
"The kidneys are twice as strong, and people live to be 100 years old", often eat this dish, greatly replenish qi and blood, grow black hair, and shake off old flowers!

author:Health Road Plue

Spring is the time when everything grows, but some people feel dizzy, blurred vision, itchy skin, increased blood pressure, edema of the lower limbs, and frequent nocturia...... Do you think it's a skin disease, a blood pressure disease, or a liver disease?

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the kidney is the foundation of innateness, and if the kidney is strong, it will be prosperous, and if the kidney is weak, it will fail. Like some middle-aged and elderly people, due to the lack of essence and qi in the kidneys, the kidney function continues to deteriorate, the immunity decreases, and the body is becoming more and more weak.

The kidneys are the foundation of the body's yang energy

Once the deficiency hurts the whole body


Some young patients with chronic kidney disease or uremia often have malignant hypertension, which is very high, but they do not feel too uncomfortable.

Suddenly a lot of gray hair grows. It seems that when I wake up from sleep, my gray hair has increased a lot, which is a concentrated manifestation of the lack of kidney qi.

Cold hands and feet

In spring, the hands and feet are still cold, which is caused by the human body's lack of essence in winter, and the essence cannot reach the limbs, so the symptoms of cold limbs appear.

General malaise

A severe decline in kidney function can lead to a build-up of toxins in the blood, which can lead to feeling tired all the time, not having enough energy, or having difficulty concentrating. In addition, another complication of kidney disease is anemia, which likewise causes weakness and fatigue.

Sweat Stealing

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that sweat is heart fluid, and night sweats are mostly caused by the deficiency of qi and yin, which cannot be converging and fixing sweat.

Nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite

Although these symptoms are not specific, they occur in many patients with uremia, and the specific mechanism is currently unclear, and toxin accumulation due to decreased kidney function may be one of the causes.

Itchy skin

Dry, itchy skin can be a sign of mineral and bone disease, usually in the advanced stages of kidney disease.

Leg cramps

Impaired kidney function can lead to electrolyte imbalances, and low calcium may occur, leading to muscle cramps.


When the kidneys don't filter properly, toxins stay in the bloodstream instead of leaving the body through urine, which can make it difficult for a person to sleep. Sleep apnea syndrome is more common in people with chronic kidney disease than in the general population.

"The kidneys are twice as strong, and people live to be 100 years old", if you want to nourish the kidneys, you must first be able to eat! Eat more of the following three foods to replenish kidney deficit, strengthen essence, and strengthen muscles and bones.

It is the "kidney-nourishing champion dish"

Strengthen the kidneys, eat more of these 3 things

Black beans

Black beans have always been regarded as a good product for both medicine and food, according to the "Compendium of Materia Medica", it can treat water, reduce swelling, lower qi, make wind and heat and invigorate blood and detoxify, and its protein content is 2 times that of meat, 3 times that of eggs, 12 times that of milk, and can also provide crude fiber, unsaturated fatty acids, etc.

Black beans have health care values such as lowering cholesterol, nourishing the kidneys and spleen, expelling phlegm and relieving asthma, detoxifying and losing weight, and improving anemia, and is an excellent health ingredient.

Black beans contain anthocyanins, which are a good source of antioxidants, which can scavenge free radicals in the body, especially in the acidic environment of the stomach, with good antioxidant effect, beauty and increased gastrointestinal peristalsis.

Vinegar soaked black beans

Vinegar can invigorate the blood, black beans benefit the kidneys, reduce the age of blood vessels, black beans soaked in vinegar, more like an appetizer on the table.

And soaking black beans in vinegar is the easiest way to eat, it doesn't take too much effort, the beans are washed and thrown into vinegar for a soake, and you can take it as you eat, and you don't have to worry about it going bad.

"The kidneys are twice as strong, and people live to be 100 years old", often eat this dish, greatly replenish qi and blood, grow black hair, and shake off old flowers!


Take an appropriate amount of black beans, wash them and dry them. Stir-fry (or not fried, directly soak in vinegar) after cooling, put it in a tube, pour in aged vinegar, it is advisable to cover black beans tightly, put it in the refrigerator and refrigerate, and it can be eaten after a week.


Don't put the black beans too full, because the beans will expand during the soaking process, pay attention to the beans during the soaking process, if there are beans over vinegar, add vinegar at any time.

Take one small scoop daily. You can also scoop some out and put them on a plate and eat them with a meal.


Yam contains a variety of nutrients, which have the effect of strengthening the body, nourishing the kidneys and improving essence. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that yam has the effect of nourishing yin, nourishing the kidneys and strengthening the intake, and nourishing qi and yin. Traditional Chinese medicine Liuwei Dihuang Pill, Bawei Dihuang Pill, Gui Peony Dihuang Pill and other drugs that everyone is familiar with, all add yam, which shows its kidney tonifying power.

Yam contains a large amount of mucus protein, vitamins and trace elements, which can effectively prevent the precipitation of blood lipids in the blood vessel wall, prevent cardiovascular diseases, and have the effects of lowering blood pressure, lowering blood lipids and stabilizing the mind. Yam contains mucus protein, which has the effect of lowering blood sugar, and long-term consumption also has the effect of preventing and treating diabetes.

Yam and chestnut pork rib soup

Eating yam and chestnut together can not only tonify the kidney and spleen, but also have a good effect of beauty and beauty.

"The kidneys are twice as strong, and people live to be 100 years old", often eat this dish, greatly replenish qi and blood, grow black hair, and shake off old flowers!


300g of small ribs, 300g of yam, 100g of chestnuts, 20g of ginger, 10g of wolfberry, salt to taste.


1. Wash the small ribs and boil them, peel and slice the ginger, peel and slice the yam, wash and drain the wolfberries and set aside.

2. Put small chops and ginger slices in the pot, pour in an appropriate amount of water, bring to a boil over high heat, turn to low heat and cook for 1 hour.

3. Add yams and chestnuts, bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to low heat and cook for 30 minutes.

4. Add the goji berries and cook for 10 minutes. Finally, add salt to taste immediately.

Yam chestnuts are paired with pork ribs, and in the process of stewing, they exude a strong chestnut fragrance, and the garnish of wolfberries is added, which also increases the appetite for drinking soup.


Leeks are high in water and low in calories, and are rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E and carotene, as well as iron, potassium and calcium.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that it has the effects of increasing appetite, strengthening the stomach and eliminating appetite, dissipating blood stasis and activating blood, sterilizing and reducing inflammation, skin care and brightening the eyes, and replenishing qi and strengthening yang.

According to the health care principle of traditional Chinese medicine in spring to nourish the liver first, leeks are the things that warm the liver and kidneys and help yang and solidify essence, so the folk are also known as "leeks nourish the kidney and warm the knees and waist".

At the same time, leeks are also a high-potassium and low-sodium vegetable, and the content of antioxidants such as vitamin C and flavonoids is also rich, which has certain curative effects on hypertension, coronary heart disease, and hyperlipidemia.

Stir-fried river prawns with spring leeks

"The kidneys are twice as strong, and people live to be 100 years old", often eat this dish, greatly replenish qi and blood, grow black hair, and shake off old flowers!


300 grams of leeks, 200 grams of river prawns, 4 cloves of garlic, salt, pepper, sugar, 2 tablespoons light soy sauce, appropriate amount of oil.


1. Slice the garlic, wash and cut the leeks into sections, cut off the shrimp and wash and drain;

2. Put oil in the pot, boil until it is 70% hot, pour in the river shrimp and stir-fry until crispy, then put out;

3. Heat the bottom oil in the pot, stir-fry the garlic slices, stir-fry the leeks, add pepper, soy sauce and sugar to taste;

4. When the leeks are slightly soft, pour in the river shrimp and stir-fry over high heat, add salt to taste.

2 small movements

The effect of tonifying the kidney can be seen

And these 2 small movements, the practice is very simple, just spend 5 minutes a day, the specific method is as follows:

1. Lie with your hands back on your waist


"The kidneys are twice as strong, and people live to be 100 years old", often eat this dish, greatly replenish qi and blood, grow black hair, and shake off old flowers!

Before going to bed, put your hands on your waist and lie on your back on the bed, and after 5-10 minutes, the sensation of heat will gradually spread throughout your body.

Before going to bed, after the person's hands are close to the second kidney, the heat of the palms directly warms the second kidney, forcing out the cold qi in the kidney, and through running, it becomes urine and urine and is discharged from the body.

Especially from 10:30 to 11 o'clock in the evening, it is the end of the sea and the beginning of the child, at this moment the earth qi is the most vigorous, the earth qi is inhaled through the inner labor palace, and directly injected into the second kidney through the outer labor palace, accompanied by the heat of the two palms and the qi of the five elements, warming the two kidneys.

At first, the palms will be numb and swollen when pressed by the waist, but after 3-5 days, they will be able to adapt and disappear, and the legs will feel relaxed and flexible. People who are often heavy drinkers will sweat beads on the brain, and some will sweat on the waist, which is a good sign that the kidney qi is gradually filling.

2. Toe hook

After the first action of kidney qi is replenished, we will start to open the bladder meridian, and there will be no diseases if there is no poison in the body.


"The kidneys are twice as strong, and people live to be 100 years old", often eat this dish, greatly replenish qi and blood, grow black hair, and shake off old flowers!

Straighten your legs together, hook your toes, grasp your toes with both hands, and slowly press your body down. This is a way to help the bladder meridian detoxification, at least 15~30 minutes. The more you can't reach it, the more you have to do it, as long as the tendons on the back of your thighs feel stretched.