
Traditional Chinese Medicine: "Deficiency is not replenished", what should I do? The correct nourishing method is all in this article!

author:Health Road Plue
Traditional Chinese Medicine: "Deficiency is not replenished", what should I do? The correct nourishing method is all in this article!

1. What is the matter of "virtual non-replenishment".

Some people get angry when they make up for it, either they have acne or mouth ulcers, otherwise their gums will be swollen and painful; some people will be constipated as soon as they make up for it, and some people will have diarrhea as soon as they make up for it; some people feel very good spirits when they make up for it, and they can't even sleep, and they don't feel sleepy for three days and three nights.

When it comes to tonic, it is natural to talk about the spleen and stomach, which will transport the food we eat into the subtleties of the valley and deliver it to the whole body to nourish our body.

Why do you always get on fire as soon as you make up for it? One is "blocked" and the other is "full."

We understand the spleen and stomach as a truck, so we will most often encounter two problems on the road of supplementation:

1. 堵:进补的通道太拥堵

It's like a car driving into a congested section of the road during rush hour, and you can't move forward if you want to, you can't get out if you want to retreat, you can't get stuck on the road, and you can't go anywhere.

You must know that many people's physiques are more stasis and blockage, and all kinds of phlegm and dampness, cold and dampness, blood stasis, and qi stagnation block the body's qi and nutrient delivery channels.

If you don't dredge the road surface first, eat more nourishing things, it will not go to the place where it should go, just like a steady stream of vehicles driving into the congested road section, but make the stasis more blocked, accumulate in the local area, and eventually stagnate and heat, and the result is a series of "fire" symptoms.

2. Full: The spleen and stomach carry too much

This is equivalent to the truck itself can carry 20kg of goods, you just want to put 30kg of goods on it, the result is that the vehicle is slow, loss of performance, and may even lead to a puncture and traffic accidents.

Nowadays, people generally eat better, not only three meals a day, but also afternoon tea and supper, in fact, many times the spleen and stomach are overfunctioning.

If we do not make room for the spleen and stomach before taking the tonic and continue to nourish it, once the ability of the spleen and stomach to move cannot keep up with the rhythm of food nutrition, no matter how much we eat, it will be a waste and become garbage. Not only can it not make up for the deficiency, but it will cause damage to the spleen and stomach.

Therefore, if you want to transform the tonic we eat into the qi and blood we need, you must make up for it when the spleen and stomach are strong and the body is clear.

Second, "the void is not compensated", how to make up

Traditional Chinese Medicine: "Deficiency is not replenished", what should I do? The correct nourishing method is all in this article!

Experienced Chinese medicine practitioners, before giving you tonic, will first ensure that your qi and blood, meridians, and viscera are in a state of dredging, and then carry out targeted tonic.

1. Regulates the spleen and stomach

Stomach Qi refers to the qi of the spleen and stomach, which is the source of acquired biochemistry, not only food, but also medicine must pass through the function of the spleen and stomach before it can be infused throughout the body and exert its curative effect.

At the same time, spleen and stomach discomfort affects the digestion and absorption of drugs, and some drugs will also increase the burden on the spleen and stomach, and even damage the function of the spleen and stomach, aggravating its lesions.

Therefore, when taking supplements, we should carefully choose medicinal materials and ingredients, and take into account the functions of the spleen and stomach to protect stomach qi.

2. Distinguish the constitution

A person's age, physical condition, disease syndrome, seasons change, physique is different, so the tonic must be symptomatic, and traditional Chinese medicine believes that "one medicine, one character, one hundred diseases", each tonic medicine is only suitable for a certain constitution, treatment of certain diseases. If you don't distinguish between qi and blood, yin and yang, and the five internal organs, and blindly make up for it, you will have uncomfortable symptoms.

Therefore, before taking the tonic, you must go to a regular medical institution to identify your own physique, as usual, it is manifested as yin deficiency such as lack of thirst, hot flashes, night sweats, dizziness, and sperm loss; there is a decline in the whole body function, sensitivity to cold, backache, limb warmth, impotence, etc., which are kidney yang deficiency; those who are manifested as dizziness, palpitations, insomnia, paleness, and low menstrual flow are blood deficiency; and those who feel weak and short of breath on weekdays are mostly qi deficiency......

3. It's better to make up in a hurry than to make up in a delay

Taking supplements must be "moderate", if you exceed this degree, you may convert in the opposite direction. If you are slightly weak, you can use ginseng and other big supplements, which are not only overkill, but may also be counterproductive.

Ginseng is the best of the best tonic products, but if it is not taken properly or taken for a long time, symptoms such as excitement, insomnia, and even loss of appetite and increased blood pressure will occur. Therefore, the dosage of the tonic must be adjusted according to the specific conditions of the person's physique, age, etc.

People who have been sick for a long time and are old and frail are not easy to make up for it urgently and urgently, and can only make up for it smoothly and slowly. In particular, it is necessary to smooth yin and yang, smooth qi and blood, it is best to start with a small dose and gradually adjust to the best dose, and it is advisable to choose drugs that are peaceful, tonic but not sluggish, and nourishing but not greasy.

4. Medicine is not as good as food

As the saying goes, "medicine is not as good as food". People with weak spleen and stomach, the application of diet therapy first to nourish the spleen and stomach, it is best to follow the principle of more variety, more variety, rich nutrition, easy to digest, the diet should be warm and soft, the first choice is fish, lean meat, chicken, milk, soy products, lotus seeds, barley, lily, yam, jujube, walnuts, etc., fresh vegetables and fruits should be eaten more, it is best to use the method of "eating less and eating more", and only eat seven or eight full at each meal.

For the elderly and frail, with a weak spleen and stomach, it is best to eat less cold, greasy, fried, smoked and flatulent foods, and it is best not to eat spicy and stimulating foods.

3. Regulate the spleen and stomach, are you doing it right?

Traditional Chinese Medicine: "Deficiency is not replenished", what should I do? The correct nourishing method is all in this article!

1. Hepatic spleen type

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that if the liver is not nourished, such as the stimulation of various bad emotions, the liver qi is not smooth, interferes with the digestive function of the spleen and stomach, and causes symptoms such as depression or irritability, poor appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea and so on.

Recommended dietary prescription: 20 grams of malt, 15 grams of Poria cocos, 15 grams of atractylodes, 15 grams of fresh mint, and 150 grams of lean pork.

Wash the ingredients, fly the lean pork to remove the fish, and then put the malt, poria, atractylodes and other ingredients into the pot for 45 minutes, and then put the fresh mint into the pot for 10 minutes, and then eat.

Efficacy: While soothing the liver and relieving depression, it also has the effect of invigorating qi and strengthening the spleen.

2. Spleen and stomach deficiency and cold type

Patients with spleen and stomach deficiency and cold are mainly manifested by poor appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, accompanied by abdominal pain, abdominal fear of cold and warmth, cold hands and feet, and a focus on strengthening the spleen during conditioning.

Recommended dietary prescription: 15 grams of Codonopsis, 15 grams of Atractylodes, 3 slices of ginger, 3 grams of pepper, half of pork belly, wash the ingredients, and then put all the ingredients into the pot, boil for 1 hour, and then eat.

Note: Avoid eating raw, cold, greasy, and indigestible foods during the conditioning period.

Traditional Chinese Medicine: "Deficiency is not replenished", what should I do? The correct nourishing method is all in this article!

3. Splenic gastric weakness type

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the spleen and stomach are the "foundation of the day after tomorrow". People with weak spleen and stomach often have a yellowish complexion, easy fatigue, poor appetite, and poor appetite, due to poor nutrient absorption, such people are usually emaciated, and the diet is not easy to digest due to spleen deficiency, and it will also be "damp", which is manifested as diarrhea.

Recommended dietary prescription: 15 grams of Codonopsis, 15 grams of yam, 15 grams of Poria cocos, 15 grams of lentils, 15 grams of seeds, 150 grams of lean pork, wash the ingredients, fly the lean pork to remove the fish, and then put all the ingredients into the pot, boil for 1 hour, and then eat.

Efficacy: It has the effect of strengthening the spleen and invigorating qi, dissolving dampness and stopping diarrhea, and reducing the number of diarrhea.

4. Accumulation of heat type

The spleen and stomach are the hub of the body's qi machine, and abnormal spleen and stomach function will cause abdominal distension and discomfort, and diet will be reduced. Due to indigestion, patients often have the appearance of food accumulation and heat accumulation.

Recommended dietary prescription: 5 grams of tangerine peel, 15 grams of grain buds, 20 grams of kudzu, 10 grams of hawthorn, 1 chicken inner gold, 150 grams of lean pork, wash the ingredients, the lean pork first fly water to remove the fish, and then put all the ingredients into the pot, boil for 1 hour, and then eat.

Efficacy: It has the effect of stomach and digestion, and is a commonly used soup for the treatment of food accumulation, which is suitable for most people.

Fourth, two daily ways to strengthen the spleen and stomach

Traditional Chinese Medicine: "Deficiency is not replenished", what should I do? The correct nourishing method is all in this article!

1. Eat warm foods

The spleen and stomach like warm and cold, and eat more warm foods in the daily diet, such as mutton, glutinous rice, leeks, pumpkin, coriander, ginger, jujubes, etc., and eat less or no raw and cold food.

At the same time, it is advisable to chew slowly when eating, and it is advisable to be full for seven minutes to reduce the digestive burden of the spleen and stomach.

2. Rubbing belly

Rubbing the abdomen has the effect of strengthening the spleen and stomach, eliminating food and stagnation, and can promote the circulation of qi and blood, and the abdomen can be gently massaged with the palm of the palm about 100 times after meals.

You can also take the two acupoints of the abdomen Shenque and Qihai for kneading, and if conditions permit, moxibustion for about 15 minutes is better.

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