
Don't emo, 95% of the time...

author:Zhiyuan Juku, Japan

Magnetism – one of the most troublesome steps for students studying in Japan.

A set of magnetic letters may obtain important information such as the professor's enrollment intentions, the status of the research laboratory, and even the revision of the research plan, so that the probability of landing will increase significantly, but at the same time, the set of magnetic letters may also sink into the sea and not be replied to for a long time.

So, what is the reason why the professor does not reply to the email? Is there any way to improve the transmission efficiency of the set of magnetic letters? Today, let Xiaoyuan take you to understand the underlying logic of the professor's non-reply to the email, and do these points, so that the email can be replied to by the rate up!

Don't emo, 95% of the time...


Professors don't reply to emails? Remember to check these

1. Send a magnetic email as soon as possible

Every year, during the application season, professors receive a large number of student emails, and there may even be cases where the mailbox is full and no new emails can be sent in. The best way to deal with it is to try to put the magnet in advance, and it is very appropriate to send it about 3 months before the vow.

2. Pay attention to the mail format and address

Since students may rarely have the need to send emails in China, and Japanese emails have a separate writing format, if the format is not right, professors may not read the emails carefully, so it is necessary to pay more attention.

Japanese mail is generally in accordance with the self-introduction, greetings, text, and finally add some more fixed polite words to unfold, it is best not to use QQ mailbox and other less formal mailboxes when sending emails, it is recommended to use Gmail, 163, 126 and other mailboxes.

3. Ask a senior you know to revise the contents

Different professors may have different priorities when recruiting students, so you can actually try to consult with seniors who are already in the professor's research room. If you can, it's best to ask your seniors to help you revise the specific content of the email, which may be more appetizing to the professor.

4. Send more emails

Sometimes the professor may not reply to the email because he did not see it, and he can send an email to remind the professor after 3 or 4 days after the email is not answered. In addition, the time of sending emails is also important, so try to send them between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. Japan time to be more likely to be seen.

5. Confirm the necessity and means of prior communication

If you do not receive a reply after several consecutive emails, it is necessary to recheck whether the application clearly states that you must contact the professor, or whether there is a prohibition on contacting the professor.

Some schools do not contact professors directly by email, but indirectly through the Academic Affairs Office, and after all the information is confirmed, the professor can consider changing the target professor without replying to the email.

6. Do not contact multiple professors from the same university and graduate school at the same time

Some students may choose to contact multiple professors at the same time in order to improve the success rate of magnetism, which is understandable, but if these professors know each other and find that they have received the same student's magnetism letter when they communicate with each other, these professors may not reply.

In this case, you can consider changing schools, contacting only one professor, or contacting professors from different schools to make a new attempt.

7. Clarify the demand for magnetism and refuse internal friction

Even if the professor does not reply to the message, as long as the requirements of the application do not indicate that the professor must be obtained, then it is possible to make a wish, and the magnetism is only a means of guarantee in advance, and success does not mean that it is necessarily qualified.

Students should remember not to be mentally exhausted and doubt themselves because the professor does not reply to emails, as long as the professional course is well prepared and the plan is well written, even if you do not contact in advance, there is a great possibility of qualification.


How do you write a magnetic letter? Remember to include these points

In addition to the above precautions, the content of the magnet itself is also very important. Some key information must be included in the email, as the professor may simply pass the email with incomplete information!

A qualified set of magnetic letters should contain at least the following:

Message header

Be concise and don't go into a long speech. Simple examples such as "20XX Annual Monk Admission Hope" are OK.

Recipient Information

Write the name of the university, the name of the graduate school, and the name of the professor at the beginning. For example, "XX University, XX Graduate School, XX Specialized Attack Mr. XX".

Greetings and self-introduction

Start with a simple greeting and then write down basic information such as your name, school, age, and current status, and you can bring a little reason for your aspirations.

Research Directions and Plans

Explain that you are very interested in the professor's research field, attach your own research content and research plan, this part should be paid special attention, it is best to go to the magnet after the completion of the research plan, so that the success rate is higher.

Specific reasons for aspirations

Explain the reasons and determination to follow the professor to do research, mainly emphasizing the fit of the research.

Personal performance

In addition to the research proposal, you can also submit information such as your language scores, undergraduate grades, awards and honors to the professor to highlight your abilities as much as possible.


At the end of the email, you can re-emphasize your determination and try to ask the professor for an interview or ask the professor what shortcomings of your research plan can be modified, and try to give the professor an opportunity to continue to communicate with you.

Attribution and contact information

After the body of the email, you should also add your signature, phone number, email address and other personal contact information to ensure that the professor can contact you again.

After this information is included, it is possible to output a qualified set of magnetic messages. It is important to note that if you are not confident in your Japanese expression, you can try to write in English, but try to use Japanese as much as possible, so that it is easier for the professor to read.

You can ask seniors to help you revise basic issues such as grammar to ensure that the content of the email is conveyed accurately.


Can't find the professor's email address? Remember these search options

Finally, and the question that students often ask, where can I get the professor's email address?

1️⃣ Direct access to the school's official website

The school's official website will have a brief introduction of each faculty member, and the email address of the professor will usually be attached by the way. For example, at the Graduate School of Economics of Kyushu University, you can find the faculty introduction page, and if you don't find an email address, click on the professor introduction page.

Don't emo, 95% of the time...

As you can see, after introducing the professor's affiliation, the email address information is given. To refer to this method, you can first look for the public information of the professor on the school's official website. Sometimes, there will be a centralized professor introduction in the application items, and the professor's email address will also be attached, so you can pay more attention to the official website for updates.

Don't emo, 95% of the time...

2️⃣ Other academic websites

If the official website of the school does not disclose the professor's email address, you can try to find it on authoritative academic websites such as Researchmap, KAKEN, and J-global. J-global, in particular, may have links to contact academics directly.

Don't emo, 95% of the time...

3️⃣ Professor's personal web page acquisition

The official website of some institutions does not publish the professor's email information, but it may post a link to the professor's personal homepage, and the professor's personal homepage will most likely publish the email address.

Don't emo, 95% of the time...
Don't emo, 95% of the time...

4️⃣ Indirect contact with school affairs

Some schools require students not to contact professors directly, but indirectly through academic affairs. You need to check the details on the school's official website or in the application form. In general, in this case, the school will open a special contact window, which may be more efficient than direct contact with individuals to a certain extent.

In addition to the above methods, it is also possible to ask the senior in the laboratory to get the professor's email address. However, since there is no contact information of the professor in various public channels, it is likely that the professor himself does not accept prior contact or does not want to be disturbed. Therefore, even if you get the professor's email address through private channels, it is still recommended that you do not contact it rashly.

That's all for today's graduate school email set professors. As mentioned above, the magnetism does not mean that it is qualified, the most important thing is everyone's professional ability and research ability, and laying a good foundation is the top priority of the examination! If you want to know more about the first-hand information of colleges and universities, please hurry up and go far away~