
This dish is a treasure all over the body, but unfortunately it is treated as a weed! Eat more in the spring, and the dumplings are really fresh and tender

author:Big Mouth Chef

Reading guide: This dish is a treasure all over the body, but unfortunately it is treated as a weed! Eat more in spring, dumplings are really tender!

The spring breeze is blowing, and everything is recovering, which is a good time to try new things. In this season of flowers, there is an inconspicuous wild vegetable that has quietly become a new favorite on the table - shepherd's cabbage.

It is not amazing, but it is full of treasures, but unfortunately many people regard it as a weed and miss this spring delicacy. Today, let's walk into the world of shepherd's cabbage, explore its deliciousness and nutrition, and share a home-cooked recipe for shepherd's cabbage dumplings, so that you can taste the tender taste while also feeling the breath of spring.

This dish is a treasure all over the body, but unfortunately it is treated as a weed! Eat more in the spring, and the dumplings are really fresh and tender

Shepherd's cabbage, also known as grass guards, ground vegetables, and chicken grass, is a wild plant that grows in fields, roadsides, and courtyards. Its leaves are emerald green with serrated edges, and its flowers are small and delicate, white or yellowish in color.

Capsule's cabbage is not only delicious, but also nutritious, rich in vitamin C, carotene, calcium, iron and other nutrients, clearing heat and detoxifying, fire and dampness, hemostasis and eyesight. In spring, which is the season when it is easy to catch fire, eating more camellia can not only satisfy the enjoyment of the taste buds, but also reduce the fire.

There are various ways to eat shepherd's cabbage, which can be cold dressed, stir-fried, made into soup, or made into dumplings and buns. Today, we will introduce the method of home-cooked shepherd's cabbage dumplings.

This dish is a treasure all over the body, but unfortunately it is treated as a weed! Eat more in the spring, and the dumplings are really fresh and tender

Materials Required:

  1. Capsule: 500g (freshly picked, washed and drained)
  2. Ground pork: 300g (fat and lean, better taste)
  3. Dumpling wrappers: to taste (you can choose to make your own or buy ready-made)
  4. Minced green onion and ginger: to taste
  5. Seasoning: salt, light soy sauce, cooking wine, sesame oil, pepper
This dish is a treasure all over the body, but unfortunately it is treated as a weed! Eat more in the spring, and the dumplings are really fresh and tender


Step 1: Handle the shepherd's cabbage

  1. Blanch the washed shepherd's cabbage in boiling water to remove oxalic acid and ajerky flavor while maintaining the emerald green color of the shepherd's cabbage.
  2. Remove the blanched shepherd's cabbage, put it in cold water to cool, then drain and finely chop it.

Step 2: Prepare the filling

  1. Put the minced pork into a bowl, add minced green onion and ginger, salt, light soy sauce, cooking wine, pepper, stir well and marinate for 10 minutes to let the minced meat fully absorb the flavor.
  2. Add the chopped shepherd's cabbage to the marinated meat filling, then pour in a little sesame oil, and gently stir well to make a dumpling filling.

Step 3: Make dumplings

  1. Take a dumpling wrapper, add the appropriate amount of filling, and wrap the dumplings in the shape you like. You can opt for a traditional half-moon shape, or try other creative shapes.
  2. Place the wrapped dumplings neatly on the plate, taking care to keep them spaced apart and avoid sticking.
This dish is a treasure all over the body, but unfortunately it is treated as a weed! Eat more in the spring, and the dumplings are really fresh and tender

Step 4: Cook the dumplings

  1. Add plenty of water to a pot and bring to a boil over high heat.
  2. Place the wrapped dumplings into the pot one by one and gently push with a spatula to prevent sticking.
  3. Once all the dumplings are floating, continue to cook for 3-5 minutes to make sure the dumplings are cooked through.
  4. Remove the dumplings with a colander, drain and place on a plate.

Step 5: Enjoy

  1. Depending on your personal taste, you can make a bowl of hot and sour soup or clear soup as a dipping sauce.
  2. Pick up a dumpling and take a bite gently, the fresh and tender shepherd's cabbage and the aroma of pork are intertwined, and the mouth is full of fragrant.

This home-style shepherd's vegetable dumpling is not only easy to learn, but also nutritious and delicious. On a spring afternoon, the sun shines through the window on the dining table, and the family sits together, tasting hand-wrapped dumplings and enjoying the good times of spring.

This dish is a treasure all over the body, but unfortunately it is treated as a weed! Eat more in the spring, and the dumplings are really fresh and tender

In addition to making dumplings, shepherd's cabbage can also be used to make scrambled eggs with shepherd's cabbage, shepherd's cabbage tofu soup and other delicacies. Each method can fully bring out the unique flavor and nutritional value of shepherd's cabbage. This spring, you might as well try some cooking methods of shepherd's cabbage to let your taste buds enjoy the freshness and freshness of spring.

Of course, while we taste the deliciousness of shepherd's cabbage, we should also pay attention to eating it in moderation. Although shepherd's cabbage is highly nutritious, excessive consumption may also cause some adverse effects. Especially for people who are prone to fire, excessive consumption of shepherd's cabbage may worsen symptoms. Therefore, while enjoying food, we should also pay attention to our physical condition, eat a reasonable diet, and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

This dish is a treasure all over the body, but unfortunately it is treated as a weed! Eat more in the spring, and the dumplings are really fresh and tender

In short, shepherd's cabbage, which seems to be an ordinary wild vegetable, is actually a treasure all over the body. This spring, you might as well try some cooking methods of shepherd's cabbage to let your taste buds enjoy the freshness and freshness of spring. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to moderate consumption and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Let's walk into the world of shepherd's cabbage together, feel the beauty and vitality of spring, and if you meet this wild vegetable in the countryside, don't miss it!

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