
Why are more and more young people in rural areas choosing to work in cities instead of farming?

author:Colorful drawing board aKI

#为什么农村人都要去城里打工? #

Q: Why are more and more young people in rural areas choosing to work in cities instead of farming?

Why are more and more young people in rural areas choosing to work in cities instead of farming?

Satisfactory Answer:

1. Parents' concepts have changed

In the past, perhaps many parents of farmers would want their children to grow up as soon as possible, and to work for the family as soon as possible. However, with the development of science and technology, coupled with the fact that the older generation is fed up with the uneducated life, they all want their children to get more education, go out and walk more, and go to the big city to work and earn money. Some farmers want their children to go to college, rather than forcing their children to farm.

2. Farming makes less money

Although some crops can bring them a lot of profits, for most people, they simply cannot afford it, do not have enough time and energy to run it, and some people cannot even do it part-time.

Why are more and more young people in rural areas choosing to work in cities instead of farming?

3. Changes in young people's ideological values

Nowadays, most of the young people in the rural areas are only children, and they have been spoiled by their parents since they were young, so how can they be willing to farm? Moreover, most young people feel that farming is a very shameful thing, and it is also difficult to find a boyfriend. Some netizens said that only real ordinary people can plant one or two acres of land on the farm and barely make a living.

4. The development space of other industries in rural areas is also relatively limited

With the influx of rural people into the cities, especially the departure of young people with high purchasing power, only the elderly, women and children are left in the rural areas, and their consumption levels are very low, which has affected certain industries in the rural areas, resulting in a vicious circle in which there are fewer and fewer people and it is more and more difficult to earn money in the rural areas, so that the young people in the rural areas have no room for development, so they choose to leave.

5. The cost of living in rural areas is getting bigger and bigger

In the past few decades, along with the development of the economy, the face of the countryside has also changed dramatically. From children going to school, to the elderly going to the doctor, to getting married and building a house, to all aspects, it costs tens of thousands a year. Farming at home is not always profitable. As a result, most young people work outside the home, and a year's salary is equivalent to a farmer's income for a year.

Why are more and more young people in rural areas choosing to work in cities instead of farming?