
Multiple departments jointly carried out the special rectification action of "opening up the channel of life".

author:Dongsheng release

In order to deepen party building to lead urban and rural grassroots governance, improve the level of urban governance, and solidly promote the work of "creating a better environment and a happy life". Recently, the Dongsheng District Urban Management Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau, together with Park Street, the district police station, fire protection, public security and other departments, carried out special rectification actions against the blockage of fire passages in the community and the chaos of "flying line charging".

Multiple departments jointly carried out the special rectification action of "opening up the channel of life".
Multiple departments jointly carried out the special rectification action of "opening up the channel of life".

Law enforcement officers also joined forces with the staff of the community and other departments to carry out separate actions in accordance with their respective areas of responsibility, and carried out carpet management of the phenomenon of "flying wire" charging in the community, registered from house to house, and publicized "flying line charging" to residents face-to-face Urge residents to immediately rectify, remove illegal wires, persuade them to charge in the designated charging area of the community, and publicize the importance of cleaning up the clutter in the corridor to the residents, and persuade the residents who are unwilling to cooperate with the cleanup, and ask them to cooperate with the cleaning of the unit corridor and fire escape as soon as possible.

During the investigation, the law enforcement officers found that the existing flying wires hung down directly through the owner's window, and even entangled with the natural gas pipeline outside the building, and multiple wires were criss-crossed like spider webs.

Multiple departments jointly carried out the special rectification action of "opening up the channel of life".
Multiple departments jointly carried out the special rectification action of "opening up the channel of life".
Multiple departments jointly carried out the special rectification action of "opening up the channel of life".
Multiple departments jointly carried out the special rectification action of "opening up the channel of life".

In addition, the staff of various departments carried out a "warm-up" on the special rectification action, first of all, the property staff went to the building to touch and register, through the publicity board, the residents' WeChat to carry out safety knowledge publicity, inform residents to enjoy the common management and reasonable use of public areas at the same time, should perform the corresponding maintenance obligations, remind the majority of residents that it is strictly forbidden to walk in the building, stairwells, It is strictly forbidden to park electric vehicles and illegally charge the wires, and pile up private belongings in public areas, hindering the use of public areas by other owners, resulting in safety accidents to bear corresponding legal responsibility.

Multiple departments jointly carried out the special rectification action of "opening up the channel of life".
Multiple departments jointly carried out the special rectification action of "opening up the channel of life".
Multiple departments jointly carried out the special rectification action of "opening up the channel of life".

On the day of the event, the remediation action was understood and cooperated by the residents, and many residents took the initiative to take back the items they needed to their homes. There are also residents who propose that the community organize a barter transaction activity in the community, so that residents can exchange idle old things for useful old things, or donate them to people in need, such as children have grown up, and children's goods such as strollers at home can not only empty the corridor but also make the old things realize their due value, and the community staff recorded the suggestion.

Multiple departments jointly carried out the special rectification action of "opening up the channel of life".

In the next step, Dongsheng City Management will continue to carry out the rectification of the blockage of the fire passage in the community and the chaos of "flying line charging", and adopt the form of "online + offline" publicity to publicize the serious hazards of "flying line charging" to residents and improve the safety awareness of residents using electric vehicles. The joint community staff will register and label the items that need to be stored by the residents, and the property unit will arrange a warehouse for storage, and focus on the old furniture stored in the corridor, cartons and other sundries and garbage that encroach on the fire escape will be removed and removed for the untreated sundries in the corridor.

The development of this rectification action not only opened up the fire safety channel, purified the sanitary environment of the community, prevented and resolved safety risks from the source, fully protected the safety of people's lives and property, further enhanced the fire awareness of residents in the community, maintained the order of the corridors in the community, and further drove the residents to develop a good habit of consciously keeping the environment clean and orderly, and at the same time, opened a spiritual civilization channel, improved the happiness index and quality of life of the residents of the community, and actively created a clean, orderly, safe and comfortable living environment.

Source: Dongsheng Chengguan