
45 to 55 years old is a "critical period" for women? For the sake of good health, these things are recommended not to do

author:Dr. Zhang Yu, a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner

Entering the age of 45 to 55, women may indeed begin to notice something "unusual" about their bodies.

This age is like a small station in a woman's life, marking the beginning of a new phase of the body.

45 to 55 years old is a "critical period" for women? For the sake of good health, these things are recommended not to do

Small changes, such as dry skin and memory loss, may not sound so noticeable at first;

But if you experience it carefully, you will find that these are all "signals" that the body is sending to you.

Therefore, in this decade, which is known as the "critical period", female friends have to take care of themselves.

Some seemingly inconspicuous little things must not be taken lightly now, health is the greatest wealth.

What are some of the things we need to pay attention to? Let's take a look at them today.

1. Stay up late and resolutely say goodbye

Staying up late will lead to water loss and imbalance in oil secretion, which can easily cause skin problems such as acne and dark circles.

For women who are already experiencing these issues:

45 to 55 years old is a "critical period" for women? For the sake of good health, these things are recommended not to do

Staying up late will only worsen the symptoms and make the skin problem worse.

Staying up late for a long time will disrupt the normal rhythm of the body and affect the normal functioning of the body.

Female friends will find that their memory, attention and other cognitive functions decline, and their work and study efficiency is greatly reduced.

Staying up late can also affect mental health, which can easily lead to emotional problems such as anxiety and depression.

In the long run, it may even lead to serious diseases such as neurasthenia.

2. Don't go on a diet to lose weight

Long-term dieting to lose weight can lead to insufficient nutrient intake by the body to meet the body's normal needs.

45 to 55 years old is a "critical period" for women? For the sake of good health, these things are recommended not to do

This leads to a decline in body function, a decrease in immunity, and a predisposition to various diseases.

Long-term dieting puts the body into "starvation mode", and the basal metabolic rate decreases.

This means that the body will use as few calories as possible, and even if you return to a normal diet later, it will be difficult for the weight to come back.

Dieting to lose weight not only causes physical harm, but also causes tremendous stress to the psyche.

45 to 55 years old is a "critical period" for women? For the sake of good health, these things are recommended not to do

Female friends will feel that their bodies are deprived of food and nourishment, and they will feel extremely dissatisfied and anxious psychologically.

3. Excessive exercise, moderate moderation is good

Excessive exercise refers to exercise that is beyond the body's capacity.

This can lead to sports injuries such as muscle strains, fractures, etc.

For women who already have sports injuries, excessive exercise will only worsen the injury and prolong recovery.

45 to 55 years old is a "critical period" for women? For the sake of good health, these things are recommended not to do

Long-term excessive exercise can lead to excessive fatigue of the body and decreased immunity.

This will make female friends more susceptible to various diseases, such as colds, flu, etc.

Excessive exercise can not only cause physical damage, but also cause tremendous stress on the psyche.

Female friends will feel that their bodies are constrained by exercise and cannot get enough rest and relaxation.

Fourth, the mood swings are large, learn to adjust

Women who have been in a bad mood for a long time are prone to physical symptoms such as insomnia and headaches.

45 to 55 years old is a "critical period" for women? For the sake of good health, these things are recommended not to do

These symptoms not only affect women's quality of life, but also further increase the psychological burden, forming a vicious circle.

Modern medical research has shown a strong link between mood and physical health.

People who have been in a negative emotional state such as anxiety and depression for a long time will have changes in their internal environment, which will affect the function of the immune system and increase the risk of disease.

45 to 55 years old is a "critical period" for women? For the sake of good health, these things are recommended not to do

Learning to regulate your emotions is essential for maintaining your physical and mental health.

Fifth, stop being "beautiful and moving".

Especially now that summer has arrived and the temperature is high;

Many people like to dress coolly, after all, everyone has the right to show their charm.

However, we have to understand a truth, that is, "it is important to keep warm".

45 to 55 years old is a "critical period" for women? For the sake of good health, these things are recommended not to do

Although it is hot in summer, the temperature difference between morning and evening is still quite large, and with the widespread use of air conditioning, the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is even more obvious.

In this way, if we don't pay attention to keeping warm, especially protecting our abdomen and lower body, it is easy for the cold to invade.

The uterus, as an important organ of the female body, is particularly sensitive to temperature.

45 to 55 years old is a "critical period" for women? For the sake of good health, these things are recommended not to do

If you are often stimulated by the cold, it is easy to cause the so-called "palace cold".

Sixth, stop smoking and drinking

Every cigarette smoked or a glass of wine is injected with poison into one's body.

These toxins not only damage our blood vessels and nerves, but also quietly erode our organs, getting worse day by day.

Take smoking, for example.

45 to 55 years old is a "critical period" for women? For the sake of good health, these things are recommended not to do

Think of the pain of family and friends of those who die young because of smoking.

Speaking of drinking, regular drinking can not only cause damage to the heart, but also cause blood pressure fluctuations, making people groggy all day long.

Moreover, alcohol is also a "liver killer", and people who drink alcohol for a long time are easily damaged and even necrotic in their liver cells.

Female friends must learn to protect themselves, don't smoke if you can, and drink as little as possible if you can.

45 to 55 years old is a "critical period" for women? For the sake of good health, these things are recommended not to do

Only in this way can our body stay healthy and free from various diseases.

Remember, health is the greatest wealth, everything else is a floating cloud!