
The social work station of Xinglong Township, Gannan County, "helps people to help themselves" and cares for "one old and two young" intergenerational families

author:Northern Medium Flower

On April 16, social workers from the social work station in Xinglong Township, Gannan County, came to the home of Grandma Hu, a low-income household, to do the last service of the case service.

Grandma Hu is a 79-year-old old man living in a mud house in Shuanglong Village, Xinglong Township, Gannan County, with a 13-year-old granddaughter and a 12-year-old primary school student.

Through chatting with the elderly, the social workers learned that the child's father had died of illness before his grandson was born, and that the child's mother had lost contact with him soon after. There is also a daughter who is depressed and can't help herself, and now the two children are taken care of by Grandma Hu alone. After learning about the family's situation, the social workers often visited Grandma Hu, delivered necessary daily necessities to her, and provided some other help. After many home visits, the social workers gradually got closer to Grandma Hu's family, and Grandma Hu also opened up and talked about her worries: one is that she is getting older and worried that she will not be able to take care of her children in the future, and the other is that she has learning problems, she has no money to make up classes, and she can't tutor herself, and she is worried that her children will fall behind in learning.

According to Grandma Hu's needs, the social workers formulated the service content, service objectives and case service plan for Grandma Hu, and carried out case services for the family. The two children have no parents since they were young, but their grandmother takes good care of them, and the children are physically and mentally healthy and free from mental trauma. After learning about the child's learning situation, the social worker will find suitable volunteers to help the child with homework according to the child's learning progress. At the same time, it helps the elderly to organize their housework, improve the family environment, take care of the health of the elderly, chat with the elderly, and give more social support.

The social work station of Xinglong Township, Gannan County, "helps people to help themselves" and cares for "one old and two young" intergenerational families

Based on the service concept of "helping others to help themselves", according to the characteristics of children's biological age and adaptability, the social work station teaches housework not only to help families share responsibilities, but also to educate children about responsibility, organizational skills and time management, so that children can develop good living habits of neatness, orderliness and self-discipline. At the same time, we will tell some inspirational stories for children, set life examples, encourage children to be self-reliant, and improve family conditions with tenacious and unyielding spirit. After eight times of case service, the children's learning problems have been significantly improved with the help of volunteers, the holiday homework has been completed on time, and a good habit of finishing things today has been developed, and she has also learned to cook simple meals, which reduces the pressure of grandma's life, and Grandma Hu feels extremely happy and satisfied when she sees the changes and growth of the children.

The social work station of Xinglong Township, Gannan County, "helps people to help themselves" and cares for "one old and two young" intergenerational families
The social work station of Xinglong Township, Gannan County, "helps people to help themselves" and cares for "one old and two young" intergenerational families
The social work station of Xinglong Township, Gannan County, "helps people to help themselves" and cares for "one old and two young" intergenerational families

Through the early household visits, the social work station of Xinglong Township carefully understands the actual needs of the residents, understands the specific situation in all aspects, identifies the problems, warms the residents with true feelings, serves the residents with responsibility, and helps the residents with professional services. Using the three-in-one service model of "social work + psychological counseling + linking resources", focusing on "one old and one young key group", gradually accumulating work experience, visiting people in distress on a regular basis, seeing the needs of the residents, understanding the demands of the residents, and using professional skills to build a "connecting bridge" to connect the residents, solve practical difficulties, and lay a solid foundation for their future development.

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