
The doctor reminded: 4 kinds of green vegetables for high blood pressure should be eaten less, be careful to let blood pressure rise, and pay attention if you like

author:39 HealthNet

The news that "the hypertension vaccine will be available this year" caused quite a stir on the Internet as soon as it was released.

Many fans privately messaged Xiao Jiu the day after tomorrow and asked, "Is there really a vaccine for high blood pressure? Is it useful? Is it worth it?"

Many people think that the hypertension vaccine is like other vaccines, it has a special disease prevention effect, and even patients no longer need to take medicine to control it, but is this really the case?

The doctor reminded: 4 kinds of green vegetables for high blood pressure should be eaten less, be careful to let blood pressure rise, and pay attention if you like

1. Is the hypertension vaccine that can be stopped with one shot coming?

Cardiovascular disease has always been a threat to human health that cannot be ignored, among which hypertension is the most common, there are 245 million hypertension patients among adult citizens in the mainland, that is to say, there is one hypertension patient in every 5~6 people. At present, the most effective intervention for hypertension is oral antihypertensive drugs.

The pathogenesis of hypertension is not fully understood, but it can only be determined that the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) is abnormal, which will cause an increase in blood pressure and even cause damage to target organs such as the heart, brain and kidneys.

The hypertension vaccine is born on the basis of blocking the abnormal activation of the RAAS system, and scientists take the RAAS system as one of the targets to achieve the purpose of treatment.

The doctor reminded: 4 kinds of green vegetables for high blood pressure should be eaten less, be careful to let blood pressure rise, and pay attention if you like

But this hypertension vaccine is still in clinical trials, and there is still a long time before it is launched, so you don't need to rejoice too soon.

Fang Hong, chief physician of the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine of Shanghai Tongji Hospital, also reminded that there is no need to over-deify the hypertension vaccine. As a therapeutic vaccine, it only has the effect of treating hypertension, but cannot prevent hypertension, and there is no effect of "one shot cure", because the antibody titer has a decline period, and it takes 1~3 months to strengthen immunization once, and it cannot be "one shot forever".

For patients with high blood pressure, taking antihypertensive drugs and making lifestyle changes are still the main treatment measures. For some people who think that they can't stop being addicted if they take high blood pressure drugs, they are actually confusing the cause and effect relationship, not because they can't stop after taking blood pressure drugs, but because blood pressure cannot be cured and can only be controlled by drugs for a long time.

The doctor reminded: 4 kinds of green vegetables for high blood pressure should be eaten less, be careful to let blood pressure rise, and pay attention if you like

2. 4 kinds of green vegetables for patients with high blood pressure should eat less and be careful of rising blood pressure

In addition to antihypertensive drugs, if you want to control your blood pressure well, you must start by improving your daily habits, especially dietary adjustment. Many people think that eating green vegetables can control blood pressure, but in fact, not all green vegetables are suitable for people with high blood pressure to eat in large quantities.

1. Chili peppers

Chili peppers are also not suitable for people with high blood pressure, because excessive intake of chili peppers can also stimulate blood circulation, coupled with the tension of the nerves, which may lead to a rapid increase in blood pressure.

The doctor reminded: 4 kinds of green vegetables for high blood pressure should be eaten less, be careful to let blood pressure rise, and pay attention if you like

2. Milk cabbage

Milk cabbage is low in calories, rich in vitamins and protein, although it is a highly nutritious vegetable, but it is not suitable for people with high blood pressure, because the sodium content of milk cabbage is very high, and excessive intake can also cause abnormal blood pressure.


The sodium content in chrysanthemum is also abundant, and for patients with high blood pressure, special attention should be paid to controlling the amount when eating.

4. Fennel

Fennel is also a typical high-sodium vegetable, and for people with high blood pressure, excessive intake can also lead to an abnormal increase in blood pressure.

The doctor reminded: 4 kinds of green vegetables for high blood pressure should be eaten less, be careful to let blood pressure rise, and pay attention if you like

3. If your blood pressure is high, why should you control your "heart rate" first?

Nowadays, more and more studies have shown that abnormal heart rate can also affect the development of hypertension and adverse cardiovascular events.

We all know that when the sympathetic nerve is excited, the function of related organs and glands will also be abnormal, mainly manifested as tachycardia, abnormal increase in heart rate, continuous constriction of blood vessels, and increased blood pressure. For example, the type of hypertension with pure diastolic blood pressure is caused by abnormal sympathetic nervous system excitation.

Normally, the heart rate range is 60~70 beats/min, and once the heart rate > 80 beats/min, it must be controlled. Experts suggest that it is best for patients with high blood pressure to control their heart rate below 70 beats/min, and if they are accompanied by cardiovascular diseases such as coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction, it is best to control the heart rate at 55~60 beats/min.

The doctor reminded: 4 kinds of green vegetables for high blood pressure should be eaten less, be careful to let blood pressure rise, and pay attention if you like

Since heart rate stabilization is so important, how to stabilize it on a daily basis?

1. Ensure regular work and rest

For example, staying up late often and lack of sleep will also increase the burden on heart function, and the heart cannot be repaired at night, which will lead to a decline in heart function and abnormal heart rate in the long run.

2. Keep exercising

Regular exercise can also increase the contractility of the heart muscle, promote the normal operation of blood circulation, and achieve the effect of caring for the heart, when the heart is healthier, the heart rate will become normal.

3. Control your emotions

Mood swings are also an important factor affecting heart function, especially too many negative emotions, frequent excitement and tension will also increase the burden on the heart and cause abnormal heart rate. It is best to learn to stabilize your emotional problems, release bad emotions, and relieve heart pressure.

The doctor reminded: 4 kinds of green vegetables for high blood pressure should be eaten less, be careful to let blood pressure rise, and pay attention if you like

Therefore, you can start from the above 3 aspects in daily life, by improving the details of life, avoid the heart rate burden caused by bad living habits, patients with blood pressure problems should pay more attention to heart rate control, if the life intervention is not ideal, it is best to seek help from professional doctors in time, and seek medical treatment in time to solve it.


[1] "The hypertension vaccine of "no need to take medicine after one injection" is coming?", China News Weekly.2022-01-09.

[2] "Hypertension Vaccine is Coming!Do You Want to Follow the Blood Pressure Medication Byebye?", Journal of Popular Health.2019-08-16.

[3] "[Vaccination] finally lined up to come in, but the doctor said that my blood pressure was too high to be vaccinated. Chengdu Xindu District People's Hospital.2021-06-03.

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