
A unique phenomenon in the army, losing things will be "contagious", recruit Xiao Chen lost his shoes, and then most of the recruits lost their shoes. Isn't it strange for people who have never been in the military to lose things?

author:That's what I said

A unique phenomenon in the army, losing things will be "contagious", recruit Xiao Chen lost his shoes, and then most of the recruits lost their shoes.

Isn't it strange that people who have never been in the military feel that losing things is contagious? Let me go into more detail and you will understand why.

I joined the army in the mid-to-late seventies of the last century. In those years, veterans entered the discharge season only after a period of time for new recruits enlisted in the army. One day, Xiao Chen, a recruit who enlisted with me, muttered that his liberation shoes were missing, and for several days in a row, many recruits said that their liberation shoes were missing.

The company conducted a spot check, and after a careful search, it was found that only recruit Xiao Zhang was missing liberation shoes. So why do so many people say they lost their shoes?

It turned out that after Xiao Chen lost his shoes, he secretly took Xiao Li's shoes, Xiao Li found that his liberation shoes were missing, so he took Xiao Huang's, one by one, and finally, Xiao Zhang was honest, he didn't take other people's shoes after he lost them, so when the company checked, he was the only one who was missing shoes.

These lost shoes are all recruits who enlisted this year, and the liberation shoes have not been worn for long and look new. The liberation shoes of the troops were exactly the same, and there was no way to distinguish who took whom, so I had to ask the secretary to help Xiao Zhang buy a new pair of liberation shoes.

This generally happens before the veteran is discharged. At that time, the countryside was still very bitter, and the liberation shoes were very popular in the countryside, and there was reason to think that it was the veterans who were about to be discharged from the army who took Xiao Chen's liberation shoes by the hand, and put them away and prepared to take them back to their hometown.

This kind of thing is hard to deal with. This also happened that year when I was acting as an instructor in the engineer company, and the company recruits lost two pairs of liberation shoes. My solution was, first, to have all the fighters mark their shoes, clothes, and distribution materials with their names or marks in inconspicuous places.

Second, before being discharged from the army, two soldiers were sent to patrol the company's dormitory area uninterruptedly, so that those with bad intentions had nowhere to start. The third is to often arrange a full connection inspection, shocking the wrongdoers.

Did this happen to you when you were in the army?

A unique phenomenon in the army, losing things will be "contagious", recruit Xiao Chen lost his shoes, and then most of the recruits lost their shoes. Isn't it strange for people who have never been in the military to lose things?
A unique phenomenon in the army, losing things will be "contagious", recruit Xiao Chen lost his shoes, and then most of the recruits lost their shoes. Isn't it strange for people who have never been in the military to lose things?
A unique phenomenon in the army, losing things will be "contagious", recruit Xiao Chen lost his shoes, and then most of the recruits lost their shoes. Isn't it strange for people who have never been in the military to lose things?

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