
"Six Tales of Floating Life": A person's highest level of health preservation is to be with comfortable people

author:Purple Desk MCN
"Six Tales of Floating Life": A person's highest level of health preservation is to be with comfortable people

Yishu Says:

"Life is short, so you must get along with people who are comfortable. ”

In the vast sea of people, it is not easy to meet people who are comfortable with each other, and being able to get to know each other with such a partner is a beautiful gift in life.

Shen Fu, a literati 200 years ago, and his wife Yun Niang wrote a deep and meaningful story.

Their love, like the delicate words in "Six Tales of Floating Life", is pure and moving.

Shen Fu used the pen as a medium to turn the years spent together, the joys they shared, and the hardships they shared into the most beautiful love letters.

When I first read it, I was touched by the romantic feelings of Shen Fu and Yun Niang;

When I read it again, I was even more moved by their tolerance, understanding and support for each other.

Although the appearance of love is varied, Shen Fu and Yun Niang show us a pure and beautiful appearance.

They have spent your life telling us:

Surfacing people is the best way to maintain health in life.

"Six Tales of Floating Life": A person's highest level of health preservation is to be with comfortable people

Knowing each other, the years are quiet

Mencius said:

"The acquaintance of people is important in knowing each other, and the acquaintance of people is important in staying together. ”

After many years, Shen Fu still remembers his acquaintance with Yun Niang when he was thirteen years old.

He saw Yun Niang composing poems at his uncle's house, and the gentleness of bowing his head fell in love at first sight.

When he got home, he told his mother:

"In this life, I don't want to marry Yun Niang. ”

Five years later, Shen Fu got his wish and tied the knot with Yun Niang.

Since then, the two have become the most precious concern in each other's lives.

Although their married life is poor, they all know each other and stay together in the ordinary daily life of admiring the moon under the flowers, tasting tea and discussing poetry.

Once, Shen Fu got chickenpox, Yun Niang was worried all day long, and even prayed for Shen Fu to eat fasting.

Knowing that Yun Niang was a vegetarian, Shen Fu guessed that it was because he had chickenpox, and he hurried to let Yun as soon as he recovered


And Shen Fu saw that Yun Niang was emaciated, and also told Yun Niang to eat more meat.

This warm scene of "standing at dusk with you and asking you about the warmth of porridge", what more can the husband ask for?

As a first-time wife, Yun Niang was restrained at first.

Shen Fu knew that she was not adaptable, so he changed his tricks to coax Yun Niang until she slowly became cheerful.

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, Yun Niang and Shen Fu like to enjoy the moon in the Canglang Pavilion.

"Six Tales of Floating Life": A person's highest level of health preservation is to be with comfortable people

If you and I stand in the Canglang Pavilion, it seems that we can also feel the happiness of this couple raising their eyebrows and appreciating the flowers and the moon.

Even if he met Shen Fu in the corridor, Yun Niang would also gently hold hands with him, and the place of affection and sweetness made people only envy mandarin ducks and not immortals.

Shen Fu likes to prepare some thin wine, but he doesn't like more dishes.

Yun Niang personally designed a plum-shaped food box that can be eaten at will, a disc that places wine glasses and wine jugs, and is meticulous.

When the lotus pond is full, she uses light yarn to load tea leaves in the lotus heart, and can be used to make tea the next day.

Yun Niang cooked for Shen Fu, and even when she was overstretched, she quietly took her jewelry to exchange for wine, just because she understood Shen Fu's poetry and painting.

Yun Niang sighed that only men could go to the Narcissus Temple, so Shen Fu carefully arranged for Yun Niang to wear her own clothes and dress as a man to satisfy her wish to visit the temple fair and see the lanterns.

Lin Huiyin said:

"Only people with the same heart can resonate to see the ebb and flow of the world;

Only people with similar souls can see the beauty hidden in each other's hearts. ”

In this love, they respect each other like guests, and they have turned cloth and coarse food into poetry, no wonder lovers in the world envy each other.

In fact, this house, two people, three meals, and four seasons is the most comfortable look of love.

"Six Tales of Floating Life": A person's highest level of health preservation is to be with comfortable people

Tolerate each other, deep affection

Zhang Ailing said:

"Because you have loved, you have mercy;

Because you understand, you are tolerant. ”

When two people meet, it is fate, they know each other, they love, and they stay together because of tolerance.

Yun Niang is empathetic, and she can always treat Shen Fu's various mistakes with a tolerant heart.

The two walk side by side in their daily lives of accepting differences and understanding differences.

Yun Niang cherishes old books that are incomplete, while Shen Fu likes to collect paintings.

Yun Niang found a piece of paper from the old book basket and shared it with Shen Fu like a treasure, and Shen Fu put down what he was doing and read it together.

Once, Shen Fu asked the painter to paint a portrait of an old man under the moon, and he couldn't put it down and hung it indoors.

Yun Niang accompanied him to worship and pray at the end of the month at the beginning of the month, cherishing it.

Yun Niang likes Li Bai, and Shen Fu loves Du Fu, but this does not affect them to speak freely.

"Six Tales of Floating Life": A person's highest level of health preservation is to be with comfortable people

When the weather is hot to escape the heat, Yun Niang pauses embroidery and accompanies Shen Fuwen to discuss wine, even if she is not good at drinking, she will occasionally accompany her to drink two glasses.

Shen Fu often fished, and Yun Niang accompanied him, watching the sunset compose poems without a trace of complaint.

One year, Shen Fu wanted to go to mourn the deceased.

After passing through Taihu Lake, Yun Niang proposed to go together, but Shen Fu was not too troublesome.

Instead, they found an excuse to respond to the family, and the two went to see the sail sand bird together.

However, this is something that many young women in the boudoir cannot hope for.

Yun Niang soaked rice with water for every meal, and ate stinky tofu, shrimp and braised melon.

Shen Fu was extremely disgusted at first, teasing Yun Niang and saying that dogs and shells didn't know how smelly and dirty, and asked Yun Niang if she was a dog or a cicada?

Later, he himself fell in love with them, which can be described as a love for the house and the black.

The two understand each other and change each other.

The Book of Songs says:

"Those who know me say that I am worried, and those who do not know me say what I want. ”

The most comfortable relationship is nothing more than this, you know the feelings of the wind and moon in my pen, I know the years in your heart.

You and I are the beginning of love, and tolerating each other will not live up to this rare life.

"Six Tales of Floating Life": A person's highest level of health preservation is to be with comfortable people

Bear each other's responsibilities and stand together through thick and thin

There is a saying:

"Love that can stand the test of suffering is precious. ”

In fact, the two have held hands for a lifetime, and the most comfortable state is not a temporary vow, but a heart-to-heart sympathy in times of trouble.

When the years are quiet, you can enjoy a poetic life together;

When the wind and rain are coming, we can work together to tide over the difficulties.

Shen Fu never got a half-official position, his income came and went, and he often fell into the predicament of financial constraints.

Yun Niang not only did not complain, but tried her best to live a good life under difficult conditions.

When the green plums bear fruit, Yun Niang picks them and washes them to make a fragrant green plum wine, and the two of them talk about the wine.

Later, because of family conflicts, the two were kicked out of the house and left homeless.

"Six Tales of Floating Life": A person's highest level of health preservation is to be with comfortable people

Without the support of the Shen family, the small family, which already had no financial support, was even worse.

Forced to make a living, Shen Fu had to sell paintings for a living, but unfortunately his income was very small, and his life was even more difficult.

Seeing the truth in adversity, Yun Niang is busy with housework, and as long as she is free, she relies on embroidery to subsidize the family.

Once, in order to finish the embroidery within ten days, she rushed to work with illness and sleep, and after embroidery, her condition became more and more serious.

Shen Fu asked a friend to introduce the tribute bureau, but in less than a month, due to layoffs, he had to be idle at home.

and because Shen Fu borrowed a debt guarantee for his friend, his friend's dishonesty caused him to be held accountable.

The house leak happened to rain overnight, and under a series of encounters, Yun Niang's condition worsened, but she refused to be treated in order to save money.

When she was powerless to return to the sky, she said to Shen Fu:

"I have been with you for twenty-three years, I have been loved by you, and I have no regrets in this life with a confidant like you."

In the end, Shen Fu lost Yun Niang. Fortunately, Yun Niang was surrounded by love and left.

The ancients said that it is easy to get a thousand gold, but it is difficult to find a confidant.

Shen Fu and Yun Niang are lovers, and they are also confidants in each other's lives, tasting the ups and downs of life together, and facing the ups and downs of life together.

Looking at the deep love of those couples, those who can stay together for a lifetime often know how to share each other's burdens and help each other in the same boat.

No matter how great the difficulties are, we are willing to share weal and woe and never give up.

Gu Cheng said:

"The wind is shaking the leaves, and the grass is setting seeds;

It's nice to do nothing, just stand there. ”

With someone who is comfortable with you, you can feel the deep warmth without words.

As long as each other's hearts are tightly intertwined, they will have this most precious peace of mind companionship.

In the long journey of marriage, it is really a precious thing to be able to easily accompany each other and stay together for a long time without getting bored.

Husbands and wives tolerate each other, know each other, stand together through thick and thin, and face ups and downs and twists and turns together.

This kind of getting along is the most comfortable and healthy way.

Finally, I would like to share with you a poem that I hope we can all find in our marriage:

Pull a curtain of dreams, Xu I fell into the city;

Choose a city to grow old and meet a person with a white head;

I wish to win the hearts of one person, and the white heads are inseparable.

Author | Poetry and Small

Picture | Submitted by poetry and photography enthusiasts

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