not the generation gap, but the compulsion to listen to my mother

At that time, Li Hong's heart was full of warmth, as if he had returned to his childhood and was cared for by his mother. He looks forward to spending the same time with his mother every day.

After living with my mother for half a year after retiring, I found that the scary thing was not the generation gap, but the compulsion to listen to my mother

However, the good times were short-lived. Zhang Shufen's traditional concept and Li Hong's open-mindedness began to collide, and sparks flew everywhere. Zhang Shufen always emphasizes that men should go out to socialize more, while women should stay at home. Li Hong, on the other hand, believes that life after retirement should be free and free, and there is no need to stick to tradition.

After living with my mother for half a year after retiring, I found that the scary thing was not the generation gap, but the compulsion to listen to my mother

Once, Zhang Shufen saw Li Hong at home watching TV and playing with his mobile phone all day, so she couldn't help but nag: "Honghong, you can't always stay at home like this, you have to go out for a walk and get together with friends." It's not good for your body either. ”

After living with my mother for half a year after retiring, I found that the scary thing was not the generation gap, but the compulsion to listen to my mother

Li Hong disagreed: "Mom, I think this is very good, and I don't feel bored." ”

After living with my mother for half a year after retiring, I found that the scary thing was not the generation gap, but the compulsion to listen to my mother

When Zhang Shufen heard this, she was a little anxious: "How can you do this? You were so lazy when you were young, and you can't do it now." You have to be a little mentally headed, you can't sit idle all day. ”

After living with my mother for half a year after retiring, I found that the scary thing was not the generation gap, but the compulsion to listen to my mother

Li Hong was a little irritable by what his mother said: "Mom, don't worry so much." I know what I'm doing. ”

After living with my mother for half a year after retiring, I found that the scary thing was not the generation gap, but the compulsion to listen to my mother

Zhang Shufen became even more angry when she heard this: "Why are you like this, this kid? I'm good for you!"

After living with my mother for half a year after retiring, I found that the scary thing was not the generation gap, but the compulsion to listen to my mother

The dispute between the mother and son intensified, and finally they quarreled. Li Hong slammed the door and walked out, leaving Zhang Shufen trembling with anger at home.

After living with my mother for half a year after retiring, I found that the scary thing was not the generation gap, but the compulsion to listen to my mother

Walking on the street, Li Hong's mood was extremely heavy. He hated his mother's stubbornness and nagging, and felt that he might have gone too far. After all, mothers say this out of concern and love.

After living with my mother for half a year after retiring, I found that the scary thing was not the generation gap, but the compulsion to listen to my mother

After calming down, Li Hong began to reflect on his actions. He realized that he might never really understand her mother's painstaking efforts. Although her mother is sometimes too nagging and restrained, her starting point is always for her own good.

After living with my mother for half a year after retiring, I found that the scary thing was not the generation gap, but the compulsion to listen to my mother

Thinking of this, Li Hong decided to go home and apologize to his mother. He pushed open the door and saw Zhang Shufen's red and swollen eyes, and felt guilty in his heart. He walked up to his mother and said sincerely, "Mom, I was wrong. I shouldn't have spoken to you like that, please forgive me. ”

After living with my mother for half a year after retiring, I found that the scary thing was not the generation gap, but the compulsion to listen to my mother

Seeing this, Zhang Shufen also softened her attitude: "Silly child, how can my mother blame you? As long as you are doing well, my mother will be satisfied." ”

After living with my mother for half a year after retiring, I found that the scary thing was not the generation gap, but the compulsion to listen to my mother

The mother and son hugged each other and cried, and the estrangement in their hearts disappeared in an instant. After this dispute and reflection, Li Hong has a deeper understanding of his mother's love. He understands that his mother's nagging and restraint are all out of concern and love for him. Even if the way is sometimes too traditional and conservative, it is worth experiencing and being grateful for with your heart.

Since then, Li Hong has cherished the time spent with his mother even more, and has tried to understand her thoughts and practices with his heart. And Zhang Shufen gradually accepted her son's new ideas and lifestyle, and no longer interfered too much in his life. The relationship between mother and son has become more harmonious and harmonious, and they enjoy a happy old age together.

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