
What kind of signal does the British song and dance, the wandering gods, and the social fire become popular?

author:Xie Xiaowen
What kind of signal does the British song and dance, the wandering gods, and the social fire become popular?

In the past two years, British singing and dancing have become increasingly popular, and they have also spread all over the world, with far-reaching influence, and are known as "Chinese War Dance" and "Chinese Street Dance".

Ying song and dance is one of the Han dance forms, now popular in Chaoshan area of Guangdong and Zhangzhou of Fujian and other regions, is a kind of folk square dance that combines local arts such as martial arts and drama of the southern school, with rough and powerful movements, bright and warm rhythm, fully demonstrating the hard-working, brave and optimistic spirit of the Chinese.

Since the beginning of this year, the popularity of British singing and dancing has become even worse, although it is not the hottest time, but it is still hot.

Recently, a 5-year-old girl named Zhuang Enqi in Shantou, Guangdong Province met the parade performance of the local English song team.

When the British song and dance are jubilant, the activities of the wandering gods are not inferior and extremely popular.

What kind of signal does the British song and dance, the wandering gods, and the social fire become popular?

Youshen, also known as "welcoming the gods", refers to the traditional folk activities that imitate the parade of the gods, which are mainly popular in the southeast coastal area, with Fujian and Guangdong being the most prosperous. When people go to the temple to invite the statue of the god into the shrine, and then carry it out of the temple to accept the people's incense worship, implying that the gods descend on the people, inspect the township, and bless the whole territory with peace.

Nowadays, more and more young people are carrying the statue of the god "Wandering God" to inherit this folk custom. The hottest boy group during this year's Spring Festival is Fujian's "Shizi Tiantuan", and even the central media can't help but call for it.

At the same time that the folk customs in the south are hot, the social fire in the north is also extremely popular, and the social fire in various places is out of the circle.

In the social fire performance, people play various roles and perform songs and dances, acrobatics, operas, and other performances. The performances of Shehuo are rich and colorful, such as stepping on stilts, playing lions, twisting Yangge, running dry boats, iron cores, playing iron flowers, playing waist drums, riding bamboo horses, etc. The performance is not only ornamental, but also participatory and interactive, allowing people to feel the atmosphere of the festival and the unity of the nation in a joyful atmosphere.

What kind of signal does the British song and dance, the wandering gods, and the social fire become popular?

This year, especially in Gansu Lanzhou Yongdeng Niu Station, the social fire became popular on the whole network, drunk Guan Gong "Xiao Linzi" wearing a golden dragon robe, holding a nine-pound big knife, stepping on two-meter-two stilts, "mouth blowing wine bottle body does not fall, stride meteor long knife", become the Internet hotspot of the entire Spring Festival, pushing the Chinese Year of the Dragon to a new height of national carnival.

Folk customs such as English singing and dancing, wandering gods, and social fire have become popular, and people today show the inheritance of ancient cultural customs and incomparable self-confidence, which is deeply gratifying.

Once upon a time, whether it was English singing and dancing, or wandering gods, social fire, and other more folk cultural activities, they were defined as the products of "feudal superstition".

In the past, when talking about these, they were often labelled as "feudal superstition" and "feudal dross". However, an interesting phenomenon is that the Western entry into China for Halloween, Christmas Eve, Christmas, Christmas Eve, and other events has always been prevalent under the cloak of legality. Why are they not "superstitions" and why are they not "dross"? They still seem so high-end and high-grade in the minds of many people.

What kind of signal does the British song and dance, the wandering gods, and the social fire become popular?

Fortunately, in the past few decades, China's economic and social development has continued to increase, the self-confidence of a major country has been continuously enhanced, and the Chinese people's perception of traditional folk customs has undergone great changes. People's love for folk culture and intangible cultural heritage such as English singing and dancing, wandering gods, and social fire has been revived, especially young people are widely keen to participate in such "feudal superstition" activities.

Participating in these activities is not only people's reverence and prayer for the gods, but also the inheritance and display of traditional culture and local feelings. This is a great progress of the times, a rare return to the soul.

This shows that people's attention and love for traditional culture are increasing day by day, and they are eager to find a sense of identity and cultural belonging from folklore.

It is expected that Chinese folk culture will regain its vitality and brilliance with its rich connotation, unique charm and profound historical heritage.

It is the eternal cultural memory of a nation.

Xie Xiaowen: Strategic scholar. He mainly commented on current politics, business, railways, and culture. WeChat public account: zgmjply (commentator Xie Xiaowen)