
Tomorrow, the ninth day of the third month, reminds everyone: no matter how busy you are, don't commit taboos in 5 things

author:There are three lazy sheep and three less

Oh mom, pay attention, it's the ninth day of March tomorrow, this day is not ordinary, the elders said, this is a "closed day". What is a "closed day"? We people in Northeast China speak directly, so we must be careful and not make taboos. Today, I'll talk to the big guys, in this "closed day", there are five things we have to pay attention to, don't make taboos. Leave a message in the comment area to receive blessings for your family and children, "Bodhisattva blesses, one shun and one hundred shun"!

Tomorrow, the ninth day of the third month, reminds everyone: no matter how busy you are, don't commit taboos in 5 things

1. Don't break ground to repair the house easily

On the ninth day of the first month of March, the "closed day", the older generation pays attention to "it is appropriate to be quiet and not to move". This groundbreaking is a big deal, and you have to pick a good day. Why? There is an old saying in Northeast China, "When you break ground, you must seek good luck." This is not a joke. This day is not right, breaking ground to repair the house, I am afraid that it will cause some unpleasant things. So, let's take it easy tomorrow, don't rush to break ground, it's not too late to start when you pick a good day.

2. Don't marry easily

Marriage is a matter of marriage, but it is a major event in life, and you can't be sloppy. On the ninth day of the first month of March, the "closed day", the older generation felt that it was not suitable to marry. Why? Because "closed day" means convergence and closure, while marriage is a festive and open thing, and the two clash with each other, which is not a good sign. So, if you're planning to do a happy event tomorrow, it's best to pick a good day, don't be in a hurry to do a lifelong event on this day.

3. Don't move easily

Moving is also a big deal, so you have to be cautious. On the ninth day of the first month of March, this "closed day", moving is not very auspicious. Why? Moving means changing to a new environment and starting over, while "closed day" is convergent and closed, and the two do not match well. Besides, you have to pick an auspicious day for the zodiac to move. So, if you're a friend who plans to move, it's better to take it slowly, don't be in a hurry to move on this day.

Tomorrow, the ninth day of the third month, reminds everyone: no matter how busy you are, don't commit taboos in 5 things

Fourth, don't go out easily

If you go far away, it depends on the day. The "closed day" on the ninth day of the first month of March is best not to be. Why? The older generation said that it is not advisable to travel far away on a "closed day" because it is easy to encounter some unpleasant things. Besides, if the weather is bad tomorrow, there will be some forks on the road, it will not be cost-effective. So, if Ming'er doesn't have anything important, let's stay at home, don't rush to go out.

5. Don't make big decisions lightly

This "closed day" is like the winter in our northeast, the weather is cold and freezing, and everything has to be leisurely. When making major decisions, you have to be more cautious. Why? Because "closed days" are not suitable for decision-making, and it is easy to make mistakes. Besides, making a decision also depends on the timing and conditions, if the conditions are not ripe and the timing is not right, then the decision will be in vain. So, if you have any major decisions to make tomorrow, let's take it slowly, and it's not too late to do it when the time is ripe.

Oh, having said so much, in fact, I just want to remind the big guys that tomorrow is the "closed day" on the ninth day of the first month of March, we have to take it easy, don't make taboos. Although the words of the older generation are a little superstitious, they also have to listen to them and feel at ease. Besides, we Chinese pay attention to auspiciousness and smoothness, and if we choose the right day, things will be smooth.

Tomorrow, the ninth day of the third month, reminds everyone: no matter how busy you are, don't commit taboos in 5 things

So, let's take it easy, don't be in a hurry to build a house, get married, move, go out, make major decisions, or anything. It's never too late to pick a good day before you do it. We Northeast people, with a wide heart and a fat body, don't go to our hearts for anything, but this day, we still have to choose the right one, and we have to be auspicious and happy.

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