
AI Painting: StableDiffusion draws technologically charged mechanical animals

author:Artificial intelligence learns from people

In today's digital age, AI painting has become an eye-catching form of creation. It makes use of a large diffusion model that is capable of generating stunning works of art.

Prompt word template

Positive prompts

A biomechanical hybrid SUBJECT in opalescent body, stylized in toycore, detailed animated, hyper-realistic pop art sense

In the specific operation, replace the subject with the animal you want to draw

Negative reminder words

(low quality:2),ng_deepnegative_v1_75t,badhandv4,(holding:2.2),(worst quality:2),
(low quality:2),(normal quality:2),lowres,bad anatomy,bad hands,normal quality,((monochrome)),
((grayscale)),NSFW,logo,blurry,low quality,bad anatomy,sketches,lowres,watermark,
username,out of focus,bad proportions,cropped,grayscale,worstquality,signature           


Steps: 5, Sampler: DPM++ SDE Karras, CFG scale: 2, 
Seed: -1, Size: 1024x1024, Model hash: d6a48d3e20,
Model: RealVisXL Turbo (SFW&NSFW) _v4 lightning, 
Clip skip: 2, Version: v1.7.0           
AI Painting: StableDiffusion draws technologically charged mechanical animals
AI Painting: StableDiffusion draws technologically charged mechanical animals
AI Painting: StableDiffusion draws technologically charged mechanical animals
AI Painting: StableDiffusion draws technologically charged mechanical animals
AI Painting: StableDiffusion draws technologically charged mechanical animals
AI Painting: StableDiffusion draws technologically charged mechanical animals
AI Painting: StableDiffusion draws technologically charged mechanical animals
AI Painting: StableDiffusion draws technologically charged mechanical animals
AI Painting: StableDiffusion draws technologically charged mechanical animals
AI Painting: StableDiffusion draws technologically charged mechanical animals
AI Painting: StableDiffusion draws technologically charged mechanical animals
AI Painting: StableDiffusion draws technologically charged mechanical animals
AI Painting: StableDiffusion draws technologically charged mechanical animals
AI Painting: StableDiffusion draws technologically charged mechanical animals
AI Painting: StableDiffusion draws technologically charged mechanical animals
AI Painting: StableDiffusion draws technologically charged mechanical animals
AI Painting: StableDiffusion draws technologically charged mechanical animals
AI Painting: StableDiffusion draws technologically charged mechanical animals

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